The People of the Pit

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The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

East of Arwich, beyond the old Curwen homestead, the piney hills rise rank on rank into the little-explored foothills of the Shudder Mountains. The people of the mountains are known to be clannish and peculiar, and the pine-shrouded area between was once home to savages and the early, pre-human cults of unimaginable creatures. Knowing this, one cannot help wonder who - or what! - sired the baby in the Curwen's attic.

Nonetheless, the lure of wealth is strong, and the thought that much might have been missed in the tunnels beneath the Curwen's fire-gutted homestead has grown upon you. Something might be forgotten below, which could aid you in the life you have now chosen. Or not. Perhaps there is nothing down there now but misery and ruin.

Either way, strange rumours are being whispered in Arwich....the sound of rolling drums deep beneath the piney hills, a fear that has gripped outlaying homesteads toward the western hills, hushed talk of gigantic tentacles and the hooded men or near-men that seem to lead them.

Gather your fellows, choose your course, and may the gods protect you.....
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

I am going to make my 1st levels using the fill in character sheet at Purple Sorcerer Games. We need a few more player? Maybe post a thread in the general message board or google+ if you have an account?

During the last adventure my surviving characters gathered no loot of treasure. A couple other player characters did gather up some items that could be sold for gold but it seems they have disappeared without sharing the profits :x

My characters hear the call of adventure, but realize they are flat broke. Both offer their time and services. Pratel will heal the sick and bring hope to those in need in exchange for donations. While Balin will work for various crafters in exchange for armor/shield and a weapon. He will also hire himself out as a rat catcher to rid the town of the vile vermin for gold.

During Balin's free time he will also wander the streams and woodland roads, near village, while using his dwarf nose to smell for coins and precious metals/jems that might of been lost ages ago.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Maxwell Luther »

So is this game open? I can't schedule a regular game online so PBP would actually be an ideal format for my hectic schedule right now...
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Last edited by MrHemlocks on Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Maxwell Luther wrote:So is this game open? I can't schedule a regular game online so PBP would actually be an ideal format for my hectic schedule right now...
Sure. You could create 4 peasants from the Village of Arwich to accompany these PCs if you so desired......
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
Maxwell Luther
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Maxwell Luther »

Raven_Crowking wrote:
Maxwell Luther wrote:So is this game open? I can't schedule a regular game online so PBP would actually be an ideal format for my hectic schedule right now...
Sure. You could create 4 peasants from the Village of Arwich to accompany these PCs if you so desired......
Are those just normal level-0 characters using the chart in DCC, or is there a special chart for that town/setting?
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Last edited by MrHemlocks on Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Remember, dwarves can specifically smell gold and gems...the ability does not include all precious metals.

How far from the village does Balin range?

Please note that I am completely okay with you returning to the Curwen homestead to try to find loot, and you may even do so, but at the same time, events keep moving.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Well during the weeks of rest, since last adventure, Balin will go out about 500' yards radius from town center in the look for fallen loot.

If they are not able to gather any funds from what I asked in my previous post, than they will ask the villagers for armor and weapons to help them put a cure to the evils that surround the town. Surely some crafters could make them a few simple weapons and armor to help the adventures on their way. It is for the benefit of the entire town...more evils slain is a safer town after all.

Frankly Raven, I am at a lost. Not sure what else there is to do in order to gather arms and armor for the next adventure. To foolishly go back down in the Curwen's tunnels, with just the two of them, is out of the question. And if NO villagers gives a damn about the adventures trying to rid yet more evils surrounding them nor willing to offer simple arms and armor to help....blaa! One would think the villagers would be glad to offer a few weapons and armor to those that helped stop the Curwen madness.

Let me know how Balin and Pratel make out. If nothing than I will have to wait till me get a lot more adventures. Two 1st level advenures, with no armor or weapons, and 4 zero levels make a sad group :(
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Maxwell Luther wrote:Are those just normal level-0 characters using the chart in DCC, or is there a special chart for that town/setting?
No special chart, although if you own Alternate Occupations, you can use the main chart therein.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

MrHemlocks wrote:Well during the weeks of rest, since last adventure, Balin will go out about 500' yards radius from town center in the look for fallen loot.

