Firefly/Horizons: Brave New World (part one)

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Post by MWallace »

"Okay." Jesse said, standing, "Come on, the captain is interviewing our new doctor upstairs."

She led the way out of the room, feeling a lot better now that things were going a bit more smoothly.

* * *

Gabe took the crumpled resume as Darran talked. "You can easily see that I am without a doubt the best candidate for this position."

Gabe looked at him, "Yes, I'm both very impressed by your resume and the fact that you didn't answer my question. You ever treated the kinds of wounds we see out in these parts, Doc? Bullets, knives, laser burns. Not to imply we're a bunch of cut-throat pirates out here but some jobs are a tad livelier than others."
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant gave Minerva a look of contentment, which the young mechanic returned ten fold.

They got up together and followed Jesse out the door.

Things were finally coming together.


Darren paused for a moment before starting to answer the captain's question.

"Well, I...I've worked on simulated injuries like this before but...never the real thing. I have done work on some knife wounds and the like, but gunshot wounds are a rare thing where I'm from. resume does speak for itself!"
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Gabe paused for a moment, watching Darran intently. "You're not what I'm looking for."

He turned away, brushing past Lincoln. Before Darran could even speak, Gave turned around again, "One, you've never treated the injuries we face out here. Two, I come in and find you lancing tongues with a complete stranger, and I won't abide that kind of fraternizing onboard my ship. Third, and this one is the big one-

"You're a long way from home, boy. 'Verse is as she is today, no one from the chocolatey-chewy center comes out this far, specially not from a rich life like yours, unless he's got somethin' to prove to someone. Inexperience is one thing, ragin' cod another, but you wanna fly this sky intent to be Captain Hero? Forget it. Life ain't lived that way, an' I'll be damned if you end mine or my crews' trying to."

With that, Gabe turned on his heel and started down the hallway. Lincoln gave Darran an apologetic look. "He didn't threaten to sell you to an ogrish cattle queen..." He shook his head and started after Gabe.

* * *

Jesse, Val and Minerva nearly collide with Gabe as they came around a corner. Gabe held up his hands, "Woah, this a fire drill?"

"Just coming to find you, Cap'n." Jesse said, "We have us a bright and shiny mechanic, I am happy to say." She gestured to the redhead, "Minerva Callahan."

"That didn't take long." Gabe said.

"I know a good thing when I see it." Jesse said.

"Or when you don't see it." Gabe muttered, "Welcome aboard, Ms. Callahan."

Jesse's smile faded from Gabe's remark, "I was just coming to find you to take a look at the ship."

Gabe frowned, "I haven't gotten a call from Eddie ye-" The pager on his belt beeped and he looked at it.

"So, how'd the interview with the doctor go?" Jesse asked, as Lincoln finally caught up.

"I know what kind of clothes I'm going to wear from now on." Lincoln said.

"Doctor was a no-go." Gabe said, "Eddie just gave me the green. Redemption is complete, they're holding her on Pad 4 at MacGruder's port." He smiled, "Let's go see her, shall we? No new like good news."

* * *

The Alliance captain turned in his chair as the ensign stepped forward. "Sir? About the incident at the, ah, Long Legs bar?"

"What is it, son?" The captain asked.

The ensign held out a paper, "Apparently the suspect in question, a Mr. Valiant, he resisted arrest. Again. He then left with two unidentified males. We're unsure of where he is."

The captain growled, "This is getting out of hand. We can't have locals beating up our officers on a whim. Pax or not, they have to respect local authority, and we are that authority." He leaned back, "Lockdown Kentucky City."

The ensign gaped, "Lockdown, sir? But, we're in the middle of frieght-season, the largest cargo-convoy of the year is about to break Regina, bound for dozens of worlds-"

"The Alliance won't tolerate criminal elements like this." The captain said, "What if he signed on with a frieghter bound out this very day? We'll never find him. We have to close the net now before he gets away. If the city doesn't like it, they'll take it up with our suspect when he's brought in. Understood?"

The ensign nodded, "Yes, sir. Commencing lockdown of Kentucky, sir." He hurried away.

The captain tapped his gloved fingers together. Ever since the Pax Transmissions, no one respected the uniform anymore. He was fed up. He'd make them respect it.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Darren only stood with his mouth hanging open as the captain turned on his heels and began to walk about.

The captain's companion gave him a sympathetic look and said something but Darren was not listening. He was too consumed by an unknown feeling of rejection.

No one rejected a Miller!

He followed behind the captain for several moments as he tried to think of what to say, his footsteps muffled slightly be their conversation.


