Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by sjblackmannz »

Hello; I'm in Auckland.

I've been playing RPGs since 1981 Basic and 2nd edition Call of Cthulhu; other games played around that period include AD&D, Gamma World, Boot Hill, Star Frontiers, Runequest, Ringworld, Elfquest, Tunnels & Trolls, Car Wars, Space 1889, and many others escaping me at the moment.

My current interests are DCC/MCC, OSR, 5E, Conan, John Carter, Savage Worlds (various), and a few others.

I backed the last two big GG Kickstarters and will continue to back future ones. My immediate future purchasing plans include the Purple Planet box and modules and the Chained Coffin HC whenever they start taking pre-orders.

I was already reading some Appendix N material (Tolkien and Moorcock, at minimum, plus comics adaptations of other material) before I started playing D&D back in the dimdark. I was soon reading Lovecraft and Leiber and a few others. I got into Vance a bit later, in undergrad.

I rediscovered and began to collect Appendix N around 2003 when in graduate school and working at a science fiction specialty bookstore. I am currently obsessed with Leigh Brackett, but I reread all of my favourites every few years. Leiber, Smith, Moorcock, etc., etc.

Main interests include Dying Earth and Zothique-esque settings, Burroughsian/Merritian (is that a word? it is now!) lost world/race, Burroughsian/Brackettian (ditto!) Planetary Romance, and Sword and Sorcery.

I am very much looking forward to the Empire of the East and Dying Earth settings, and to reading the massive backlog of Appendix N articles on the GG website.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by finarvyn »

sjblackmannz, sounds like we have a lot of common interests! Welcome to the boards and feel free to jump into some of the discussions about this stuff, particularly the Appendix N material and maybe something with John Carter in it. :)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by sjblackmannz »

finarvyn wrote:sjblackmannz, sounds like we have a lot of common interests! Welcome to the boards and feel free to jump into some of the discussions about this stuff, particularly the Appendix N material and maybe something with John Carter in it. :)
That's the plan. :)

Has GG explored licensing Brackett's Solar System? Some of it appears to have slipped into public domain through lapsed copyright renewals. Is there a sub-board for that sort of thing or is that Appendix N?
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Heydee Seanskispeth and sjblackmannz!
Enjoy the game and the boards!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by luckycigar »

hi iam new user
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Vort »

Hi all, I'm Trevor from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. "Vort" is just a hack of my name, the best I could come up with back in 2008 when I joined RPG Crossing to scratch my RPG itch online.

I don't remember which version of D&D I had started with, but it would have been back in 1980 when a friend picked it up. I think I hated it at first because after all the effort spent in rolling up a character, he died quickly and ruthlessly, but my friend was a persistent DM and we then enjoyed gaming together for a few years. More D&D with other DMs in the mid-80s along with Top Secret and Star Fleet Battles. Started DMing when AD&D 2e came out and we had a regular group who alternated D&D with Traveller into the mid-90s. Then everyone got busy and I dropped RPGs until the itch led me to try pbp in 2008 where I played more 2e and a little 3/3.5, and am still there, playing in one Pathfinder game.

About a year ago I wanted to get back to playing in-person, as online just isn't the same. With some apprehension from being out of practice, I joined a 5e game at a local game con last fall (DMed by someone less than 1/2 my age!) and had a blast. Then I lucked out in finding a meetup just getting started for the new Star Trek Adventures from Modiphious. The person who organized that is amazing: she's spearheaded several local RPG groups now (playing Vampire, D&D, John Carter, Conan, Star Trek) and is currently organizing the 2nd annual RPG Alliance Con here in Calgary, truly believing in introducing people to the hobby. She's super supportive and has inspired me to want to get back into gaming, and also to want to help out.

