Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Outsiders68 »

Some important news please find attached the new perks.

This should clarify things.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and we look forward to your support.

Dragon's Hoard Publishing proudly presents

"The Unusual Suspects" - A sourcebook of patrons
Here at Dragon's Hoard Publishing we love Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and all that it stands for.
Dungeon Crawl Classics takes tabletop roleplaying back to its roots.  It focuses on (but is certainly not limited to!) traditional dungeon crawl adventures.  Its unique core system of rules allow for a breath of fresh air and flexibility in a crowded market.  We believe that what Goodman Games has achieved, in term's of presentation, writing, and art work, is take you into the worlds discribed by the authors listed in Appendix N, the influential writing described by Gary Gygax in the AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide.
Our goal with "The Unusual Suspects" is to expand upon this amazing product by focusing on a unique concept from the DCC RPG - patron magic - and expanding it. 
"The Unusual Suspects" is a perfect bound softcover supplement book detailing a host of new patrons for use in the DCC RPG.  In terms of patrons, expect our work to show the influences of Gardner Fox, A. Merritt, Leigh Brackett, Michael Moorcock, Robert E. Howard, and H.P. Lovecraft to name a few.  "The Unusual Suspects" will be a 32-page, high quality product featuring brand new artwork.  It will utilize the Open Game License and the Dungeon Crawl Classics compatability license to ensure full compatability to the Dungeon Crawl Classic rules set.
Because this project is still in development, and because we want to make this supplement really worth your time, Dragon's Hoard publishing is proud to announce a number of stretch goals to "The Unusual Suspects".  For every additional goal we meet, after our initial goal, we will add an additional sixteen pages of patrons until the book reaches a staggering 96 pages, with a final 4 pages dedicated to our brand new magic items section!
If that isn't enough to pique your interest, we will also be providing free shipping anywhere in the world.

Everybody will receive now recieve the 96 page book if we hit our initial goal in one capacity or another.

Below we have outlined what we are hoping to achieve with this project at each stretch goal

 Goal #1 - Our primary goal is to reach $2,000. If successful, Everybody will receive receive The full book either as a PDF or book or both depending at what amount you contribute.
Goal #2 - The first of our stretch goals is $4,000.If we reach this you will receive my module the tomb of curses so that means everyone who contributes $20 receives it and if you were already going to get it yours will be a delux version with unique art and signed by Sean.
Goal #3 - Should we raise $6,000 if we hit this you will receive Sean's second module "The snow witch of the melstarian mountains" she must be defeated and your just the people to try again.Everyone who contributes $20 or more will receive it.
Goal #4 - If we reach $8,000 if we hit this you will receive a bonus 3 panel screen so that means anyone who contributes $25 or more will receive this if you were already going to receive this yours will be upgraded to a four panel screen.
Goal #5 - At $10,000 offer if we reach this recieve a game box with unique art from Scott Ackerman.So that's everyone who contributes $35 or more. If you were already going to receive this yours comes with some unique signed art from Scott.
Goal #6 - Our final stretch goal is $12,000 and should we reach it will be a mystery addition to The Unusual Suspects.   Which is a special gift to all of those who donated to the project no matter the amount!