Minerva watched quietly as her captain approached and wasn't surprised at his gruff appearance nor his quickened way of welcoming her aboard.

He was just like her last captain.

"Thank you, Capt'n!" she smiled again and looked to Valiant, who had returned to being the silent type.

Then, a well dressed, handsome man with rage in his crystal blue eyes walked briskly past her and thrust himself straight in the path of the captain.

Darren stormed right up to the captain, his face only an inch away from his own.

"Let us get a few things straight, Captain. One, I may have never treated those types of injuries but the way you speak of them, you are going to get a lot of them and it's better to have an inexperienced doctor than it is to not have one. I may have not treated gunshot wounds before but I sure as hell can save your ass when it comes to it. Two, my personal life has nothing to do with my professional life and I keep them entirely seperate. That you can count on. And third, and this is a big one."

He locked his steely blue gaze with the Captain's own.

"I am a long way from home. I have no money and no home to return to, since riots not only claimed my so-called rich life but also the lives of my parents. Do you think you are the only folk affect by the Pax Transmissions? The entire 'Verse, as you call it, is in chaos, including the chocolatey-chewy center. We are all in the same boat, Captain, whether you like it or not. You are going to hire me for this job, as you need me. You try to find a better doctor in this dust hole and I guarantee you won't."

(Interaction Roll: 23)
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Gabe leaned close to Darran, "I do not respect men won't take no for an answer."
Attack: 16
Damage: (non-lethal) 8

Gabe swings, catching the surprised doc square in the jaw and knocking him to the floor. Everyone tenses around him. Gabe steps in close, grabs Darran's collar and yanks him up to his feet, dusts him off, checks the jaw for anything broken.

"Here's how it is. You wanna fly with me, then you take my orders like a soldier. That means if I hear anything out of those pretty little lips that isn't a statement of loyal service, you'll be suckin' dark. Ponjatyjj?"

His attention is suddenly pulled away as a wailing air-raid horn starts up outside. "Ja znaju tot zvyk... Jesse, is everything squared on Redemption?"

Jesse stammered, "Y-yes, but what's-"

"Val, Minerva, you got any personal effects needs lifting?" Gabe asked, turning to them.

"Cap, what's goin' on?" Lincoln asked.

"That sound is the sound of us needed to be off-planet yesterday." Gap said, "Come on, what do you got?!" He asked Val and Minerva.

* * *

Outside, locals at market or in their homes paused as the air raid horn wailed on.

"This is Alliance Law Enforcement Services. As of now, Kentucky City is in Lockdown. All citizens are to close all businesses and report to their homes. I repeat-"

"What's he sayin'?" A local asked.

"Lockdown? The convoys are just about to leave!" A woman said.

Shouting came from down the street. Dozens of men in dark blue and violet uniforms, wearing helmets and carrying shields and stunrods, marched down the street, shoving locals and yanking them from stores.

"Leave my customers alone!"

"You can't do this!"

"Get off them!"

A plank of wood slammed into the helmet of a lockdown officer, a glass bottle shattered on a shield. Like wildfire, Kentucky City was suddenly a riot.

One officer, missing his helmet, crashed against a dumpster, deflected a flying rock with his arm, and spoke into a radio, "Riot! We have a full riot in progress!"
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Darren's rage vanished like life in the Black when the fist of the ex-soldier went flying into his jaw and sent him sprawling in the dust. Darren's hand instantly went to the butt of his laser pistol but he knew he didn't stand a chance. He released it as soon as his hand grazed the cool metal handle.

He was pulled off the ground and the captain muttered something about following orders like a soldier if someone wanted to fly with him.

"I got it! Get your hands off me!" he grumbled but his voice was lost in the screeching of the alarm.

Valiant tensed and Minerva shuffled nervously. Gabe turned towards them and asked, ""Val, Minerva, you got any personal effects needs lifting?"

Valiant shook his head and hoisted the dufflebag he had been carrying with him and Minerva just shrugged.

"I don't carry much on me so let's just get off this rock. I really don't like it when the Alliance locks down a city."

That was when all hell erupted.

Valiant threw a protective arm in front of Minerva and turned to Gabe.

"Where is the Redemption? We need to move, sir!"
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Post by MWallace »

Gabe started out, waving for the others to follow. "Val, I need you in the rear, keep everyone together, hold hands if you have to. You let me know Alliance is on our backs."

