Frozen in Time as a 0-level funnel

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Frozen in Time as a 0-level funnel

Post by Judd »

Rest in Peace
Nannie Milhaus Cromwell the smith, femoral artery pierced by Bore Bugs

Delbret the Beepkeeper, skull crushed like a grape by a robot's pincer-hands, skull cavity licked thoroughly by Carl the Pig (not a nickname, an actual pig)

Hugo trading for a grappling hook and a Holy Symbol of the Whale God just outside the caves with the locals who came to watch the crazy foreigners venture into the haunted glacier.

Players winning the yeti over with food when killing it with fire didn't work.

Groat the Slave, in the midst of the battle with the robot, praying over his strange shaped rock to the Chaos Gods for aid - no response.

Players wrapping the robot up in a chain, winning a big Strength test and holding it down for a while. Once 5 PC's were holding the chain, I asked them to make a Strength roll vs the robot, with the highest Strength modifier and the players rolling a d30 vs the Robot's d20. They won and held it down for a bit.

Then was a funky moment where Groat fumbled, Eric rolled on the fumble table and rolled a 16+ but with the robot subdued, it made more sense for a really bad fumble to mean cutting the chain and with the group's blessing, that is what I did.

Then Groat picked up the katana of the Eternal Shogunate of the Lich Shogun, fumbling and cutting the chain that was holding down the robot.

Group killing the robot just before it could kill Groat.

Llaras fitting into the Petal Knight's full plate armor after making the roll of a 17 on a Luck check (oops, the elf can't wear iron armor, we later realized).

E: Llaras would like to wear the armor. Does it fit?

J: I dunno. Make a luck roll!

There are a whole lot of slow, even nearly harmless rooms (the kitchen, the garden, the bedroom) but that ramps up the tension for those rooms where there is a whole lot at stake.

Fun times for my first time as a DCCRPG Judge!

We ended the game in the trophy room and will continue, finishing up with the newly leveled up 1st lvl characters in April.
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Re: Frozen in Time as a 0-level funnel

Post by finarvyn »

Hey, Judd -- welcome aboard and what a fun first post. I'm glad that you had such a blast with DCC. Looks like your crew has really gotten the spirit of what old-school gaming is all about.

I particularly loved the luck roll for the "does it fit" question! Fantastic idea! 8)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Frozen in Time as a 0-level funnel

Post by DM Cojo »

Loved that was very memorable in that several PCs (including crowd favorite "Torp, the Well-endowed" got stranded 1,000,000 BC (or the DCC equivalent). I still hope to have the party go back in time for them
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