Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 (Deluxe Ed.) – Print + PDF


This expandable, 3-ring bound collection of 120 monsters is the perfect table companion for your MCC or DCC campaign.

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This 3-ring bound collection of monsters offers an amazing assortment of new and classic creatures to challenge those wasteland wondering PCs or science fantasy adventurers. At 200 digest-sized pages you will find over 120 MCC/DCC monsters, each designed across a single page (front and back) so that you can decide how you want to organize them, and enjoy annual additions to this collection as they come out.

These monsters include 14 classic creatures such as Croachlings, Dragons, C-rexes, Tibbars, and more. The rest of the assortment covers weird fantasy staples (such as giant insects, mutant animals, toxic slimes…) as well as all new and interesting creations (you’re gonna’ love the Atomic Specter, the Corrupt Bits, Mindbenders, and the Paradox Hounds…). Most entries also include bonus material such as mapped sample encounters, adventure hooks, survival advice, and a whole lot more. Oh, and the book leads-off with random encounter charts and treasure tables galore!

This deluxe edition comes with 6 illustrated, color cardstock dividers, a retro-colored vinyl binder, and a front insert with cling-stickers for you to make your own custom cover. Unnatural Selections is the prefect product for easy game prep and managing that precious table space!

publisher: Dandyline Games

author: Louis Hoefer
art: Santiago Iborra and Christopher Tupa


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Weight .2 lbs