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Skate Wizards RPG Game (+Music Digital Downloads) – Print + PDF


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A steezy stand-alone role-playing game about radical and arcane shredding of the Gnar.

You are a member of the Hermetic Order of the Skate Wizards! Skate Wizards is a stand-alone RPG with over 40 pages–from illustrations, character creation, combat rules, and tables to four ready-to-play dungeons.

The Skate Wizards zine packet comes with the booklet, includes two double sided character sheets, a Skate Wizard sticker, a Loot The Body sticker, digital download for the Skate Wizards soundtrack as well as a digital pdf copy of the Skate Wizards zine.

publisher: Skate Wizards RPG Game is a collaboration between Levi Nunez & Michael C. Hsiung

written by: Levi Nunez & Michael C. Hsiung
art by: Michael C. Hsiung

Print + PDF (digital download codes for music included in printed packet)

Additional information

Weight .3 lbs