Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

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Pick your favorite version of the DCC RPG Ranger!

Poll ended at Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:37 am

Ranger by raskal ... r21X3hkCro
Ranger by beermotor ... 019#p90019
Ranger by oncelor ... 279#p91279
Ranger by Hoplitenomad ... 318#p91318
Total votes: 6

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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by oncelor »

I hadn't intended this as an entry in the class challenge, but here's the ranger I've recently introduced in my campaign. We haven't done any play-testing with this yet, so it probably will undergo many tweaks. Sorry if it isn't in the right format.

I was never a big fan of rangers casting flashy magic, and have tried to replace ranger spells with a simple herbalism system.


Hit Points: 2d8 at first level, with an additional 1d8 at subsequent levels

Attack: As warrior with -1d to MDoA. A ranger in medium armor suffers an additional -1d to his MDoA die; in heavy armor, -2d.

Crit Tables: As thief

Action Die: As warrior

Saves: As warrior

Thief skills. A ranger has use of the following thief skills as a thief of his level:
Handle poison (natural poisons only)

Armor/Weapons: As warrior, but see armor restrictions under "Attack" above.

Giant Slayer. Ranger has an extended critical threat range against larger-than-man-sized creatures, and a threat range smaller than a warrior's against other creatures.
Critical Threat Range
Threat Threat vs Large
1 20 17-20
2 20 17-20
3 19-20 16-20
4 19-20 16-20
5 19-20 16-20
6 19-20 16-20
7 18-20 15-20
8 18-20 15-20
9 18-20 15-20
10 18-20 15-20

Studied Strike. A ranger who is hidden from a creature and who does nothing but observe the creature for 1d3 rounds may make an attack on the creature at +1d which causes a critical hit if successful. The ranger's armor check penalty reduces his attack roll when making a studied strike. A studied strike may be made against enemy creatures in combat, provided that they are not aware of the ranger.

Calm Animals. Speaking in a soothing voice, rangers may attempt to soothe and calm animals within 30'. A ranger may only soothe animals that have HD less than or equal to the ranger's level, and a ranger may not attempt to calm animals which have already taken damage from a member of the ranger's party.

Calm animal check: Roll 1d20 + Personality bonus. The base DC to calm animals is 10, modified by:
+1 for each additional animal beyond the first
+5 if any animals are monstrous or magical
+5 if the animals were previously enraged by character actions
+5 ranger is holding any weapons
-3 if the ranger is presenting the animal(s) with a gift of food or similar

Voice of the Wild. At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels the ranger may learn one new animal language, such as the language of bears, cats, spiders, horses, or snakes.

Heart of Nature. A ranger adds his Luck bonus to any saving throws made to resist any natural or magical effects originating from natural creatures, any plants, or magical creatures of nature, such as elves or dryads. A ranger who succumbs to an ongoing effect of this sort may spend one Luck point to attempt a new saving throw against the effect as an action on his turn; a ranger may make only one such attempt per ongoing effect.

Heightened Senses. A ranger making an Intelligence check to perceive hidden creatures in the wild may add his level to his check result.

Tracking. The ranger may attempt to track creatures. Roll 1d20 + Intelligence bonus. The base DC is 15 modified by:
+5 each time subject passes through secret or trap door, or across flowing water
-1 for each creature beyond one being tracked
+2 for each 24 hour period that has passed
+5 for each hour of precipitation that has passed
-5 to +5 for ground conditions (e.g., +5 for hard, clean stone; -5 for tracking in soft mud or snow)

Rangers may attempt to obscure their party's tracks. For point by which a ranger's tracking roll exceeds 10 he increases the DC of tracking the party by +1.

Herbalism. A ranger in a forest, swamp, or other rich vegetative setting may attempt to find useful herbs. If a ranger fails to find herbs in an area (roughly 300' by 300'), there is a 25% chance that he will not be able to find that type of herb in this area again; this check is made secretly by the Judge. Herbs found by the ranger can only be used while fresh -- within 24 hours from when they were gathered. Gathering and using herbs each requires a separate herbalism check.

Herb Gather/Use Check. Any check made to gather or use herbs is 1d20 + level + Intelligence. The judge is encouraged to modify the DC for gathering herbs to adjust for seasonal modifiers, local climate, and the like. Unless otherwise specified, the time to use an herb is one full round. Failure in the use of an herb destroys or otherwise ruins the herb.

