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Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:57 am
by sniderman
Just got Frozen in Time the other day, and it's become my favorite DCC adventure to date (and they're ALL fantastic, in fact). Frozen in Time has a real "Barrier Peaks" feel to it which is just a ton of fun for ref and players alike.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:52 am
by Raven_Crowking
I've run this as part of my World Tour, and it is a great module. I highly recommend it.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:55 pm
by michaelcurtis
Thanks so very much! FIT was a heck of a lot of fun to write and even more fun to playtest. I've had everything from full party wipe outs to groups that utterly triumphed over everything they encountered inside the Ghost Ice. FIT really demonstrates the "swingyness" of DCC and shows that Appendix N isn't just dudes with swords hacking away at wizards.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:56 am
by cthulhudarren
I need to pick this up as I bet it would be useful for Beedo's Black City campaign.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:32 am
by Sir Robilar
Would this be playable as a lvl 0 funnel in about 4-5 hours of play? I'm in need of a funnel for tomorrows session and consider getting this.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:49 am
by Raven_Crowking
Sir Robilar wrote:Would this be playable as a lvl 0 funnel in about 4-5 hours of play? I'm in need of a funnel for tomorrows session and consider getting this.

Moreover, the Purple Sorcerer generator has an option for creating funnel characters for just this purpose. You can quickly generate some pregens and have at the fun.

I ran this at the Wizard's Cache in Toronto as part of the World Tour, and it was a LOT of fun. I ran it as a 0-level funnel, and it worked very, very well. Lots of fun details in the module, and a lot of fun things to explore/interact with, only some of which will kill you right away.

When I run a funnel, I give XP per encounter, so the characters levelled up near the end of the adventure. Which turned out to be lucky, because the cleric had to invoke divine favour to allow the party to escape a certain room after they destroyed the "key". I allowed the god's favour to turn a different "key" to gold to allow them to proceed. If you have read the module, you know of what I speak.

A very fun module. Lots of opportunity for mayhem to spontaneously arise.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:27 am
by Sir Robilar
Sounds great, thanks!

I just saw that Purple Sorcerer even has an option for Frozen in Time characters. Brilliant!

One more question: Did you change anything to the encounters for the funnel or leave it as it is?

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:50 am
by Raven_Crowking
I ran it "as is"; I saw no need to change anything.


There are some variables (art) that I gave thought to ahead of time (and the players recognized some, but not all, of the pieces from their descriptions, which enhanced their appreciation of the adventure). If the group was all much younger, I would consider changing the robot on the cover to C3PO, but this wasn't a problem.

At the close of the adventure, the party raced to the edge, with the result that the module indicates. One PC survived, using the option that the module indicates. Everyone had a lot of fun. The survivor wasn't carrying the loot, which was buried under the Ghost Ice.

I would gladly run this adventure again.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:32 pm
by themightyeroc
I just ran this adventure today as my seventh session for the World Tour. Slaughtered just over 24 zeroes and everyone loved it! The only change I made was to add a crate full of Mark 3 Blasters in the Time-Pad Chamber.

Needless to say, these were the downfall of the party as the fumbles ensued in the use of those God-like weapons!!! One exploded delivering 19pts of damage and wiped out the party as well as setting off a chain reaction that allowed me to close out the session with quite a BANG!

I'm now planning on following this up with a DCC adventure to the Barrier Peaks! More Robots, Man-eating Plants, Blaster weapons, Vegepygmies and the Froghemoth!!! What could go wrong????

This adventure is my second fav adventure after Sailors!!!

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:01 pm
by DM Cojo
Looks like I am running this for my next session this weekend. Any tip or hints to maximize its potential? Also, as a level 1 adventure with 6 level 1 PCs, can it be finished in a 4 hour session?

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:27 am
by ragboy
Funny -- I ran it this weekend with a 0-level funnel leading up to it. The characters have just made it to the actual Frozen in Time part of the adventure, but everyone loved the caveman take.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:48 am
by Maxwell Luther
I ran it with 3 Level 1 PCs and a half dozen Level 0 meatbags. It played out in about 3.5 hours. Those who didn't end up being killed by the robot, blown up by the malfunctioning blaster or being teleported into the past, all died in the end as the building collapsed in on them. Good times... :twisted:

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:47 pm
by Ogrepuppy
Raven_Crowking wrote:Lots of fun details in the module, and a lot of fun things to explore/interact with, only some of which will kill you right away.

Re: Frozen in Time = Fantastic sci-fi fun!

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:52 pm
by bbarsh
Read this one the other night. Mike hit a home run here. Classic vibe and a great back story. What he does is weave advanced tech into a swords and sorcery environment seamlessly. One of my favorite DCC adventures.