MCC #12: When Manimals Attack – Print + PDF


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A Level 2 Adventure for MCC RPG!

The rescue of a feral manimal child leads to an amazing discovery – she hails from the fabled lands of Zuu itself! But when manimal enforcers attack your village and retrieve the child, your Seeker team must locate the legendary city to rescue her. However, the savage bestial madman who rules there has designs to convert all Terrans into his submissive subjects. Only by leading a manimal revolution can the Seekers hope to stop him!

Featuring cover art by legendary fantasy artist Ken Kelly!


Check out a free PDF Preview of MCC #12: When Manimals Attack!

Rules Set: MCC RPG

Writer: Tim Snider 
Cover art: Ken Kelly

softcover + PDF format

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Weight 0.1 kg

Author: admin

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