Caverns of Thracia

Soul For the Ocean Dark – PDF


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Isolated in an ocean of eternal night, a lighthouse’s divine light protects people eking out a living against the ever-encroaching chaos. One day a thunderous howl echoes across the land.

A flicker… a shudder. Then…darkness.

Even torches threaten to burn out as the creatures of the black Void crawl out to consume all they can catch.

Can you relight the beacon of salvation before all you know and love is devoured by the crawling dark?

Soul for the Ocean Dark is a 0-level funnel adventure designed for Dungeon Crawl Classics and includes conversions for 5E SRD. It is the story of an impossible call to adventure with the highest of stakes: save a world interrupted, or face certain doom

Published by: The Keep Studios

Written by: Fransisco Duarte
Cover Art and Cartography by: Alena Lane
Interior Art by: Lonny Chant