Weird Frontiers Adventure: Dig Three Graves – Print + PDF


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A Level 3 Adventure By Harley Stroh For The Weird Frontiers RPG

An open-world investigation set in the weird west of the Weird Frontiers roleplaying game. Dig Three Graves pits the characters against impossible odds and a secret society ripped from actual history. To triumph, the characters will have to rely on far more than just a fast draw or lucky incantation. For when the hoofbeats thunder and the skies darken, it’s long past time to sort the quick from the dead.

Suitable for characters of 2nd to 3rd level.

Publisher: Stiff Whiskers Press

Written by: Harley Stroh
Art by: Steve Kane, Marcin S., Christopher Torres, and Davin Kluttz
Additional Contributors: Gilbert Isla

softcover + PDF format

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Weight 0.1 kg

Author: pandabrett

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