Military SF search

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Military SF search

Post by tadk »

Looking for suggestions for new Military SF to read. Authors, Titles, free or otherwise. Any advice or suggestions. Also any suggestions in the Surreal Genre as well. Thanks...
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Re: Military SF search

Post by mythfish »

Try David Drake's Hammer's Slammers series or Redliners.

While not strictly military sci fi, Scott Westerfeld's The Killing of Worlds and The Risen Empire have some great space battles and ground combats that make scientific sense...very believable extrapolations of current technology into future military uses.
Dieter Zimmerman
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Re: Military SF search

Post by tadk »

Thanks Mythfish

I have not read Redliners yet, so will check it out.
Over 30 years spent gaming, all sorts of systems, feel free to ask me anything, no guarantees I will have an answer.
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Re: Military SF search

Post by finarvyn »

Not exactly "new" but here's a list of my favorite military scifi:
* Hammer's Slammers (David Drake)
* Dorsai (Gordon Dickson)
* Falkenburg's Legion books (Jerry Pournelle)

Another series I love that mixes Romans with guys with machine guns:
* Jannissaries (Jerry Pournelle) -- mix of high and low tech

A couple of starship battle / naval series"
* Honor Harrington (David Weber)
* Concordat series (Jefferson Swycaffer) -- basically Traveller in a book
Marv / Finarvyn
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