Then one of the guys in the Star Trek group mentioned taking part in a DCC tournament game at last year's GenCon by pure chance and having a blast. His description of the funnel and how much fun it was led me to look into this game called DCC, and I got hooked by its old-school feel and fantastic art. Picked up the Quick Start from a local game shop, and couldn't wait to run a game. Been lurking through the forum since and finding some great resources (thanks to all who've contributed!). I've now just run my second funnel, Portal Under the Stars both times, and had a ton of fun. It was exhausting, but it feels like exactly what I've been missing: the dice rolling, the randomness, the bizarre, and the absurd (flying chickens). It just feels different than today's D&D. Now I'm looking forward to running more DCC, with my next game already scheduled, and I've signed up to DM a game at the local Alliance Con in October -- something I wouldn't have even considered doing a few months ago (what have I done??). I've since joined the Road Crew and so far all of my interactions with Goodman staff has been phenomenal; they sound like a great bunch of people.

And as a huge fan of Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, I'm also eagerly awaiting the Lankhmar box set coming out in Sept and hoping to get a campaign going. So, here's looking ahead to more DCC!
Trevor / Road Crew (Calgary)
Shaky, Gambler, N, AC 10, hp 1, S12 A9 S5-2 P9 I9 L9, r+0, f-2, w+0, club +0 (1d4)
Shifty, Smuggler, C, AC 11, hp 1, S9 A15+1 S5-2 P13+1 I8-1 L8-1, r+1, f-2, w+1, init+1, attack rolls -1, sling +0 (1d4)
The Illuminating Anhk, Elven Artisan, L, AC 10, hp 3, S11 A9 S9 P13+1 I10 L15+1, r+0, f+0, w+1, fumbles +1, staff +0 (1d4)
KIA Bailey Bramford, Beadle, L, AC 11, hp 1, S13+1 A13+1 S12 P5-2 I13+1 L11, r+1, f+0, w-2, init +1, staff +1 (1d4+1)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Welcome Vort!
You are at the right place. Enjoy!
Be well,
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Vort »

Thanks Ron! Definitely a lot of good info here. 2nd game down, 3rd coming up. Just have to physically find a module but reading through the forum has given me many ideas.
Trevor / Road Crew (Calgary)
Shaky, Gambler, N, AC 10, hp 1, S12 A9 S5-2 P9 I9 L9, r+0, f-2, w+0, club +0 (1d4)
Shifty, Smuggler, C, AC 11, hp 1, S9 A15+1 S5-2 P13+1 I8-1 L8-1, r+1, f-2, w+1, init+1, attack rolls -1, sling +0 (1d4)
The Illuminating Anhk, Elven Artisan, L, AC 10, hp 3, S11 A9 S9 P13+1 I10 L15+1, r+0, f+0, w+1, fumbles +1, staff +0 (1d4)
KIA Bailey Bramford, Beadle, L, AC 11, hp 1, S13+1 A13+1 S12 P5-2 I13+1 L11, r+1, f+0, w-2, init +1, staff +1 (1d4+1)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Cool! Good luck!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by mythfish »

Hi. I've been in the band forever, but I just rediscovered my login info for these here forums. Looks like it's been about 3 years since I last logged in. :P
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by GnomeBoy »

Mythfish! Welcome back. :wink:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Deronius »

Hello everyone. I've played D&D since 1980, or so. Had the Holmes set as my first set. Wish I still had it. I've recently gotten into DCC after getting tired of power gaming, and meta gaming 5E almost demands. I love the randomness, and real fear my characters could die at any given roll, or decision. That's the way it should be (imo). When I DM 5E I find myself asking how is this group going to deal with this as opposed to when I judge DCC (albeit not many sessions so far) I find myself asking what's going to happen next. I like that. I love that. That, and although it's superficial to an extent, the artwork is just phenomenal. I flip through a few pages, and it just takes me back. It makes me want to play.

I live in Skokie, IL (just North of Chicago) if there's anyone nearby, and wants to play some. Hit me up.

