Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Hungerstriker wrote:I'm unsure if people have found this one already...

In the spell result 30-31 for the Strength spell (page 198) says "Additionally, they gain 18 Strength (+4 bonus) for the next 1d6 hours thereafter." Looks like a typo that should say +3.
Right in the nick of time! I made this edit in the files for the third printing.

And yes, the PDF edition will be updated as well.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by chiisu81 »

Yesterday I was reading a blog post about level titles, and I was reminded that DCC has them. I was looking through the tables for each of the classes and noticed that they aren't consistent; Some are "Law-Chaos-Neutral", others are "Lawful-Chaotic-Neutral", and yet others are "Chaotic-Lawful-Neutral". Can those be edited for consistency for the updated printing/pdf?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by scrootch »

Howdy folks,

I found some errata in the pdf copy of the core book pg 444.
In Appendix N it says:

Derleth, August, The King of Elfland’s Daughter
Dunsany, Lord

I do believe that's the other way round, Dunsany wrote TKoED.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Rostranor »

Since it sounds like the third printing is forthcoming are wengoing to see an updated erratta?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by redwizard »

Hi, i just wondering if their will be an errata for the 2nd printing?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

The errata document below includes errata for the second printing. It will be linked on the main web site in a week or two. Also summarized below -- fairly minor things: ... 011714.pdf

Table 3-3, Armor: Fumble die for shield updated to be d8, as referenced elsewhere in text (page 72).

Cantrip spell: Range clarified in opening line of spell description (page 130).

Strength spell: Check result 30-31, bonus for 18 strength correctly updated to +3 (page 198).

Table 8-5, Magic Sword Banes: Clarified that ego check with a sword is an opposed Int check against bearer (page 368).
Joseph Goodman
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by ajtheronin »

I have the 3rd printing and in page 150 results "24-27" for "when cast on other" says "the subject receives a..., and may attempt a DC 16 Luck check..."

Is the only entry that gives a DC for the Luck check while all the other assume a "roll under" roll (I assume).
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

ajtheronin wrote:I have the 3rd printing and in page 150 results "24-27" for "when cast on other" says "the subject receives a..., and may attempt a DC 16 Luck check..."

Is the only entry that gives a DC for the Luck check while all the other assume a "roll under" roll (I assume).
D'oh! That's a legit error, sounds like a holdover from the beta rules of DC's for Luck checks.

Dang, now I have to fix something in the 4th printing...
Joseph Goodman
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Tush Hog »

In the 3rd printing p.395 Giant ape-man it says it gets rend damage if more than 2 slam attacks hit same target in one round. Shouldn't that just say if 2 slam attacks hit?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by James Harrison »


Fireball's range is given as 100' or more, yet one of the options has it's base range as 50'... it's a minor issue, but one of those numbers should be changed to match up with the other :)
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by James Harrison »

Page 206; Deamon summoning.

Results 18-21 with patron, 22-23 without a patron and 36+ with a patron or True-name summons a demon for Turns all other results summons a deamon for Rounds.

Given that the spell takes 10 minutes to cast (1 turn) having 20 out of 24 successful castings having the deamon hang around for 50 seconds at best seems rather underwhelming. Probably refernces to rounds should become turns, and refernces to turns should become hours so the deamon has more time to impact the game outside of lashing out at the caster :-P

If this is somehow not an oversite perhaps an option should exist for downgrading your deamon type by 1 and turning rounds to turns etc. would make the spell have practical value....
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by ajtheronin »

P. 416 very last sentence should say "40 gnolls" instead of "40 goblins". This is a 3rd printing copy.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Ceronomus »

One of my fellow players who just recently bought the book noticed something a little strange with ranged weapons. Does anyone know why, in DCC, crossbows have a better range than longbows?

Shortbows, longbows, and crossbows all do the same damage (which keeps things simple) but the crossbow is listed as being the weapon with the longest range which, unless longbows in DCC are very different than real longbows, is a bit counter-intuitive. To put it into perspective, a modern crossbow can shoot perhaps as far as 100 yards. The English Longbow has been recorded as firing three times that distance. in 1542, Henry VIII's minimum practice range with the long bow was roughly 220 yards.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by BloodyIgor »

Ceronomus wrote:One of my fellow players who just recently bought the book noticed something a little strange with ranged weapons. Does anyone know why, in DCC, crossbows have a better range than longbows?

Shortbows, longbows, and crossbows all do the same damage (which keeps things simple) but the crossbow is listed as being the weapon with the longest range which, unless longbows in DCC are very different than real longbows, is a bit counter-intuitive. To put it into perspective, a modern crossbow can shoot perhaps as far as 100 yards. The English Longbow has been recorded as firing three times that distance. in 1542, Henry VIII's minimum practice range with the long bow was roughly 220 yards.
I found that odd too. I think I would change the stats. Unless you are taking into account when firing in a dungeon you can not fire with the arc needed for the long bow to shoot at the longer range.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Zeddicus »

Page 30. 3rd printing

"Turn Unholy: roll 1d20 + personality modifier + caster level."

but on page 96 under "Turning Unholy" second paragraph:

"A d20 is rolled and added to the Clerics caster level. The Cleric's Personality modifier and Luck modifiers are also included."
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Zeddicus »

Spell Dual's example of play does not follow the rules.