With that, Gabe started hiking through the city, dodging the worst areas of the riot. Civilians, some arms with nothing but rocks and bare fists, rushed at lines of Alliance riot officers who wielded shields and stunrods. Groggy civilians lay in heaps in the streets, their nervous systems numbed by the stunrods. Fires were breaking out in places.

Fortunately, none of them had the look of Alliance about them, and the crowds avoided them. If the Alliance meant to stop Gabe's crew, they had their hands full keeping the violent crowds at bay.

Finally Gabe stopped outside the gates of a large, well-organized shipyard and port. No ships were flying about, as per Lockdown regulations. Two armed men, hired security, drew weapons on Gabe's crew as they approach.

"Hold up!" Gabe said, holding out his hands, "We ain't here for a fight."

"Get lost." The rightmost guard said.

"I'm Gabe Sage, MacGruder's got a ship for me here. And a delivery."

The left guard put a hand to his headset comm and spoke into it. After a moment, he nodded to Gabe's men, "Come on through, this your crew?"

"Jesse, Lincoln, Minerva, Val, and..." Gabe paused, "And Miller. All accounted for."

"Good, get in. MacGruder's waiting for you." The guard said.

Waiting? Gabe didn't like the sound of that.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

As they proceeded through the rioting city, Val keep silent and vigilant. Minerva was nervously keeping one hand inside her portfolio, her fingers wrapped around the well worn handle of her automatic pistol. Darren walked through the crowd, rubbing his sore jaw. He shot the captain's back a dirty look and felt vindicated.

The guards let them through with little trouble and Valiant was happy for that small mercy. Upon hearing that this MacGruder person was waiting for them, he felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. Something was out of place...
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

MacGruder's port was eeriely quiet. The air raid horn continued on in the distance. The crew saw a few armed guards watching over ships, but it no one else.

"They've got everything locked." Jesse said.

"MacGruder's an upstanding citizen in certain lights." Gabe said, "He'll play along with the Alliance, even though it'll cost a few coin."

"But what does that mean for us?" Lincoln asked.

Gabe didn't answer. It didn't leave anyone feeling much better.

They came around a beat up old Nedry-class orbit-runner and Gabe suddenly ground to a halt. Even the air-raid horn seemed to go quiet.

The Horizon-class was a heavy-looking boat, pre-war Alliance tech - before they started comin' out with ships that looked like electric razors or women's perfume bottles. The Horizon was meant to look half mean and half-clean. The outer hull was a light, faded chrome color. Six slit-like viewports on the forward bridge stared back at Gabe. It was squat, wide, and the cargo bay stuck out from below like a pot-belly between four landing legs.

The ship. His ship. The look of honest love on Gabe's face wasn't missed by anyone.

Not even the Fat Man missed it. Hobbling over on an old white cane, RJ MacGruder sauntered forward, dressed in a too-white suit and hat. His silvery beard almost matched the rest of him. He smiled jovially as he removed his hat.

"I reckon that's a look of passionate romance on the face of my young lady's new captain." MacGruder said, holding his hat against his chest.

Gabe turned, "Your men did a wonderful job, Mr. MacGruder." Gabe said, "I won't let anything unmentionable happen to her."

MacGruder nodded, "She's my lady until you get your loan paid for, but I know that won't take long. So, this is your crew then? Ah, Ms. Belle." He took Jesse's hand in his large mitts and kissed it, "I say you are a vision of supreme loveliness this fine afternoon."

"Mr. MacGruder, you do go on." Jesse said, mimicking his accent.

"Mr. MacGruder, I'm sure you know about the Lockdown-" Gabe started.

"Come come, Gabriel, mind your manners." MacGruder said, "Introduce me to these fine folks."

Gabe sighed, just slightly. "This is Valiant, he'll be handling security. Minerva Callahan is my new mechanic-"

MacGruder took Minerva's hand in his and kissed her's as well. "Why your hands are so soft young miss, I can hardly allow myself to conscent to them touching a filthy engine."

"And this..." He looked at Darran, "Is my medic. Miller."
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Post by Chris McCoy »

The Redemption was everything Valiant had hoped it would be. He had flown a few back in training before the war but he hadn't seen one in almost twenty years. They were not the most beautiful ships in the 'Verse but they were definitely one of the toughest.

"One of these will keep flyin' forever if you treat her right." Minerva said, awe in her eyes. She had found her new home...her new ship.

Minerva looked over the old man, RJ MacGruder, as he took her hand and raised it to his lips and planted a kiss upon the top side of it.

"Why your hands are so soft young miss, I can hardly allow myself to conscent to them touching a filthy engine." he cooed before releasing her hand.