If they are not able to gather any funds from what I asked in my previous post, than they will ask the villagers for armor and weapons to help them put a cure to the evils that surround the town. Surely some crafters could make them a few simple weapons and armor to help the adventures on their way. It is for the benefit of the entire town...more evils slain is a safer town after all.

Frankly Raven, I am at a lost. Not sure what else there is to do in order to gather arms and armor for the next adventure. To foolishly go back down in the Curwen's tunnels, with just the two of them, is out of the question. And if NO villagers gives a damn about the adventures trying to rid yet more evils surrounding them nor willing to offer simple arms and armor to help....blaa! One would think the villagers would be glad to offer a few weapons and armor to those that helped stop the Curwen madness.

Let me know how Balin and Pratel make out. If nothing than I will have to wait till me get a lot more adventures. Two 1st level advenures, with no armor or weapons, and 4 zero levels make a sad group :(
If catching rats paid in gold, there would be no reason to adventure. Moreover, the folk of Arwich could not pay you in gold if they wanted.

You have to keep in mind as well that feelings are mixed about whether you saved the village from the Curwens, or massacred the people who saved the village from famine. There are rumours of pig-men roaming the woods these days, and perhaps more wolves than in times past. The pig-man sightings are described as large and muscular, with tiny porcine heads. They come out of the darkness, scaring folk quite a bit, and sometimes eating the slow. On the other hand, the wolves seem to be good at dragging them down, and several pig-man corpses have been found.

Your compatriots in the adventure, who gathered the loot, seem to have slipped out of Arwich in the night. That makes it easier for folks to believe that you were mere dupes of those thieves, who staged the whole thing. Perhaps they were demon worshippers? Who knows?

A club costs 3 gp if you want someone to go to the effort of fashioning one for you, but anyone can make a half-descent club by themselves. Likewise, a staff can be made merely by cutting a pole from coppiced wood. These are not the weapons of bold adventurers, perhaps, but they are better than nothing.

Right now, the threat is "away over thatway" near the Shudder Mountains, where folk are strange anyway. Most folks want to make sure that they can protect themselves from the pig-men and the wolves, which seem much closer, and therefore more "real" than talk of gigantic tentacles seeking victims across the benighted hills.

What can the village folk give you? A flask of oil, enough food for 5 days (per person), a small sack, a dagger, a pair of stout clubs. Jonas, the old tavern keeper, hopes that you will remember him and his wife when you are among the high and mighty.

Other than that, fortune favours the bold, when it favours anyone at all.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Balin and Pratel, prepare themselves for the next days adventure. Resting, in their beds, within Jonas' travern, they toss and turn hoping sleep takes hold of them soon. For when tomorrow comes they will need to ready for whatever the day brings. Balin, looks across the room at Pratel. "I hope we can gather enough wolf pelts to make us some coinage." Pratel responds with whispered tones. "I hear old friend! Once we get some of those pelts, and even some pig-men coinage, we can better outfit ourselves for the Shudder mountain region."

Watching the wood burn, in the fireplace, and warming up to its radiant heat both weary men fall into a deep restful sleep...

Come morning they will head back to the Curwen's farm and other locals where the wolves and pig-men are said to be seen. Hopefully more players can join in on the fun :wink:

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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

In answer to a question I received via messages:


I trust you to roll your own dice.

Interact with each other all you like. Sometimes you will have to wait to interact with me.

I have a full-time job, a ton of writing commitments, and three children from two relationships. I try to keep on top of things, but sometimes I am offline for a bit. I don't expect anyone to post more often than I do. If you get on even once or twice a week, that's fine. Right now, I am working on some materials for Goodman Games, and writing the third adventure in the Faerie Tales From Unlit Shores series for Purple Duck Games. And some other stuff as well.

