DCC fanbase - what else do you play?

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DCC fanbase - what else do you play?

Post by malladin_ben »

I've been lurking here for a few months now and have only just bothered to create an account and post something, but I've got a question for all you DCC fans out there (and everyone elso, too, I suppose).

I am interested to know how much the support for the understandably popular DCC line becomes Goodman Games support in general... Do you,the DCC fans, buy, or at least look at, other Goodman Games stuff,because you've developed a kind of company loyalty, or do you just stick to the DCC modules. Also for the rest of you - is there a separate customer base, say, for DCCs and for all GG's other products?


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Post by Ssendam »

I love DCC and the Wanderer's Guild, but I have little to no interest in the rest of the products.

I'm super interested in Etherscope but so little is known so far.
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Post by malladin_ben »

Ssendam wrote:I love DCC and the Wanderer's Guild, but I have little to no interest in the rest of the products.
I think that's kind of what I was expecting. I've noticed from my lurking days that there seems to be one group of fans for DCC and similar generics, and another for the more "adventurous" (and I say mean that in a good way) stuff, like Broncosaurus and Dragonmech. It always seemed strange to me that Goodman had two very different product lines - its like a resturant where you can get a take away burger and a cordon bleu meal at the same place :). Anyway, I was just wondering if there got to be any cross over between the two customer bases or not.
Ssendam wrote:I'm super interested in Etherscope but so little is known so far.
Its interesting you should say that. I would have thought that the typical DCC/generics fan would be less likely to be interested in Etherscope than the dragoinmech/broncosaurus crowd... This is great (speaking as the game's co-creator :) ).

There's actually quite a bit of stuff nocking around on Etherscope if you know where to look. Try Malladin's Gate's (our) website (www.malladinsgate.com) or have a search through the threads on the publsiher's forum at EnWorld (www.enworld.org).


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Post by ynnen »

I think DragonMech is pretty cool, but haven't had a chance to play it, as many of my players feel it doesn't offer a wholly different RP experience than standard D&D (no matter how much I disagree with them). I'm keenly interested in Etherscope, as well.

I dig the wanderer's guild and complete guide books, and think the Warrior Strategy Guide is a top notch help book... I hope folks feel the same way about the Wizard Strategy Guide once it's released.
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Post by Ssendam »

Ben, I look forward to Etherscope. I'm not too keen on cyberpunk (except for Shadowrun) but I am fanatical about Victorian settings. Could I ask a few questions about the setting?

Dragonmech sounds interesting, but maybe it's the presentation that didn't sell me. I love mechs, I love D&D, but something was missing.

Broncosaurus, I have no idea what that is, but dinosaurs are pretty much on the bottom of my list when it comes to rpgs.

I have to also say that what makes Wanderer's Guild books so fantastic is the amazing artwork by Andy Hopp and the "ye olde" style. Since Goodman Games has Jim Holloway and Erol Otus on the payroll...

Come to think of it, if Goodman Games put out a folio of Holloway and Otus' artwork, I would buy it without hesitation.
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Post by malladin_ben »

Ssendam wrote:Ben, I look forward to Etherscope. I'm not too keen on cyberpunk (except for Shadowrun) but I am fanatical about Victorian settings. Could I ask a few questions about the setting?
Sure. I'll start another thread, though. I didn't intend this thread to be about Etherscope. I'm interested in the fan base the Goodman has. It's especially interesting to see how the artists used afects your buying - I presume this is a 1st ed nostagia factor..? I'm an old OD&D gamer myself, red box, Gargle the Wizard and all that - so Elmore is more my thing, but it didn't lead me to buy Blackmoor (I'm too young for its first time found and too old for when it got incorporated into Mystara, or the Known World as I knew it) or Soverign Stone.... Interesting how different people's buying tastes are affected.

Anyway, I don't think Victoriana fans will be dissappointed with what we've done with Etherscope, even if they are not big cyberpunk fans.


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Post by mythfish »

First Goodman product I got into was Dragonmech, and I loves it even though I've never really been a big fan of mechs. From there I got into the DCCs, but I have yet to really look at the other stuff. Etherscope looks neat ( :wink: ) too.
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Post by Barrataria »

I'm a stereotype, do I need to respond? I only buy the DCCs, and not all of them. I run them either under B/X rules or AD&D. I'll probably use them with Castles &Crusades, if I ever end up playing that.

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Post by Eryx »

I started with Broncosaurus Rex (dinosaurs are way cool!), but its taken me a while to come around to picking up the DCC's. Glad I have though.

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Post by Derek_Holland »

I am not of fan of the DCCs (I don't like premade adventures in general), but many of the other products by GG are on my favorites shelf- the CG* series, WG series, Sky Captain's Handbook and Morningstar. Brex is located on another shelf, but that has to do more with the other settings I enjoy more than a reflection on the setting itself.

*Treant and wererat top the list.
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Post by JediOre »

I'm all about pre-made adventures. I've no time to spend creating such myself.

Even when I did, back in high school I still prefered purchased adventures to home-brewed. The professional adventures are SO much better than anything I could ever hope to make. Besides, why spend the time making such when you could utilize your time so much better by playing through the purchased one.

Now to the question. After getting the "core" books, all I buy is adventures. I enjoy reading them as much as a paperback novel. The DCCs are very old-school with out being predictable. As long as I can budget for them, I'll continue to purchase Goodman Games DCC's (assuming they remain at the same high standard).
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Post by Wes »

I love the DCC. I haven't had a chance to explore GG's other offering yet, but plan to.
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Other Goodman Products

Post by Dee »

I'm curious about this Dungeon Twister thing I saw.
Don't recall seeing it in any available catalog.

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Post by goodmangames »

That's not from Goodman Games, despite what the EBay person thinks. :)
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Doesn't mean we shouldn't pitch it for Return of the Devil Lich. ;)

"See, Joseph, the trap grabs a PC by the head and feet and rotates them in opposite directions ... They have to make a Fort save each round or their head pops off.

"I call it 'Dungeon Twister.'"
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by mythfish »

I thought it was more like regular Twister, except played in a dungeon with multicolored tiles on the floor. And each one is a pressure plate.
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