Minerva could only fake blushing and withhold her disgust. She never did like old men who acted the part of a "gentlemen" way past his prime.

Darren wrinkled his nose at the ship but didn't say anything. This was his only ticket off this rock and it would have to do.

"She's a beauty, Captain. You will find her to be a steady boat and well worth your devotion." Valiant said quietly and smiled genuinely.

"That is one fine ship."
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

"That is one fine ship." Val said.

Gabe glanced back at him, then at his ship. "Yes, she certainly is."

MacGruder tapped his cane, "I am ashamed to say I haven't any fine champagne to toast her coronation, but I think considering the circumstances you'll understand."

He slapped Gabe on ther shoulder, "Walk with me, boy. We've things to discuss."

Gabe turned to the others. "Jesse, get aboard, get her prepped for a take-off."

Jesse blinked, "But the Lockdown-"

"Lincoln," Gabe continued, "Get on your fancybox, find me some Lockdown release codes."

Lincoln's eyes lit up. "It's go time, cap'n!" He saluted eagerly.

"Val, Minny, Doc, get what gear you have stowed." Gabe said, "There's six bunks - the two forward bunks are my own and Jesse's, and Lincoln's got his somewhere in the back. Decide for yourselves where you wanna lay your heads when the time is right. Minerva, I need you to look at the engine - Eddie tells me we're still getting some power flux."

"Come along, son," MacGruder said, "My time isn't just given to people."

Gabe nodded, "Get it done, y'all." He said to the crew, then started walking with MacGruder.

"A fine crew, boy. Should make you proud." MacGruder said.

"I'm just hoping we can get out of here to make our first delivery. A man's rep is all that carries him in some parts." Gabe said.

"Too true." MacGruder said, "And while I must continue to play the part of the Alliance-loyal lap dog for the local yankers, I need to stress the urgency of getting my cargo to Persephone. My buyer - and your first job - paid top dollar for top-quality merchandise. I expect it to be there on time."

Gabe nodded, "You keep the locals off my back, those goods will be in the right hands before sun-up Persephone standard."

MacGruder smiled broadly and slapped Gabe's shoulder again, "Excellent, I knew I could count on a fine gent like yourself. Still, it's a pity you won't take up my offer to become a more permanent member of my staff."

"Freelancing for a time will get that loan paid off a mite faster," Gabe said, "Specially since the pay is coming from someone else's pockets. And I'll always be free when you have a job for me."

"Good man. I like a man who has his affairs in order." MacGruder taped his can, "Now I've some things to attend to. Go on about your business, son. And remember," He gently grabbed Gabe's collar in one pudgy fist, "Get those goods to Persephone and in the right hands. I don't abide lax or ineptitude. You so much as fart in the wrong direction and I'll string you up, crack your back with a bullwhip, salt you down and break the blisters with hickory, understand, boy?"

Gabe looked at MacGruder squarely, "The job'll get done. Don't you entertain any notions otherwise."

MacGruder nodded, his bright face darkening considerably, "Then get it done." He said, and gave Gabe a light shove before turning and hobbling off on his cane.

Gabe turned back towards Redemption, his own thoughts dark. In another time, another place, it'd be Gabe peeling that fat piece of-

He looked up at his ship, and the thoughts drained away like the bottom of his skull had fallen out. He walked towards the cargo bay, staring at every curve, every panel. He gave the right forward landing leg a pat and climbed up the ramp. He'd been in this ship twice before, but it hadn't gotten casual for him. This was still a honeymoon. And it was just beginnin', too.

He stepped into the cargo bay, looked behind him to ensure his crew was aboard, and hit the hatch controls, watching the exterior ramp swing up and the inner doors shut. The cargo bay was wider than it was long, with a catwalk bridge fifteen or so feet above it with a heavy crane for lifting a ground vehicle. It was empty, of course. Gabe had put almost all his cash into the ship herself.

Four stairways, two on either side of the bay doors and two on the opposite end of the bay led up to the catwalks, and a pair of ladders and stairs led to the second level above. Directly ahead, through a single door just underneath the rear stairwells was the medical lab and storage. Gabe thought he saw Miller in there but it might have been his imagination. He wondered what Miller would think of Nurse Williams, the robotic-arm auto-doctor. At least Gabe wouldn't have to worry about walking in and finding Miller second-basin' it with her.