Edit: Oh, the first exposure I had to DCC was actually not DCC. It was XCrawl. I sat in on a group at GenCon 50, and loved the game, and atmosphere. The judge was awesome. Can't remember her name, but she was great. We were 80's icons. I was a cleric, and my persona was Danny Devito. Still laugh thinking about that. I think we barely made it out alive, but we made it! After that I started looking at DCC.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Welcome Deron!
Good to see you here and a great story. Would have loved to play in that XCrawl game!
Also I'm chuckling at the level (?) titles under our usernames :D

Be well!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Blood Axe »

sjblackmannz wrote:Hello; I'm in Auckland.

I've been playing RPGs since 1981 Basic and 2nd edition Call of Cthulhu; other games played around that period include AD&D, Gamma World, Boot Hill, Star Frontiers, Runequest, Ringworld, Elfquest, Tunnels & Trolls, Car Wars, Space 1889, and many others escaping me at the moment.

My current interests are DCC/MCC, OSR, 5E, Conan, John Carter, Savage Worlds (various), and a few others.

I backed the last two big GG Kickstarters and will continue to back future ones. My immediate future purchasing plans include the Purple Planet box and modules and the Chained Coffin HC whenever they start taking pre-orders.

I was already reading some Appendix N material (Tolkien and Moorcock, at minimum, plus comics adaptations of other material) before I started playing D&D back in the dimdark. I was soon reading Lovecraft and Leiber and a few others. I got into Vance a bit later, in undergrad.

I rediscovered and began to collect Appendix N around 2003 when in graduate school and working at a science fiction specialty bookstore. I am currently obsessed with Leigh Brackett, but I reread all of my favourites every few years. Leiber, Smith, Moorcock, etc., etc.

Main interests include Dying Earth and Zothique-esque settings, Burroughsian/Merritian (is that a word? it is now!) lost world/race, Burroughsian/Brackettian (ditto!) Planetary Romance, and Sword and Sorcery.

I am very much looking forward to the Empire of the East and Dying Earth settings, and to reading the massive backlog of Appendix N articles on the GG website.

Mentioning that...Does anyone know if Goodman will include The Lost Swords along with The Empire of the East? Both are Fred Saberhagen series and are loosely connected.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Warhawk »

Hello everyone, Just picked up the book and really liking what I have seen so far.

I have been playing D&D sense the early 90s with different groups but around 2008 I took a break from all RPG games. About 5 years ago my boys asked me to run a game for them and they both enjoyed the game. My oldest (18yr) has been running games for his friends for 3 years and has multi groups of players, my youngest (15yr) has run a few games for his brother and me but enjoys playing more I think.

My youngest and I have started building a Campaign world for us to used and with that I started looking for a different RPG system. I enjoy D&D but I have thought for years it is a min/max system and while that can be fun it isn't what I'm looking for. Doing to reading I found a few videos about DCC that looked nice so I ordered the rules last week and WOW I was not expecting a 500 page book for that price. We have been reading thru the rules and I'm going to run a small game 0 level for my boys and maybe a few friends.

Looking forward to talking with other here and learning the system better.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Welcome, Warhawk!
SoBH pbp:

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Warhawk »

Raven_Crowking wrote:Welcome, Warhawk!

My youngest and I are working on a campaign setting for us. We have a few years of playing in a generic D&D world and we are turning most of that fluff into a full blown setting. Looking forward to sharing that when we get it more complete too.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Welcome Stephen!
I love playing with my daughters, so I bet you two will have fun!!
Be well,
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Jim Skach »

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by SublimeSabrosa »

Hello I'm Chris,

Been playing RPG's since the early 80's. Got started with Basic DnD, Travellar and Top Secret. Didn't play PnP for a long time until about 5 years ago and got into DnD 5e. I was looking around for something different a couple months ago and found DCC, then I found Hubris. I'm kicking off a new campaign tomorrow with my group using Hubris and am really looking forward to their thoughts on how it goes.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

Welcome! And GOOD LUCK! :)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Bobjester »

Hey there, everyone. I just joined yesterday, posted in a couple places before actually finding the Introduction thread. :roll:

I am from the Sandhills of Central Nebraska, home of a lot of corn fields and cattle country, cowboys, cowgirls, rodeos, and tractors. (And a college football team named Corn- something or other...) :?