So what do you get? Our goal with the perks for "the Unusual Suspects" is to provide a variety of great options for you the contributor. Every perk has a variety of items you will receive upon the completion of this project as well as being very affordable no matter what perk you select. Our perks range from $1 to $100 and even provide a sneak peek at some of the upcoming patrons that will be displayed in "the Unusual Suspects". Lets take a closer look:
$1 - Radu, King of the Rabbits
It is easy to underestimate Radu, King of the Rabbits.  Those who invoke him as a patron hope to share his speed, his alertness, and moreover his cunning.  
$1 Recieve a poster of the unusual suspects with our thanks.
$10 - Enzazza, Queen of the Hive
Where bees, wasps, and their kin gather, so too can the golden voice of Enzazza be heard.  The Great Matriarch, Enzazza views males as worth little, save for mating, but values her female workers well.  Beware the sting of her swarms!
$10 PDF + poster + bonus goal one if reached
$20 - Umwansh, Father of the Wave
The great water elemental Umwansh has servants who gird the oceans round.  He can bring storms against vessels far at sea, or see them safely ashore.  He is also the Lord of Many Treasures, who has the pick of those things which have sunken in the sea from a thousand ships and a hundred drowned lands.
$20 perfect bound book + PDF + poster and PDF of  The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop and bonus goal one & two if reached with our thanks.
$25 - Lavarial, Angel of the Temple
Beautiful and fierce, the Angel of the Temple seeks to protect travellers in night-haunted lands, and to overthrow the crawling legions of Chaos.  Will you support her?  Her demands are not easy, but her aid is not to be scoffed at either.
$25 perfect bound book + PDF + poster and module The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop and bonus goal one two and three if reached with our thanks.
$30 - Yan Oshoth, Revered Ancestor
From among your ancestors, the spirit of Yan Oshoth reaches across time and space to bring glory to your family name!  He will grant you guidance, wisdom, and knowledge.  In your direst need, he may even grant you his warrior's arm.
$30 perfect bound book + PDF + poster and module The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop and bonus goal one two and three  if reached plus name a patron using an anagram of your name and your actual name in the credit's.
$35 - Ptah-Ungurath, the Opener of the Way
He has been known by many names, and always he has heralded the approach of Chaos.  Some call him the Seeing Face.  Some call him the Black Goat.  Others yet call him Father and Mother of Monsters.  Perhaps it is better to have Ptah-Ungurath on your side than on the side of your enemies.
$35 perfect bound book + PDF+ poster  and module The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop And bonus goal one two three and four if reached plus you help design a patron with us and name it and your actual name in the credit's.
$40 - Logos, the Perfect Form
A creature of living metal from a far world, in turns intrigued and disgusted by organic life, Logos seeks to bring perfect geometrical Law wherever his influence is felt.  His Shapes may be of aid to those he favours, but few who fall within the ambit of the Perfect Form remain fully human themselves.
$40 perfect bound book + PDF + poster plus bonus dragons hoard t - shirt plus the module  The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop plus bonus goals 2,3,4,5 if reached.
$45 - Set-Utekh, the Destroyer

Although bound, the dark god Set-Utekh still seeks to free Himself and bring destruction upon the cosmos.  Should Set-Utekh ever be freed from other-worldy His prison, He will eat the life of stars and planets.  Until that time, though, He offers much power to those who would do His dark bidding, and would gamble against the chance that some minor task their patron sets will release the Destroyer.
$45 perfect bound book + special dm's screen + poster + t-shirt and the module The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop plus all stretch goals.
$50 - Mab, Dark Queen of Faerie
She brings dreams dark and delightful, which make men mad.  She rides the dark nights in the autumn of the year, the Hosts of the Slaugh her retainers. Slighted, she curses new-born children.  On a whim, she plucks babes from their cribs to devour, or lays with young men who arise withered and old.  Yet the Dark Queen of Faerie can be a friend to those who know their place, and who are willing to pay her awful price.
$50 perfect bound book + signed + special dm's screen + bonus magic item section, detailing 16 new item's + poster + t - shirt and the module  The Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop plus all stretch goals.
$75 - Mulmo, He Who Whispers Forgotten Secrets
This tentacled mas of ever-shifting form dwells in shadows and dark spaces deep beneath the ground.  It is said that Mulmo knows every secret that has ever been forgotten.  It is said that Mulmo hears every word whispered on love's pillow, every curse screamed in defiance, rage, or hatred.  To see Mulmo is to be driven mad.  To hear Mulmo's rasping whispers is to know much...and, perhaps, also to be driven mad.
$75  everything mentioned above + game box with unique art by Scott Ackerman plus all stretch goals + magic item section.
$100 - Pesh Joomang, the Gate and the Keeper
In the Lands of the Sau, long ago, dwelt the sages Yaggyx and Sarnon, who distilled the visions of a slew of prior wizards and scribes into several great tomes of lore and magic.  But, as time passed, Tarot Wizards wrested the tomes from the great sages.  What Yaggyx and Sarnon had wrought was distorted and lost.  Indeed, there were some who felt that the Old Magic had never truly existed, and that tales of a long-lost Golden Age were but illusions of memory.
It was Pesh Joomang who tracked back through the works of the great sages,  discovering the pandects of the scribes who came before Yaggyx and Sarnon, and so renewed the fires of the Old Magic.  Pesh Joomang is both the Keeper of, and the Gate to, the Old Magic.  Some claim that he is the greatest patron of them all.
$100 everything above plus all stretch goals + my own module signed and shrink wrapped "the tomb of curses" coming out this year published by dragon  hoard  publishing + bonus patron "Pesh Joomang" the greatest patron of them all not included anywhere else.
 Other Ways You Can Help
Can't contribute right now, but still want to see "The Unusual Suspects" succeed? Then please tell your friends about the project, jump onto your favorite RPG forum board, social media site, or head down to your local gaming store and send them our way.
Thank you for taking the time to read this campaign and for your support in "the Unusual Suspects" project. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and remember that even if you are unable to contribute monetarily spread the word to your friends the social grapevine is the fastest way to spread information to the community.
Last edited by Outsiders68 on Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Crimsontree »