He took the left forward stairs up to the catwalks, then up another flight of stairs into the crew area. The short hallway he came into ran from port to starboard. Four more stairwells led to the rear crew bunks, stacked on top of each other. To Gabe's left in the aft of the ship was the galley, mess, lounge and the shower, something of a luxury on any ship, but Gabe didn't fancy the smell of his au natural. Beyond that was the engine room, but Gabe didn't see Minerva down there, at least not yet. A ladder near the passageway to the engine room led up to Redemption's special quality. He smiled, then turned towards the fore section of the ship. He passed his quarters and Jesse's, sitting on opposite sides of the ship's extended neck, then came into the bridge, stepping down a short flight of steps to gaze out the six windows that gave him a good view of the outside world. Four terminals with chairs sat on the bridge, one for navigation, one for communications, one for weapons and one for the remote recon drone that Horizon-class ships like this used to carry instead of shuttles, used for salvage and such. The terminal still hadn't been yanked out. Gabe reminded himself to do that later.

Jesse sat in the comfortable pilot's chair, checking and rechecking systems. Gabe smiled as he watched her work intently. He couldn't have picked a better pilot, and it always caught him off guard how much focus an ex-model could have. Then again, considering Jesse's current passions were piloting and aikido, he shouldn't have been surprised.

"How's it looking?" He asked.

Jesse turned, almost jumping at the sound of his voice, "Cap, everything's green, insomuch as everything that needs to be."

"Problems?" Gabe asked.

Jesse shrugged, "You could say that." Her console started beeping and a light started flashing. Jesse grabbed a shipwide comm, "Minerva, honey, I'm sure you're gettin' your stuff squared but we need you in the engine room, please."
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant went into the first cabin he saw and looked at the barren metal walls.

"Sure as hell brings back memories." He muttered to himself, shoving his duffbag under the bunk and putting his hunting rifle up against the door.

He sighed heavily and turned on his heels, heading towards where he thought the bridge area would be.

He wanted to make sure they got 'Verse side before the Alliance decided to throw the shackles on their wrists for trying to teach some of their boys a lesson.


Darren walked into the medbay and sighed disappointed. This was not the type of facility he was working in nor did he wanted it to be his "first". It would have to due though. He heard the whirling of servos as he entered the room and found himself staring at an autodoc robot. Darren looked it over momentarily and smiled slightly. It was an older model but the machine would come in handy with the way Gabe ran things.


"Minerva, honey, I'm sure you're gettin' your stuff squared but we need you in the engine room, please."

Minerva practically jumped for joy upon hearing that she was needed in the engine room. She had just slipped her heels off and was about to change into her working clothes but she didn't even finish that as she was called into the engine room.

On stockinged feet, she charged down the stairs from her room and into the engine room. She stopped dead in her tracks as she seen what would soon become her playground.
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Post by MWallace »

The engine room was brightly lit and spacious, with a short flight of steps leading towards the spinning engine core, which was encased in a polished shell with all kinds of slide-back panels for accessing core parts. It was nice, if a but sterile and uninviting-looking.

Something inside the engine shell popped loudly, and smoke started to fume from the cracks.

* * *

Val came onto the bridge as Gabe and Jesse were speaking.

"Does that angry beeping mean something in particular?" Gabe asked.

"It's a flux," Jesse said, "I've been running diagnostics but this ship was meant for a much different engine. Even modern as our new model is, they're not as compatible as is. Maybe Minerva can get it running smoothly, I dunno."

Gabe shook his head, "We can't afford to be late." He said.

Another beep from Jesse's console.

"Now what?" Gabe asked.

"Someone's at the barn doors." Jesse said. She hit a switch near the light and Gabe spoke into the comm.

"We're sorry, we've already found Buddha in our lives." Gabe said.

"Very funny." Came a garbled response, "You gonna open the door or what?"

Gabe smiled, "Welcome aboard." He said, hitting some switches, "Stand clear of the door, Eddie."

"Got it."
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Minerva looked at the plastic shelled engine inquisitively as a loud pop sounded from inside the engine.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too!" she whispered to the engine, her hand running alongside the shell as it continued to spin.

She coughed a little on the smoke that began to spew from one of the side panels. Minerva opened the well worn toolkit that she had brought in with her and pulled out a few tools.

She slide the panel back and waved the smoke away from the engine. Inside, there was a flux coupling that was sparking away and threatened to catch the whole engine on fire.

Luckily, Minerva had faced this type of problem before and set about to work immediately.

Repair Roll (27!)
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Post by MWallace »

That seems to do the engine right and it stops sputtering. It looks like it could use a lot more work though - someone obviously didn't take the time to install this thing properly.

* * *

Gabe gave Val a slap on the shoulder, "Come on, let's go meet the last of our motely bunch."