I started reading Tolkien in 6th grade. I finished the Silmarillion in 7th. I still think highly of my school librarian who recommended those books to me and started me down this path that I still refer to as a hobby. (I don't know if many D&D gamers still refer to it as a hobby...)

I read a lot of Lin Carter, Asimov, L. Sprague deCamp, ERB, RAH, Norton, (LOTS of Norton), eventually also getting to Harrison, Alan Dean Foster, Asprin, Farmer, Cherryh, Niven, Card, and a bit of Lovecraft.

I first played D&D back in 1980-81, with the Holmes Basic D&D set. I received it as a Christmas present from a cousin who had played it, and thought I'd like it. Also in the package were two AD&D modules - G-1-2-3 "Against the Giants" and I2 "The Ghost Tower of Inverness".

Of course, as soon as I learned how to play the game, and after playing through B2, we tackled the Ghost Tower and then went on to beat up giants - all with Holmes Basic rules. Shortly after, I picked up Moldvay Basic & the Cook/Marsh Expert sets, and graduated to AD&D, gradually inserting AD&D -isms into our B/X game.

I never knew that mixing systems like this was a no-no until I joined several D&D/AD&D forums in the 2000's. :lol:

I've also played or ran the gamut of RPGs: Gamma World (1, 2, 3, 4, Alternity), Metamorphosis Alpha (1 and 3 or 4), Top Secret (1 & 2), Star Frontiers, Traveller, MegaTraveller, Dark Conspiracy, BRPS, Call of Cthulhu (3rd ed?), Paranoia (1 & 2), Star Wars (WEG's d6), Warhammer FRP & WH40k, Palladium, Rifts, After the Bomb (and Mutants In Orbit), Buck Rogers XXVc & High Adventure Cliffhangers, Alternity's Star*Drive & Gamma World, D&D (0e, BX, RC), AD&D1e & 2e, D&D 4e & 5e, Amazing Engine's For Faerie, Queen & Country, but only a session or two of Tunnels & Trolls and D&D 3.5 and Pathfidner.

A few months ago, my FLGS started carrying Goodman Games products. I assume that I was the first (and possibly the only one) to order OAR1 Into the Borderlands in my town awhile back, as well as OAR2 Isle of Dread, not as awhile back as the first. I am really happy that they now carry other RPGs besides D&D and Pathfinder, and carried DCC until I cleaned that shelf out of product.

So, here I am now, as a fan of Goodman Games, gushing about how much I love DCC and 5e modules, and I hope that my eventual feedback left here will improve the Goodman game.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by rredmond »

BOB!!! Good seeing you here man.
Been a long time since our yahoo D&D group (what was my MU's name) and AliveAndOutOfPrint days :D
Be well,
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Bobjester »

rredmond wrote:BOB!!! Good seeing you here man.
Been a long time since our yahoo D&D group (what was my MU's name) and AliveAndOutOfPrint days :D
Be well,
Al Maggam? 8)

Ron! :D

The only name I recognized when I first found this site was finarvyn's, and after I joined and started making my post in the Intro thread here I saw your name! :mrgreen:

Yeah, it'll take me a bit to get my bearings, but I see there are a LOT of interesting older threads that I'll be reading soon, ...and resurrecting. :twisted:

Currently, I only have 4 of the 5e Fifth Edition Fantasy modules, a couple of DCC for 3.5 (Idylls of the Rat King, etc.), but I splurged on the DCC RPG hardback rules and 10 of those modules.

I love the DCC RPG, but my players really hate the idea of 0 level funnels, spells misfiring and corrupting magic. :evil:
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by GnomeBoy »

Bobjester wrote:...with the Holmes Basic D&D set...

That's the best way to start gaming, btw... :wink:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

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