I'm really put off by the amount of typos in your post & on your Indiegogo page. Sloppy editing is a major no-no for me & I find the amount of mistakes in the pitch text to be a major stumbling block towards contributing. Will this book be thoroughly edited & proofread?
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by ShaggyCan »

I just copied and pasted the huge post above in word and spell checked it. It only caught the crazy parton names and stuff like dm. Typos?
plus typos ARE very oldschool remember they didn't have spell check in the 80s and this is DCC. :P
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by mindshadow2k »

I think you may still have a few misleading items in your reward levels on the right hand side versus the ones listed in the text.

For instance:

On the right for the $30 perk it states
Patron of Yan Oshoth
Perfect bound book + PDF + poster and The Revelation of Mulmo module by Daniel Bishop and bonus goal 2,3 & 4 if reached plus name a patron using an anagram of your name and your actual name in the credit's.

But in your text it states:
Goal #4 - If we reach $8,000 if we hit this you will receive a bonus 3 panel screen so that means anyone who contributes $35 or more will receive this if you were already going to receive this yours will be upgraded to a four panel screen
On the right for the $35 perk it states
Patron of Ptah-Ungurath
Perfect bound book + PDF+ poster And The module Revelation of Mulmo by Daniel Bishop bonus goal 2,3,4 & 5 if reached plus you help design a patron with us and name it and your actual name in the credit's.
But your test states:
Goal #5 - At $10,000 offer if we reach this recieve a game box with unique art from Scott Ackerman.So that's everyone who contributes $40 or more. If you were already going to receive this yours comes with some unique signed art from Scott.
Hopefully this helps in ironing out some of the oddities. I too am waiting for some of this to get cleared up prior to really considering if I want to contribute.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Stainless »

Crimsontree wrote:I'm really put off by the amount of typos in your post & on your Indiegogo page. Sloppy editing is a major no-no for me & I find the amount of mistakes in the pitch text to be a major stumbling block towards contributing. Will this book be thoroughly edited & proofread?
+d30. The same thoughts went through my mind. If you are aspiring to be a publisher, you better clean up your act asap. But on that note, I'd be happy to help you proof read the final product(s).
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Outsiders68 »

The issues above have now been ironed out.

So It's safe to say normal service will now be resumed.

Also we will act on any further feedback we receive from forum boards as quickly as we can.

As the lead developer the mistakes are mine the work the team are doing is as I'm sure you will agree is exceptional.

Also i would like to add that we have experienced some major problems with the indigogo interface after launch however do not let these small things get in the way of a great set of products.

Kind regards


Also stainless if you get in touch with me I will happily except another pair of eyes
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by glendy »

a nibble of the map inside. im doing some of the art on this one so if you like this style there will be alot more inside!