He led the way back past the lounge, where Lincoln was setting up his computers. "How's it coming, Studly?"

Lincoln looked up, "No problems. Once I've got this puppy strapped to the Cortex array I'll get you those codes." He gave Gabe a thumbs up and went back to work.

"Don't tell 'em I said so," Gabe said, "But he's got a bit of talent about him. He'll get us some sky."

Gabe poked his head into the engine room quickly, "How's it look, Minerva? Can you fix it?" He asked.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant nodded to his captain as he followed him out to the cargo area to meet with the latest addition to their motley crew.

"You know, sir, if that boy is good enough to get us some clearance codes, he might be able to get us some good information on other jobs. And I might have a few things I want him to look into, if that would be alright with you, sir. And of course, it will be after we are done this job. That comes first." Valiant said as they walked towards through the lounge.

As Gabriel poked his head into the engine room, he could see Minerva, her business suit covered in soot and twisted about odd angles, with her head inside the plastic shell of the engine and working fervously to replace or repair the hastily installed engine.

"Shiny, Captain, just shiny. You need to be having a talk with this engine's installer. He has done the sloppiest job I have ever seen in my entire life. Where did he learn his training? Fay-fay du pee yan?!" Minerva's compliants were muffled as she continued to work with her head stuck in the engine's casing.

She set about doing her best to repair what damage had been done with such a sloppy installation.

(Extended Repair Rolls as Minerva will be working on this as long as she can.
Roll One: 22
Roll Two: 20
Roll Three: 29)
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

"Other business comes after new business is old business." Gabe said to Val before ducking into the engine room.

"Fay-fay du pee yan?!" Minerva said.

Gabe looked back at Val, a smartass grin on his face. "I like her." He turned to the left rear access ladder and was about to slide down with a man pulled himself up.

"Hey, easy, Gabe." Eddie said as he pulled himself up, "When I got into this business I promised the only posterior I would ever inhabit with my head was my own, dong-ma?"

Gabe held out his arm and Eddie grabbed it, and pulled himself up onto the deck. "Considering how much it's up there I'm surprised you can see what's comin' half the time." Gabe said, "Val, this is Eddie. We spent some time together workin' for MacGruder."

"Yeah, before this inbred monkey got the idea in his head to start a business for himself." Eddie held out his hand for Val.

Eddie is a wormy kind of guy. Filthy red hair, pale skin, and a swallow-eyed expression that seems to scream "stool pigeon." Gabe doesn't seem to recognize this, of course, but Val, you know it. You know it the moment you look into his beady eyes and shake hands. Everything about Eddie speaks of uncertain tidings.

"So you're one of the poor lugnuts gonna fly with Gabe?" Eddie asked, "Hell, the stories I could tell you."

"Another time perhaps," Gabe said, "Get yourself stowed, we're leavin' soon."

"Shiny." Eddie said. He sauntered past the two into the lounge. "Hey Lincoln, how's our resident impotent doin'?"

"Liu kou-shui de biao-zi he hou-zi de ben er-zi." Lincoln muttered, flipping Eddie off.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant replied, "Yes sir. I'll stow it 'til it's needed."

As he introduced him to the unkempt and squirmy fellow named Eddie, Valiant couldn't help but feel uneasy about the man.

There was something about him that just didn't sit right with the ex-soldier. He had that aura about him of a stool pigeon, who would sell his mother for a credit.

He said nothing as he shook the man's hand, adding a little bit of extra pressure as if to say "I'm watching you, little man."

If the captain hadn't have been present, maybe he would have said it as well.

Valiant cast a glance over at Lincoln and offered the kid a sympathetic look.

"Get us in the sky, Studly, and I'll be sharing a good shot of whiskey with you once we are flyin'."
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Gabe walked over to Lincoln and leaned over his shoulder, "How's it looking?"

Lincoln sighed, "Like I'm gonna be spending the next several months sharing a bunk with that lowlife."

"Easy," Gabe said, "I won't have that kind of muttering and backtalk on my boat."

"He's a sleaze, Cap." Lincoln said, "MacGruder was only too happy to have him out here, gettin' babysat by us."

"Just concentrate on getting us airborn." Gabe said.

Lincoln nodded, "Yessir. It's standard Alliance encryption locks. Nothing I don't see everyday, but out here you'd be lucky to find someone with the know-how to crack it. Fortunately-" He cracked his knuckles, "You have me. And where knowledge is power..."
(Hacking check: 19)

Lincoln hit a few keys, and the red light on his screen flashed green and showed a clamp jaw opening. "Then a god am I."

