Road Crew Landing Page

It’s time to start earning your swag! Once again Dungeon Crawl Classics calls to the faithful to bring 1974 gaming to the masses! Join the Road Crew and help us spread the good news: gaming is awesome again!

Will you join us in our quest to own the roads and dominate the landscape? Organize, advertise, and judge a game of Dungeon Crawl Classics this year at a public venue. Or are you running an open event online? Run your game at a convention, game day event, FLGS event, local watering hole, school gaming club, Twitch, or any other place where others can meet up and play, and we’ve got a deal for you. Join our Road Crew!

And what’s in it for you, besides your opportunity to ride with us forever through a thousand insane worlds? Swag! That’s right, the more games you run, the more neat stuff we send your way. We’ll also let you create your own personalized swag! Plus of course, your name joins the other Immortals in the Road Crew.

The 2019 Road Crew season has ended! We are in a brief hiatus while 2020 gets up and running. You can still run games and earn swag! Continue to order swag through our online store. We will ship it once 2020 swag is available!

How does it work?

Simply run a game that is open to the public, and order a Road Crew Pack through our online store. Each time you run a game, order another pack. You’ll get continually greater rewards! And they’re free for US residents. (International customers get the swag for free but have to pay shipping.)

What qualifies as a Road Crew game?

To qualify as a Road Crew game, you have to run a Goodman Games RPG—Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Xcrawl, Metamorphosis Alpha, Fifth Edition Fantasy, or any other game we publish—and the game must be open to the public. This can happen at a public venue, such as a convention, game store, gaming club, or anywhere else that gamers gather, or online games on public platforms (Twitch, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, etc.)—just make sure that new people can discover and play your game!

And you need to advertise your game! You can do that with in-store signage, social media posting, FLGS Calendar blurbs, or any similar medium. And do make sure you always post your game to our Events Page!

Want to see prior years’ world tour details? Click to view: 2019 | 201820172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013