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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Thank you for pointing out errors, and helping us make sure things are as clear as possible.

This is a project that I feel strongly about, and I will be doing a very thorough editing job on the final product. Apart from the patrons list and their descriptions, the indiegogo site did not receive the same thorough editing. As Sean said, an extra set of eyes is definitely welcome! It is our goal to make this a "must have" product that you are still using as long as you are playing DCC. And, if you are like me, you are looking at decades of play to come!
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by RevTurkey »

Hi :D

Don't know if this is an issue but Frog God Games have a product with the same name..
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

RevTurkey wrote:Hi :D

Don't know if this is an issue but Frog God Games have a product with the same name..
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

I don't think that causes a problem, unless there is reason to believe that we are attempting to fool the consumer into misidentifying the product, so that they purchase ours when they wish to purchase Frog God's. We certainly have no intent of being anything but explicit as to what our product is.

I am not a lawyer, however. (Also, thankfully, this is an "up the chain" decision from me!)

I can say that the selling point of our project is the content, not the title, so if there is a problem, it will certainly not affect the quality of the final product. Nor will it affect the substance of what our Indiegogo supporters will gain. I would be just as happy to call the book "Sponsors of Sorcery: A Guide to Patrons Great and Small". The content is the important thing. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but if it was called a blinkenpop we'd not be making poetry about them!

SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by reverenddak »

I do have to say that the name is pretty important. Considering that the two products are RPG products so they'll likely be found in the same markets. Although I'm sure they'll be marketed as distinctly different products, NPCs for Pathfinder vs Patrons for DCC RPG, someone is likely to buy the wrong product in haste, i.e. my girlfriend almost bought me the wrong board game on my birthday, I was lucky that the guy behind the counter was familiar with both products (actually a series) and steered her the right way. People buying online might not get the same service.

And, to be honest, I don't think Unusual Suspects "says" Patrons for DCC RPG as well as it "says" NPCs for a FRPG. Unusual suspects makes me think of folks that no one would "think of", not supernatural powers that influence the world. But I'm not as well read, so I could be wrong. 1d3 cents.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Outsiders68 »

I will consider your suggestions and we will make a change.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Thanks for taking the point on this, Sean.

Some other possible titles:

"Unnatural Agencies: A Patron Sourcebook for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG"?

"At Their Bidding: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?

"Bazaar of the Benefactors: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?

"Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by mindshadow2k »

I do want to say it is very positive to see you all working with the public and taking the criticism/feedback as well as you are! It really speaks to your intent and character and is really appreciated. I am going to really have to go against my normal grains and push some money to paypal so that I can participate when I get the opportunity!

I see this all over the place with all of the 3rd party publishers for DCC. It is really a wonderful thing for the game community in that in some little way (sometimes more) we all get to help one another out!
Last edited by mindshadow2k on Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by jozxyqk »

Raven_Crowking wrote:Thanks for taking the point on this, Sean.

Some other possible titles:

"Unnatural Agencies: A Patron Sourcebook for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG"?

"At Their Bidding: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?

"Bazaar of the Benefactors: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?

"Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"?
I like "Bazaar of the Benefactors" best of the above.

Might I also suggest:

"The Bond: A Patron Sourcebook for DCC RPG"
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by RevTurkey »

Patrons & ........?
Bonds & Benefactors?
In the good tradition of Deities & Demigods or Legends & Lore etc
Powers & Patrons?
Perils & Powers & Patrons & ....Pineapples?
Patrons & Demigods? (could you do that legally even?)

The Patron Field Guide?
You might have the good patron/bad patron flip book with neutrals in landscape in the middle?
Ooh..or 3 saddle stitched booklets...good patrons, bad patrons and neutral patrons. In a box?
The Book of Law, The Book of Chaos, The Book of the ? Neutral?