Gabe slapped Lincoln's shoulder, "Good work, Studly. I think Val promised you a drink."

Lincoln shrugged. "The trick isn't the auto-lock on our ship, of course," He said, "The trick is evading Alliance scanners, keeping them from identifying our ship make, and evading Alliance anti-aircraft missiles to make it orbital burn."

"You leave that to Jesse and Minerva. They'll keep us afloat." He turned to Val, "Make sure everyone's stowed. We'll be sailing in a few moments, and I suspect we'll be seeing trouble."

He headed for the bridge.
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Post by MWallace »

You start to get a more in-depth feel for Redemption. You see too many wires connected into places where the manual says they should go, and not enough connected to where they aught to go. Parts that don't have any real use save to cause trouble when they broke had to be removed, proper re-routes created.

After several sweaty minutes, you've completed your work. Your face and hair are stained with grease, your best suit is a wreck, and you're adoring every moment.

Still, it'd be proper to get cleaned up a bit, now that the captain's prepping for dustoff and all.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant watched as Lincoln's hands danced across the keyboard, calling up multiple screens at once and pounding input into each of them. Valiant smiled as the hacker was able to bypass the Alliance's security and bring them the Sky.

He lived up to his word by setting down a small steel flask next to the kid's terminal.

"That will keep you warm up in the Black. Just make sure to pace yourself. Good work, Lincoln."

He nodded as the captain ordered him to get everyone stowed and he headed down the ramp and into the medical bay.

Darren was looking over the medical supplies that had been stocked up and he was organizing things to his taste.

Valiant cleared his throat and the doctor looked up, half expecting another fist in his pretty face by the look in his eyes.

"Captain says to get stowed. We are dusting off. That's taking off for those of you not familiar with Spacefaring ways." Valiant teased the doctor, who said nothing to the ex-soldier as he headed into his room to make sure everything was stowed and ready for breaking atmo.

Valiant just shrugged and went to check on Minerva.


Valiant was greeted by a ruddy face streaked with black smudges as he walked into the engine room. Minerva was whipping the dirt and grim from her hands as the ex-soldier came into the room and she smiled happily upon seeing him.

"Hey Val, this boat's ready to fly. She's had a rough start but I'll keep her goin'" her speech had slipped entirely to Rim speak, as it usually did when she was with friends and done with a job.

"Captain will be happy to hear that. Nice work, Min. Get yourself cleaned up and stowed for atmo breakage. We might still need those hands of yours making this boat purr."

Valiant turned to go but Minerva stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"You know, Val, this is a new start for us both. I just hope we made the right decision chosing this ship."

Valiant only nodded to her and headed back up to the bridge, after he made sure everything was set.

It was the beginning for all of them, the beginning of what was the question.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

"The beginning... of freedom." Gabe said, seemingly to no one at all, "This is the first time in my life I've never had to be taking real orders from anyone. I can lie back in the waters, and drift where I will. Current'll carry me somewheres, but that's the way fate works, isn't it?"

Jesse leaned back in her chair, interested. "Isn't fate somethin' set in stone?"

Gabe looked at her. "Fate is water, Jess. A river. It carries you along, tosses you this way and which, but if you're strong enough, you can fight the current, maybe steer yourself somewheres new. Can't go back, but there's more than one forward."

Jesse smiled, "We'll have to keep taking orders from someone."

"And I love giving orders, I'm here to tell you." Gabe said, "Everything ready?"

"Green 'round the block." Jesse said, "Engines are hot, and if Lincoln's anywhere as good as he claims to be-"

"And out of earshot, he just might be." Gabe added.

"-Then all we need know is a little fancy flying."

Gabe smiled and leaned back in the communication's seat, "You remember that beat up old arcade game near flight school?"

Jesse smiled as well, "The one I was certainy you were intent on breaking, not playing?"

"Hey, I thought I Was flying pretty good." Gabe said, "You know, a few crashes teaches a man a thing about piloting. Like why he shouldn't."

Jesse laughed, "You were so ruttin' awful."

"Maybe," Gabe said, flicking switches on the comm board, "But one good thing came out of that experience."

"Yeah? What?" Jesse asked.

Gabe took the com radio in his hand, "I got to hire you." He grinned.

Jesse's smile change a bit as Gabe turned away, took on a somewhat wistful tone. It vanished just as quick.

"Control, this is Redemption, mic check one two, sibilous, sibilous."

The screen flickered on Gabe's board as MacGruder's face nearly filled it up. "Are you all prepped, Gabe?" He asked.

