Creeping Beauties of the Woods

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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by rhh »

Raven_Crowking wrote:Okay; nothing jumps out at you.
When nothing happens, Radny says, "See, I told you it was fine. Are you all coming?" With that said, he strides to the middle of the bridge to see what he can see from there.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Shaking his head at Radny's 'bravery', Balin crosses the bridge.

"Wait for me." Tarpy says as he likewise makes it across the bridge.

ooc... What time of day is it now?
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

It is four hours after you awoke, so consider it to be about noon.

Nothing dangerous occurs as you cross the bridge. On the far side, you can see the prints of a large horse's hooves on the mud beside the road, but no obvious trail of hoof-marks leading to or away from the bridge. The path leads onward to the north.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by rhh »

Raven_Crowking wrote:It is four hours after you awoke, so consider it to be about noon.

Nothing dangerous occurs as you cross the bridge. On the far side, you can see the prints of a large horse's hooves on the mud beside the road, but no obvious trail of hoof-marks leading to or away from the bridge. The path leads onward to the north.
Radny says, "Look, horse-prints. But only right here. What do you all think it means?"
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Rafo, tapping his head as in thought is the first to reply. "Not sure what to make of these tracks, Radny but I guess we best be moving onward up this path why we have light."

Balin, looks up in the sky. "It is like a horse landed here and took off. But I never heard of any flying horse. Mark this location on the map and make a note of what we see here. The Baron might find interest with it."

ooc... If no further debate the group continues up the northward trail.
Last edited by MrHemlocks on Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

You continue two hours toward the north.

As the path curves around to the east, you can see an old inn to the west, its yard choked with thistles and vines. The windows in the upper floor have no shutters, so that they gape open beneath a hazardously sagging roof. The sign above the sagging door shows a human skeleton surrounded by links of chain.

The whole place appears deserted.

The path continues beyond the inn.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Looking up at the mid-day sun, Rafo can tell that the party has but a few hours before night takes them. "I suggest we examine this place thoroughly before moving on."

Tarpy, points at the decaying building. " Like the owl said one of the princess' is on this path. This place is as good as any for the undead to call 'home.'"

ooc...My guys will explore the structure but will wait to see what the rest of the party will do. Also, they will try to avoid those vines and will keep a CLOSE eye on them just in case... :lol:
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by rhh »

MrHemlocks wrote:Looking up at the mid-day sun, Rafo can tell that the party has but a few hours before night takes them. "I suggest we examine this place thoroughly before moving on."

Tarpy, points at the decaying building. " Like the owl said one of the princess' is on this path. This place is as good as any for the undead to call 'home.'"

ooc...My guys will explore the structure but will wait to see what the rest of the party will do. Also, they will try to avoid those vines and will keep a CLOSE eye on them just in case... :lol:
Radny, Enlo, Lyfina, and Los will follow their lead.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

rhh wrote:
MrHemlocks wrote:Looking up at the mid-day sun, Rafo can tell that the party has but a few hours before night takes them. "I suggest we examine this place thoroughly before moving on."

Tarpy, points at the decaying building. " Like the owl said one of the princess' is on this path. This place is as good as any for the undead to call 'home.'"

ooc...My guys will explore the structure but will wait to see what the rest of the party will do. Also, they will try to avoid those vines and will keep a CLOSE eye on them just in case... :lol:
Radny, Enlo, Lyfina, and Los will follow their lead.
ooc... Onward we go.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by fireinthedust »

ooc: big week, but here I am.


Elroth takes a note of where the bridge is, and notes the hoof-marks.
Hooves setting down and vanishing? I don't suppose it's a pegasus... Did any of the princesses own flying horses? Perhaps something rode towards the bridge, but could not cross running water? The elf thinks of what creatures he's aware of that could possibly leave marks like these.

Graham, the huntsman, looks at the hoof marks, where they come from and what they could mean, to a tracker like himself.

ooc: invisible castle rolls, first one is for Elroth, the other for Graham. Not sure what I should add for these, Int or Luck? If it's Luck, I think most of my party has a zero.

1d20=12, 1d20=2
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

fireinthedust wrote:ooc: big week, but here I am.


Elroth takes a note of where the bridge is, and notes the hoof-marks.
Hooves setting down and vanishing? I don't suppose it's a pegasus... Did any of the princesses own flying horses? Perhaps something rode towards the bridge, but could not cross running water? The elf thinks of what creatures he's aware of that could possibly leave marks like these.

Graham, the huntsman, looks at the hoof marks, where they come from and what they could mean, to a tracker like himself.

ooc: invisible castle rolls, first one is for Elroth, the other for Graham. Not sure what I should add for these, Int or Luck? If it's Luck, I think most of my party has a zero.

1d20=12, 1d20=2
ooc... So, be back track a bit :wink: After you search the area you will come with us and explore the old shed that is up the road a bit....correct? I posted group actions, couple post up from this one, for that time unless you want to mix things up a bit?

Let's let DM figure it... :twisted:
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by fireinthedust »

MrHemlocks wrote: ooc... So, be back track a bit :wink: After you search the area you will come with us and explore the old shed that is up the road a bit....correct? I posted group actions, couple post up from this one, for that time unless you want to mix things up a bit?

