Using the adventure modules, low player count.

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Ill-Fated Peasant
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Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by teknologik »

I would really like to use the adventure modules so I can get a good sense of how I should run DCC. However, I checked the pdf previews online (DRIVE THRU RPG, I think) and saw them mention that most of the adventures are made for 6-10 people each. Is there a good way to adjust these adventures so that they can be ran for 3-4 players? If not - is it really worth it to add npc 'hirelings' so they can work their way through? I think I have only did that once for a tabletop and it was story related. If I do that, Should I control them? I'm just curious because I don't want some sort of meta where I know all the traps etc and they survive or die at my whim, I'd prefer to scale the adventure if possible.
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by teknologik »

I guess I'm wondering if the traps etc rely on a heavy amount of players..

Can I just edit the fight encounters or does the challenge run much deeper then that, and affect how many characters are needed to have a good chance?
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Doug Kovacs
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by Doug Kovacs »

3-4 players is probably more normal among RPG groups than you think. Although the DCC writers have done a great deal of work for you by writing these modules they are certainly not authority figures. It is healthy that you should question their math skills.

As a Dm you are the performer:

Give the players additional zeros if you think the party needs some padding. let them run the zeros already have enough sh*t to do. This will be more fun. Treat all zeros as if they are in the funnel until you decide they are not. Adjust it on the fly as needed.

here is some badly edited advice I just gave to one of my players that has tried his hand at DMing recently:

"I would say play  it as  is  and reign it back if you start killing too many people 
If you do zero , just give them somewhere to get new villagers ...or even at higher levels let them replace characters with zeros. If they need to be reminded it is sometimes ok to run away do that, but if they seem to be having fun committing suicide let them do it.  

If you run into things seeming too easy ramp up the monster rolls by a die or two (use the dice chain), just don't let them get bored....that is the worst thing that happen....if it is just one dude that doesn't get DCC that is fine, but don't let the group as whole get bored. 

I personally would trust my sense of the game being fun more than the writers ability to calculate levels. Keep the players on their toes, roll in public and don't be afraid to let them know the DM doesn't always know what will happen."
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Last edited by Doug Kovacs on Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by teknologik »

I have no problem adjusting things as we go. I am just curious how easy it is to adjust to a smaller amount of players. Why do they recommend 6-8 players? Is it because the combat is so hard it almost always kills a guy or two? I just want to know how it is tuned to that many players before I order something like People of the Pit. I'd like to use some of their great looking modules but at the same time I don't want it to be so much work to adjust it to a lower player count that I should have just made a 'module' myself.


"Character death is frequent and merciless in the Dungeon
Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, so the rules encourage
each player to run more than one character at low levels.
As such, we recommend two kinds of initiative"

OHHHH. Well, that makes a lot of sense. I guess the author kind of intended players to run a couple of characters for a bit.
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by cthulhudarren »

Doug I just gotta say you are awesome. LOVE your art style.
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by finarvyn »

I agree that the best options are to scale down encounters a little or add additional characters for each player. I have a group with ranges from small (2-3 some times) to large (as many as 8 other times) depending upon who can make a game session, so I appreciate that modules are flexible enough where I can adjust to party size. I prefer parties of 3-4 overall, however. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to have fun and participate. Too many players just seems to get in the way of the action.

And I love Doug's work as well. 8)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Using the adventure modules, low player count.

Post by AQuebman »

finarvyn wrote:I agree that the best options are to scale down encounters a little or add additional characters for each player. I have a group with ranges from small (2-3 some times) to large (as many as 8 other times) depending upon who can make a game session, so I appreciate that modules are flexible enough where I can adjust to party size. I prefer parties of 3-4 overall, however. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to have fun and participate. Too many players just seems to get in the way of the action.

And I love Doug's work as well. 8)
Have you found with 3-4 that you have had to scale the monsters back or does 3-4 base actually seem to work out okay in most modules? Obviously a loaded question but im curious if a balanced 3-4 seem to run okay considering the size of party the modules recommend.
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