Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Poag

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Poag

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

With pics of minis and Kit Kats!

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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by bholmes4 »

Aww man I want to know what happens to the dwarf! :(
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by Hedgehobbit »

Why the name change on the blog?
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

@bholmes: The players had to call it a night, so we did a mini, after-hours session resolving the combat with Tredegar the Lawful Dwarf. In the next write up, the players will learn of his fate....

@Hedgehobbit: I moved the blog in order to allow Stef to contribute his fantastic session write ups free of censorship. Long story.

Basically, we can get a little, um, free with our language and humor in our sessions, so I wanted to allow that same energy to be in the write ups.

I don't plan on moving the site again.

Thanks for the interest. :)
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by damonjynx »


I like the interlocking grids in the 1st photo. Mind sharing who makes them?
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by damonjynx »

Thanks, I'll check them out. Nice write-up to, by the way!
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

I can recommend the battle board / tiles. We've been using them for over a year and they've become not only integrated with our all of our fantasy campaigns, but other roleplaying games like Deadlands and All Flesh Must Be Eaten as well.

UPDATE. Not to be outdone, another of our players, Dave M., also did a session write up from the Point of View of his character, Vulcor, a Cleric of Chaos. Check it out here:

http://guildofthedungeoncrawlers.blogsp ... le-of.html
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Session 4 w/ pics, wherein The Hound of Hirot seeks bloodshed and mayhem at the Wolfspear Inn!

Again by our resident artist and poet, Stefan Poag. Enjoy!

http://guildofthedungeoncrawlers.blogsp ... gs-by.html
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by Harley Stroh »

Bummed about the dwarf. Did he make a good showing?

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

DCC Resource thread: character sheets, judge tools, and the world's fastest 0-level party creator.
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »


He did indeed! Tredigar the Dwarf took a chunk out of the Hound of Hirot at the end of session 3 all by his lonesome before getting smacked down.

But his sacrifice was not in vain. In session 4, Marlowe the elf (Stefan Poag's character) noticed from the Wolf Spear Inn's rooftop that Tredigar's hammer's claw end was still lodged in the hide of the wolf and bleeding black ooze, even as it attacked the church in retaliation for its lost sacrifice.

This gave the party the encouragement to take it on, and thanks to that lucky roll on the color spray spell they not only blinded it, but knocked it unconscious.

Finally, the look on the player's faces around the table when the demon wolf went into gaseous form and took flight was priceless! Great plot twist.

I hope you are enjoying Stef's session write ups. They must be interesting to read not only as a fellow Goodman Games comrade, but to see how your narrative inventions are being interpreted and played out. :)

GREAT adventure, Harley. Thank you so very much.
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Two more character fatalities in tonight's session. Steph's write up to follow shortly...
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Question for the group:

I've created a bunch of hand drawn maps for the Tomb of Ulfhaenor that can be printed out on a black and white printer. Would anybody want a copy? If so, can someone recommend a place where I can post them for free? They are kind of DIY and hand drawn, but they will get the job done and save a lot of time for anyone who uses miniatures.

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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Our next session is posted, wherein the conflict with the Jarl is resolved violently and the band heads to the Tomb...

http://guildofthedungeoncrawlers.blogsp ... te-up.html
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by beermotor »

Pretty brutal. I dig it!
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by stefan »

It was hilarious. My character (Benito) went down the pit after Lance (Mike's PC) got washed down it like a turd getting flushed... which, given how generally useless Lance was, is a pretty appropriate end for him. I was going to climb back up and figured, "I've got a rope and I'm a thief --- I'll have to roll really low to fail --- not gonna happen so I'll save those luck points for later," and then rolled a 2. Jon C. (our DM) figured out I had missed my roll by 1 point and I fell back into the pit and spoinked myself on the spear that I had just pulled Lance off of in order to loot his corpse with greater ease.

Kudos to Jon C. for running a fun session --- and a big thumbs up to Harley Stroh for an excellent adventure.
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Session 6 write up is posted.

This was a particularly intense session.

Included is a picture of the master himself, Stephan. Enjoy!
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

Session 7 posted, for anyone following. Things get a little harry for the Crawler's Guild as Sylle Ru recruits hunters and thieves to steal the Spear of Ulfhaenor, ambushing them outside of the tomb. Several character deaths took place and, among the players, there were several great moments of betrayal and loyalty. Once again Stephan applies his unique wit and flair to great effect.


http://guildofthedungeoncrawlers.blogsp ... ag-le.html
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Re: Doom of the Savage Kings - session write up by Stefan Po

Post by jonchappellnow2 »

The epic finale! Enjoy.

http://guildofthedungeoncrawlers.blogsp ... gs-by.html

We're going to have a wrap up session along with another player's poll before beginning our next adventure: Sailors of the Starless Sea.
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