In the case of combat, it is best if you state what you intend to do, then give rolls for Init (I roll each round), attack rolls, and damage. Feel free to roll crits and fumbles if you should be fortunate or less so. Then I can narrate the combat round efficiently.

There is a limit to how many messages you can keep on the Goodman Games site; if you need to contact me privately, I urge you to email me at ravencrowking at hotmail dot com.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by fireinthedust »

Bron and Arvandra, survivors of the excursion to the now-ruined Curwin farm, have kept to themselves for the intervening weeks, staying at Arvandra's cottage while the old herbalist tended to the wounds of Bron and the other survivors. What they had seen had shaken them, but steeled their souls as well. While Trapper and the lady elf were of no mind to continue such dangerous occult explorations, the mercenary and the hedge witch (for such she had become) had decided there was no returning to the simple lives they'd had before.

For many hours Bron spent swinging his sword in the clearing behind the cottage, or cleaving through blocks of wood for the winter, or uprooting tree stumps, and other body-hardening tasks. All the while his mind's eye was troubled by the sight of those others in the attic, shattered by the horrific infant-creature; the same demon that had nearly sundered Bron, had he not made that one lucky shot to spill its caustic blood upon the bodies of the others who'd joined him in that foolery. No moment of sleep gave him the peace that rending things with his blade had done. His mind and his body were like iron, and after the time spent healing with foul-smelling poultices on his chest, Bron was in desperate need to leave these parts and fight something.

Arvandra had spent that same time poring over the dark tomes they'd found in the Curwin's library. Her wizened body was often bent over the books late into the night, but unlike Bron, she was given energy by what she learned from them. Combined with her life's work of herbal cures, much made sense to her now. She knew, however, that she must find more knowledge, and that following Bron on his quest to purge his personal demons was her best chance to survive such a trek.

The two of them were also glad that the other survivors seemed ready to move on from Arwich, and from the burned-down cottage of those dark mages.

Thus it was that when the rumours of the strange folk beyond the Curwin homestead made their way to Arwich, Bron the warrior and Arvandra the wise woman joined the other survivors.

OOC: Whew! Had to re-reset my password. After the last hiatus, I wasn't sure what we'd be up to next. Glad I checked the page today! :D

Bron will be a warrior, Arvandra a Wizard. I've switched to a Mac recently, so I'll see if I can access the character sheets for those two, and bump them up to 1st level. How did you want me to come up with the spells for Arvandra?

What do you think of having Lady Aelfwyn along as a camp follower? I'd mentioned it in the last bit of the previous game. NPC would be fine. I suggest it partly because she's got abysmal potential as an elf, but also it'd be cool to have a recurring friendly NPC between adventures (and I do hope this group keeps going; that last game was a blast, despite it taking a while).

We should keep together next dungeon crawl, btw. Easier to keep track of everyone, and fight off any truly-brutal baddies. That baby fight was tense. Also, I was so busy with RL stuff, and not meta gaming, I didn't read what was going on below the house; I get there were pits, and people, and bad guys, and that there was some kind of nasty revelation... but I didn't get the details! Not sure if Bron and Arvandra would know by now, so I'll wait for the GM's okay before I go read the other thread :D

Spent today illustrating some pics for my own attempt at a module; our GM knows which one I mean. The three adventure hook NPCs now have portraits, a-thank you. I'm tinkering with my tablet, but I'm months behind on drawing with it, so what I'm doing now is entirely ink and my own ridiculousness. Anyway, feeling good about how it's doing, and getting back on track (finally). RL can be nuts.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

OOC... Nice to have you back in game! I have no problem with a NPC camp follower, but up to DM for the final say. My guys would of told yours about the 'people' they saw trapped below ground within vertical tombs that were ceiled with heavy lids. They seemed not human and possibly dangerous and were left alone. There where numerous tombs.. least 5+. Also, they would of mentioned the GIANT creature that still lives, in a deep pit, within the tunnels below the farm. It has many tentacles and easily killed a party member while the rest ran for their lives.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by fireinthedust »

OOC: Oh my! I love the imagery of that funnel: vertical tombs, centipede babies in the attic, etc.


