
Tired of missing out on your favorite Goodman Games product? Well, we’ve got the solution: subscribe!

That’s right, you can subscribe to select Goodman Games products to make sure that you never miss out on the latest volume. Check out what is available below!

Tales From The Magician’s Skull

Tales From The Magician’s Skull is a printed fantasy magazine dedicated to presenting all-new sword-and-sorcery fiction by the finest modern crafters in the genre. These stories are the real thing, crammed with sword-swinging action, dark sorceries, dread, and ferocious monsters — and they hurtle forward at a headlong pace. 

Our goal is to publish Tales From The Magician’s Skull twice a year, with issues released in March and September each year. Upon reaching issue #666, the Skull will travel to a higher plane and the magazine will end.

Subscriptions are available at a 10% discount from single-issue pricing. Subscriptions are 4 issues in duration and are offered in print + PDF or PDF-only format.