Mohag the Wanderer's guide to finding the right Patron?
(Mohag being my first ever character ... But you get the idea)

I dunno. That's my 10 seconds worth of thought, I am sure you can all do better :D
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by sheriffharry »

What would be nice would be an evocative title that clearly denotes "the" difference between a "Patron" and a "God/Demon".
I don't like the two being somewhat mixed-up in the actual rules... (Bobugbubilz..)
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by bitflipr »

sheriffharry wrote:What would be nice would be an evocative title that clearly denotes "the" difference between a "Patron" and a "God/Demon".
I don't like the two being somewhat mixed-up in the actual rules... (Bobugbubilz..)
How about "Friends with Benefits"?
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

mindshadow2k wrote:I do want to see it is very positive to see you all working with the public and taking the criticism/feedback as well as you are!
The overwhelming goal is to produce the best product possible. The comments we've received help us to do that. It's really as simple as that!

I was working on my own game system for a long time prior to this. Why? Because I had come to the conclusion that no one else was ever going to write a game that satisfied my particular itch. I've now abandoned working on my own game. Why? Because Joseph Goodman not only proved me wrong, but he did it better than what I was doing.

Now I get to focus on campaign building materials, flavour, and adventures. And I want, insofar as I am able, to make these achieve the quality of the DCC rules themselves. Why? Because Goodman Games proved that wonderful things can happen. I want to be a part of those wonderful things. Looking at the GG adventures, and all the support materials that have been released so far (adventures and Crawl!), as well as the preview material I've been lucky enough to work with (Transylvanian Adventures), I have to say that this is a system that inspires greatness. I want to come as close as I am able to the ideal set by these other folks.

So, yeah, I'll take any help I can get to achieve that end.

IMHO, our critics are our allies. They are the people who tell us where we need to improve.

SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

bitflipr wrote:
sheriffharry wrote:What would be nice would be an evocative title that clearly denotes "the" difference between a "Patron" and a "God/Demon".
I don't like the two being somewhat mixed-up in the actual rules... (Bobugbubilz..)
How about "Friends with Benefits"?
I asked my partner if I could work on making "Friends with Benefits", but she was less enthusiastic than I had hoped. :(


@sheriffharry: In the Appendix N literature, there are several patrons who are clearly also gods and/or demons. I actually think that the game, as written, pretty well nails this one. YMMV, of course, and you should naturally modify things to suit your own tastes. I can tell you this, though: I am writing several patrons who are definitely neither gods or demons for the book as well. The patron descriptions used for contributor levels on the Indiegogo site are all from patrons I am developing for the book.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by sheriffharry »

Talking of Patrons and literature. There were talk of using Lovecraft's and Moorcock's fictional entities as patrons (and I suppose Leiber's as well..) is there any official word on that ???
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

sheriffharry wrote:Talking of Patrons and literature. There were talk of using Lovecraft's and Moorcock's fictional entities as patrons (and I suppose Leiber's as well..) is there any official word on that ???
There are legal limits on what can be used directly, but there are certainly clear homages to these entities in the materials I am writing.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by ragboy »

Raven_Crowking wrote: @sheriffharry: In the Appendix N literature, there are several patrons who are clearly also gods and/or demons. I actually think that the game, as written, pretty well nails this one. YMMV, of course, and you should naturally modify things to suit your own tastes. I can tell you this, though: I am writing several patrons who are definitely neither gods or demons for the book as well. The patron descriptions used for contributor levels on the Indiegogo site are all from patrons I am developing for the book.
And I've taken this a step further and developed a handful of "minor" patrons for the Patron book. These are entities that have a local and maybe regional influence, but that the wizard character becomes integral to the patron's plans for gaining more power and/or greater influence. I think there's a lot of room in the "patron" concept to explore everything from a ghost trapped in a specific locale to a deific patron (one that is simultaneously a god -- in the cleric sense, and a patron in the wizard sense).

Anyway. I'm excited about the project and to be working on something for this particular ruleset.
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Blood Axe »

How will contributor created Patrons be handled?
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Re: Patrons supplement Kickstarter live!

Post by Sebacore »

I'm in for $50. Very excited about this.
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