Bron listened to Balin and Pratel speak of what they'd seen below, his eyes burning at the thought of those horrors still living.

Arvandra wisely spoke up when she noticed. "Better to learn more before going back in. That tentacle thing the rumours speak of, from those others beyond the Curwin farm, sounds a great deal like the tentacle horror Balin and Pratel speak of. We should look into what goes on there, learn if they are related. I read enough to know that we don't know enough about what is going on. We need to arm ourselves, with more than even your armor and sword. Then, when we know where to strike, should we return below: armed and prepared, not like last time."

Bron nods. "Well then, Balin, Pratel, shall we go? Did you say something of other villagers wanting to join us?"
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Balin, turning to Bron, "yes there was talk, among the villagers, of others wanting some adventure but not a word was spoken about it for some time now."

Pratel, looks at Arvandra and smiles. "You speak that more information is needed but where might I add shall we gather this from? Balin and I thought about heading back to the Curwen's farm to 'look' around. Maybe we can find something of value there...clues or loot."

"Yes, indeed!" Balin stands up and lights up his cob pipe while continuing to speak. " There is talk of pig-men and wolves running loose and killing folk. I say that we take a better look at that Curwen farm. I'm sure it still holds secrets that we need to help rid this valley of the trouble plaguing it. Than we can head to the shudder mountain region and find out what those hill folk might know about the evils that lurk within the region."

Blowing out a perfect smoke ring, Balin watches as it heads toward the window seemingly trying to escape the confines of the tavern.

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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by fireinthedust »

Bron speaks in a low voice, and Arvandra listens thoughtfully. We should delve into the Curwin farm. Balin and Pratel are right: the Curwin ruins hold the same evil as before, and we came out alive. If we four stay together, armed and armoured instead of me the only one with a sword, and we can kill whatever evil we find there. Not like last time.
The pig-men must be those fat horrors from the pig pens, and the barn. I don't recall seeing wolves on the farm, maybe those deaths are from something below the ruins. Whatever the things inside the tombs were, we should slay them. And maybe bring holy water, or something to hallow the ruins of whatever ghosts haunt them now.

Have we any others willing to rid the village of this evil with us?"

ooc: I'm cool with going back. I wasn't sure, as we're with People of the Pit, so Arvandra was attempting to help the plot along. Also, really, she's gotten the books she needs from the Curwins, so unless there are other libraries back there... (ahem) ;)

Speaking of which: I'm hoping to take on a patron. Should Arvandra randomly select one, or is there one associated with the tomes she has from the Curwin house? The King of Elfland is one option that she may have looked into other than through the books, as she's an herbalist and friends with an elf (Lady Aelfwyn), but Arvandra is interested in knowledge of all sorts, so she'll look at all the options available to her.

Also: if there are other players whose survivors from last time (or peasants from this time) would want to study wizardry/witchcraft, she's willing to share knowledge if they are willing to share theirs and work together. A cabal of magic-users travelling together, perhaps?
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

I am happy with you ordering your characters however you like, including turning any into NPC/semi-NPCs. You may also recruit others if you can, but they start with a quartet of 0-level fodder-folk, as Arwich is no village of heroes. Your PCs are now the toughest folk this small village has to offer!
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

fireinthedust wrote:ooc: I'm cool with going back. I wasn't sure, as we're with People of the Pit, so Arvandra was attempting to help the plot along. Also, really, she's gotten the books she needs from the Curwins, so unless there are other libraries back there... (ahem) ;)

Speaking of which: I'm hoping to take on a patron. Should Arvandra randomly select one, or is there one associated with the tomes she has from the Curwin house? The King of Elfland is one option that she may have looked into other than through the books, as she's an herbalist and friends with an elf (Lady Aelfwyn), but Arvandra is interested in knowledge of all sorts, so she'll look at all the options available to her.
Does Arvandra study the books recovered from the Curwen homestead? If so, which first? Remember that there is a limited time between the two adventures.