Let's let DM figure it... :twisted:
OOC: Just having a look and thinking as we pass by, following with your characters. Not in-depth investigation. Knowledge check and a Nature check, in other RPGs. Cerebral, not tactile-interactive.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by fireinthedust »

Moving on from the hoof-prints, Elroth, Graham, Xim, and Borok make their way to the house, weapons drawn.

Elroth and Graham, having bows, will stand well back while the others move in to explore the structure.

OOC: do the vines look like the ones that went after Xim previously?
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

ooc...Good question fireinthedust about those vines. My guys are ready for them to lash out at the party any time :wink:
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

To Graham the huntsman, the tracks appear to be those of a big horse...probably a warhorse. It appears that someone mounted on a warhorse waited here all night, from the tracks, but there is no sign as to how they arrived or departed.

The vines may be similar to those that attempted to throttle Xim, but they do not seem to be moving. The inn is neither locked nor barred, and it is easy to enter the deserted common room. There are a few dried leaves amid the cold soot in the fireplace.

The inn has a stable filled with old straw and the rusted remains of horseshoes and the metal bits from horse tack. What remains of the leather is badly chewed and ragged.

The cellars are empty of all but shards of dusty broken glass and a few dry beer barrels.

Finally, there is a path to the southwest of the inn, overgrown but still discernible.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

After searching the two structures and finding nothing worth taking note of, the group follows the trail leading southwest.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by fireinthedust »

Stables: How fresh is the chewed up tack and such? Ie: could the warhorse at the bridge have stayed ehre recently?
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

MrHemlocks wrote:After searching the two structures and finding nothing worth taking note of, the group follows the trail leading southwest.
I need more information than that. Do you go upstairs, despite knowing that the floor looks unsafe? Is there anything particular that you check?

As for the stables, there is no way that a horse was kept here recently. What remains of tack and harness is altogether worthless, due to age and the combined work of animals and time. There is a faint whiff of a strange scent in the air, though, vaguely oily or fish-like, but it is faint and is perhaps imagination.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Raven_Crowking wrote:To Graham the huntsman, the tracks appear to be those of a big horse...probably a warhorse. It appears that someone mounted on a warhorse waited here all night, from the tracks, but there is no sign as to how they arrived or departed.

The vines may be similar to those that attempted to throttle Xim, but they do not seem to be moving. The inn is neither locked nor barred, and it is easy to enter the deserted common room. There are a few dried leaves amid the cold soot in the fireplace.

The inn has a stable filled with old straw and the rusted remains of horseshoes and the metal bits from horse tack. What remains of the leather is badly chewed and ragged.

The cellars are empty of all but shards of dusty broken glass and a few dry beer barrels.

Finally, there is a path to the southwest of the inn, overgrown but still discernible.

ooc...I thought that, after reading your post, we found nothing after searching the inn and stable? So, what is it that we did not search yet? As always the dwarf smells for precious gems and coins.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

MrHemlocks wrote:ooc...I thought that, after reading your post, we found nothing after searching the inn and stable? So, what is it that we did not search yet? As always the dwarf smells for precious gems and coins.
That's a sketchy description; an overview of the area.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Well I guess they will search the inn first...from top to bottom. They will look for traps, secret doors and smell for treasure along the way. The stable will be saved for last with little Tarpy climbing the ladder using his thief skills.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by rhh »

MrHemlocks wrote:Well I guess they will search the inn first...from top to bottom. They will look for traps, secret doors and smell for treasure along the way. The stable will be saved for last with little Tarpy climbing the ladder using his thief skills.
Radny, Enlo, Lyfina, and Los cautiously enter, standing around uncomfortably. They shuffle their feet, and generally look like they don't know what they're doing here.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by Raven_Crowking »

MrHemlocks wrote:Well I guess they will search the inn first...from top to bottom. They will look for traps, secret doors and smell for treasure along the way. The stable will be saved for last with little Tarpy climbing the ladder using his thief skills.
Okay; everyone who goes upstairs must succeed in a Luck check (1d20, result equal to or under your Luck) or fall through the floor, taking 2d6 damage each. Roll each die separately if using rolz; each "6" indicates a broken bone.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by MrHemlocks »

Makes his way up the ladder and looks around. "If coming up guys just be real careful...boards feel kind of weak."

1D20 => 4
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Re: Creeping Beauties of the Woods

Post by fireinthedust »

Elroth sniffs the air, as do Graham and Borok. The dwarf's face wrinkles at the smell of Xim, who throws up his hands to ward off the assumed insult, says "What! Gee..." then sniffs himself, makes a face, and shrugs apologetically.

Elf and Huntsman, however, both catch the fishy scent.

Fishy scent, faint... I've never come across trolls, but do they smell like fish? They live under bridges, and we passed one just now. He says *very* quietly to the huntsman.

Elroth marks it on the map (fish smell at stables), but Graham shrugs, having never seen a troll yet either.

Keep an eye on the woods, then. Could be we're being followed.
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