"Ready and able." Gabe said, "How are you prepared to explain a rather unique ship blasting out of your port?"

"You lemme worry about the details," MacGruder said, "I have it under good authority that the scanner watchment at the Alliance HQ are currently procuring some lovely photographs of a rather deadly riot in progress on the other side of town. That means they won't immediately be able to get a scanner lock on you, but you'll have to jack rabbit low to the ground and then make for space about seven hundred clicks out from here, hear? Otherwise you could get tagged. There are some canyons not far from Kentucky, make 'em useful and you'll be able to avoid the worst of their anti-aircraft artillery."

"Understood. Wish me luck, sir." Gabe said.

"Get those goods where they're going, boy." MacGruder said, and his image winked out.

"How long do we have to pay him off?" Jesse said.

"Might be a while." Gabe said.

"Goody." Jesse said, "He's a real charmer, that sociopath."

Gabe hit some more switches, "Everyone has a little." He said, and spoke into the comm again, "Val, we're ready for lift, you?"
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Valiant walked onto the bridge just as the captain called out to him over the comm.

He took the seat behind Jesse and strapped himself in.

"We're golden, sir. Let's get into the air and get the hell off this rock."

He looked over at Jesse and smiled slightly.

"I look forward to seeing just how well you can handle this boat, Ms. Belle. And if you ever need a hand, let me know. I was piloting boats like this before you were out of diapers."

He turned and looked out one of the narrow viewports.

Time for his new chance at life to really begin.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Gabe stood up and faced the forward view ports. "Put some wind under us, Jesse."

"Aye." She started up the engines.
(Pilot Check: 20)

* * *

The engines began to spin, slowly at first but then faster, coming alive. A heartbeat-like rhythm came from within, healthy and strong.

* * *

The VTOL thrusters turned on thier axis, aiming downward. With a rising mechanical keening, they fired up and pushed Redemption off the ground with a slight jolt. The ship lifted up off the port, it's landing legs retracting into comparments on the corners of the cargo bay.

* * *

"She's a bit heavier than I expected," Jesse said, "But I think she's the dancin' type."

"No need for undue ceremony," Gabe said, smiling from the way the grav-field kept things feeling comfortably downard even as the ship listed left and right slightly on its thrusters.

"Just turn us away from Kentucky, keep us at about this altitude, and we should be-"

(Damage: 39 Thrusters)

Redemption shuddered violently to the right, rocking to her very core. Jesse swore and fought with the controls, and Gabe was nearly thrown off his feet.

"That wasn't us!" Jesse said.

Gabe sat in the comm seat, "Something hit us?"

The comm crackled, "This is Alliance Patrol, unidentified vessel, you are ordered to cut your engines, respond."

"Oskvernite mojj bol'shojj belyjj inostrannyjj lob!" Gabe said into the comm, "Jesse, take us out to the black!"

"I'll try!" Jesse said, yanking a lever back.
(Pilot Check: 16)

Redemption lurched forward, aiming its nose doward slightly as the thrusters pushed it upward, then swung into normal position, rocketing the vessel forward. It soared over MacGruder's port and into the open valleys of rolling grass and badlands beyond Kentucky City.

"Take us into that canyon Macgruder mentioned," Gabe said, "Go as fast as you can."

"You'd better get someone to check out that thruster." Jesse said, "If it goes out we're gonna be a pinball."

Gabe grabbed the comm, "Minerva, Lincoln, anyone who's good with tools, we need those thrusters at a hunnerd percent, understood!?"

(Pilot Check: 21)

The canyons seemed to rush up at them as Redemption, a little chunky for canyon runs, tilted to the side and slipped into the relative cover, but the speedy Alliance patrol craft, smooth and blue and bristling with weapons, rushed after them, its missile batteries taking aim...
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Minerva was just finishing lacing up her work boots as the Redemption took a hit and the mechanic tumbled forward and almost nailed her head on the side of the engine.

She stood up quickly and reached for her tools, a grim look of determination on her face, as Gabe ordered her to look at the thruster.

Minerva moved forward, through the nearby service crawl space that was located next to the thruster, and poked her head into the thruster's service bay.

Smoke rushed up to greet her and Minerva found herself coughing hard. She fumbled around in the darkness of the smoke and pulled free a strip of cloth. She pulled it over her mouth and nose and then dove into the service bay, tools in hand.

Repair Roll: 26

Minerva's hands were a blur of motion as she worked to get the sputtering thruster array back in order. The drone of a healthy engine would be music to her ears...
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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