In terms of a patron, any attempt to bond with a patron is entirely your purview. What then happens as a result is entirely mine. You are in a world replete with supernatural beings that might be willing to act as patron, but your lore right now is probably limited to (1) what you might know from the core rulebook, and (2) what you might glean from the Curwen's books, should you dare to study them.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by fireinthedust »


Arvandra: Hmm, so the books are the actual books we got, and I have to choose which I go through. She would have skimmed them to get a sense of which has spells she can learn, and gone for them. If all of them have the potential, or if you want to know which she skimmed first... The Booke of the Gates of Life and Death, Wonders of ye Darke, and The Book of Eibon Stars were the ones she gathered from the mouldering wizard room above. then you said there were eight books more on the way out, but I can't find their titles; I recall something about a goodeman in the title, so wasn't sure if they were real books (but that would be great; we'd have all the resources in Core, at least ;) ). Arvandra would have gotten help carrying them, on the grounds that they might tell them more about whoever was the patron of the Curwens.

I'll start with Gates of Life and Death; then Eibon Stars; then Wonders. She's hoping for some kind of life extension, as her mortality is on her mind. Also she'd like to know who the Patrons were for the Curwens, and any other information they'd have.

Patrons: Okay, so I would pick from the core book? Or is there a limited selection available at this time in the game (ie: only those in the books). I want to make clear, I literally have no preference, so if there's a limited selection then that's fine. In fact, can we have multiple patrons, or do the patrons themselves forbid that? Like, if she wants them for different things.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by MrHemlocks »

Pratel stands up along side Balin. "Well guys," nodding at Balin, "we ate a hardy breakfast and gathered our supplies. Though short on good fitting armor and the sturdiest of weapons we still are better prepared for what lays ahead." Still looking out of the tavern window, Balin speaks in a hushed tones. "If Arvandra and Bron are equipped and ready to explore I suggest we head back to the farm this morning and take a look around. Probably not much left of the house with the fire and all but still the outer buildings and tunnels await us."
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

fireinthedust wrote:I'll start with Gates of Life and Death
Cool. It will take a week to read any one of these books, if you choose to do so. Even though only a third of the words of any of these are legible, they are disturbing to look at. The mould seems to have gotten into the illustrations not randomly, but to highlight certain disgusting abnormalities of the creatures depicted in.
Patrons: Okay, so I would pick from the core book? Or is there a limited selection available at this time in the game (ie: only those in the books). I want to make clear, I literally have no preference, so if there's a limited selection then that's fine. In fact, can we have multiple patrons, or do the patrons themselves forbid that? Like, if she wants them for different things.
You can attempt to contact any potential patron you are aware of. In your reading, you certainly might learn more about the Curwens......but, you are free to use the core book. Or free to wait to try to contact something else. Remember that Invoke Patron takes a minimum of 1 week to cast.

You have three weeks in which to take actions, and can decide on a week-by-week basis, if you like, based upon the results of each earlier week.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by fireinthedust »

Week One: Arvandra will spend the first week on Gates. (what did we learn? Is there more to gain from studying further?)
Week Two: Depending on what she learned, she'll either read the next book (Eibon Stars) or see if there's anything of note to gain from extra readings of Gates for week two.
Week Three: Either cast Patron Bond or further reading.
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Re: The People of the Pit

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Reading Gates, Arvandra learns of Sliggeth the Hungerer, the prehuman god of cannibalism that the Curwens worshipped. The knowledge revealed by this first book blasts her sanity, causing a permanent loss of 1d3 Personality. However, from reading this book, she has the potential to learn Consult Spirit (which is still too high a spell level to learn, but time and experience may change that).

Week Two?
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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