Example of play on page 101.
"The result of 3 [Table 4-6: Counterspell Power] shows that Magnus’s magic shield fails, but he reduces the magic missile check by d8. Magnus rolls 4 on the d8, so The Emerald Sorcerer’s spell check of 13 becomes 9. That is below the minimum threshold of 12 for success, so both spells fail. Even though both spells failed to take effect, both casters were able to summon sufficient energy to initiate their spells. Therefore, NEITHER LOSES THE ABILITY TO CAST THEIR SPELLS."

Table 4-6
Result 3 - Defender High
"Mitigate d8: roll d8 and subtract this from the attacker’s spell check. Attacker’s spell still carries through at this lower spell check; DEFENDER'S SPELL IS LOST."

Example of play continued on page 102
"Round two. In the second round, The Emerald Sorcerer launches another magic missile. In this round, both Magnus the Gray and Athle the Astounding choose to counterspell. MAGNUS CASTS MAGIC SHIELD AGAIN, while Athle casts magic missile."
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Pesky »

Zeddicus wrote:Spell Dual's example of play does not follow the rules.

Example of play on page 101.
"The result of 3 [Table 4-6: Counterspell Power] shows that Magnus’s magic shield fails, but he reduces the magic missile check by d8. Magnus rolls 4 on the d8, so The Emerald Sorcerer’s spell check of 13 becomes 9. That is below the minimum threshold of 12 for success, so both spells fail. Even though both spells failed to take effect, both casters were able to summon sufficient energy to initiate their spells. Therefore, NEITHER LOSES THE ABILITY TO CAST THEIR SPELLS."

Table 4-6
Result 3 - Defender High
"Mitigate d8: roll d8 and subtract this from the attacker’s spell check. Attacker’s spell still carries through at this lower spell check; DEFENDER'S SPELL IS LOST."

Example of play continued on page 102
"Round two. In the second round, The Emerald Sorcerer launches another magic missile. In this round, both Magnus the Gray and Athle the Astounding choose to counterspell. MAGNUS CASTS MAGIC SHIELD AGAIN, while Athle casts magic missile."

This may be ok, as per the "Loss of spell" section on page 99, and given that Magnus unmodified spell check roll was a 16 (pg. 100). Someone at GG please verify. Regardless, the wording in the table 4-6 potentially confusing. We have a discussion on G+ going regarding this example here.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by jrodman »

I *think* I found an editing error which I posted over in ... 72&t=47160 but maybe this is the right place for it.

"Is it intentional for some spells to have duplicate results? The results on page 339 for the Sequester spell for both 28-29 and 30-31 appear to be identical. That seems fine, but why not just list the range as 28-31?

Is it a misprint?"
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Leg1on »

Is the link to the 2nd printing E&C the most recent?
Is the 3rd print pdf I just downloaded from rpgnow all good to go?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by BreadProduct »

In the Index of Print 3, Page 466, Paralysis is listed twice.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Weisenwolf »

Under the Halfling description it mentions characters being drawn from Traders and N'er do wells. This was reflected in the 0 level occupation chart of the Beta rules but by the time it came to print the 0 level occupation chart had been populated with Haberdashers, glove makers and so on. Does the Halfling description need tweaking?

Also I find it odd that there are not more farmers, anglers, foragers and hunters among the halflings; whoose buying all these fine gloves?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Ravenheart87 »

Weisenwolf wrote:Under the Halfling description it mentions characters being drawn from Traders and N'er do wells. This was reflected in the 0 level occupation chart of the Beta rules but by the time it came to print the 0 level occupation chart had been populated with Haberdashers, glove makers and so on. Does the Halfling description need tweaking?
I see no issue with the description. Haberdashers and glove-makers can be n'er do wells too. Having learned an occupation doesn't mean you are an honest craftman that makes a living from it. You can be an apprentice who escaped from his master and so on.
Weisenwolf wrote:Also I find it odd that there are not more farmers, anglers, foragers and hunters among the halflings; whoose buying all these fine gloves?
The lists for occupations are not exhaustive, but I too find it strange that farmers or tobacco vendors were omitted. I also miss sailors, pirates from human occupations.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Ceronomus »

Ceronomus wrote:One of my fellow players who just recently bought the book noticed something a little strange with ranged weapons. Does anyone know why, in DCC, crossbows have a better range than longbows?

Shortbows, longbows, and crossbows all do the same damage (which keeps things simple) but the crossbow is listed as being the weapon with the longest range which, unless longbows in DCC are very different than real longbows, is a bit counter-intuitive. To put it into perspective, a modern crossbow can shoot perhaps as far as 100 yards. The English Longbow has been recorded as firing three times that distance. in 1542, Henry VIII's minimum practice range with the long bow was roughly 220 yards.
Nudging in hopes of getting an official answer on if this is an error or not.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Weisenwolf »

It may be to encourage their use with something to compensate for requiring a round to load?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by josemasaga »

Hi everyone! I think I've detected either a typo or a missing spell result. It's the wizard spell Locate object, level 2. Results 22-25 and 26-29 are exactly the same, both in the first and the third printing (the ones I have). If it's on purpose, why not grouping these results in just one?

Thank you!
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