Time Required to Make Gather Herb Check: 4d6 turns - 1 turn per level. At the Judge's discretion, the rangers allies who might have some knowledge of herbalism based on their character occupation may make their own herbalism rolls, which if successful, reduce the ranger's search time by 1-3 turns per success.

Number of herbs found: if the ranger is successful in locating herbs, roll 1d5 to determine the number of doses that the ranger has located.

Types of Herbs:

Healing Herbs. Gather DC 12. It takes one turn for a ranger to attempt to provide herbal healing to a character. Each subsequent use of healing herbs on a subject in a given day reduces the herb use check by -1d. It requires one turn to use healing herbs. A roll of a natural '1' always incurs the '<=1' roll on the chart below.

Healing Herb Use
<=1 -1 temporary Stamina
< 12 No effect
12-13 1 dice of healing
14-19 2 dice
20-21 3 dice
22-25 4 dice
26+ 5 dice

In lieu of providing hit point healing, the ranger can attempt to cure certain conditions:
• Broken limbs: 2 dice
• Organ damage: 3 dice
• Disease: 3 dice
• Paralysis: 4 dice
• Poison: 4 dice
• Blindness or deafness: 5 dice

A character slain by poison can be healed via herbalism provided that the ranger can attend to him within one turn of the poison's application, and that the ranger can cure at least 4 dice, as specified by the table above.

Dark Vision. Gather DC 20. Use DC 10: Grants ability to see in the dark, range 30', duration 1d4 hours. If a ranger rolls a natural '1' on the use check the subject must make a Fort save DC 10 or be blinded for 1d4 hours (blinded permanently if the subject rolls a natural '1' on the saving throw).

Sleep. Gather DC 15. Use DC 15. The ranger can make a sleeping potion. Subjects drinking the concoction must make a Fort save DC equal to the ranger's use check or fall into a natural sleep (from which they may be awakened normally) for 1d5 hours. By raising the DC to 20 the ranger can attempt to a concoction that puts the subject into a magical sleep from which the subject can only be awakened if first cured of poison; this sleep lasts only 1d5 turns. When mixed into another drink, subjects cannot taste the concoction unless the ranger rolls a natural '1', in which case the sleeping concoction tastes foul and bitter. It takes one hour to attempt to make a sleeping concoction.

Repel Insects and Spiders. Gather DC 13. Use DC 10. The ranger can make an ointment rubbed on the skin that repels normal and monstrous insects and spiders. The effects of the ointment lasts 1d5 turns. Normal insects and spiders are automatically repelled. Monstrous critters must make a Fortitude save DC equal to the ranger's use whenever they attempt to attack a character protected by the ranger's ointment; failure causes the monstrous creature to lose its attack action. Monstrous creatures can sense which members of a party are and are-not protected by an ointment. On a roll of a natural '1' the subject instead attracts insects and spiders; the smell makes such creatures in the vicinity aware of the subject, and such creatures attack the subject in preference to all other available targets.

Repel Snakes. Gather DC 15. Use DC 15. As "Repel Insects and Spiders" but for snakes. On a roll of a natural '1' the subject breaks out in a rash and suffers -1d4 temporary Agility damage.

Repel Animals. Gather DC 17. Use DC 15. As "Repel Insects and Spiders" but for animals. Magical monstrous animals receive a +5 bonus to Fortitude saves made to overcome the ointment's effects.

Awaken. Gather DC 15. Use the ranger's herb use result as a new saving throw to help a sleeping or unconscious subject awaken who is slumbering due to a poison or magical effect.

Poison. Gather DC 17. Use DC 15. Creates a poison that does 1d6 Stamina damage or 2 h.p. damage / HD, at Judge's discretion; Fort DC 15 to negate. The ranger must apply this poison using his Handle Poison check as normal. It requires one hour to attempt to make a poison, during which time the ranger must have access to a small fire equivalent to at least a torch-flame.

Hold Breath. Gather DC 13. Subject can hold its breath longer than normal.
Herb Use Result
<=1 Subject sickened for 1d5 turns, -2 on all action rolls.
<10 No effect
10-14 Double normal time
15-19 Triple normal
20-24 Quadruple
25+ Quintuple

Other Herbs. The ranger's player may work with the Judge to design new effects of herbalism, or to expand upon the rules presented here.
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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by Hoplitenomad »

This is simply a combination of Oncelor's and Raskal's Rangers.

IMO Oncelor's ranger had too many options that seemed to me not quite the correct fit for DCC and I wanted to break with Raskal use of the favored enemy/ duel weapon wielder.

You are a tough wilderness warrior, living and lurking at the fringe of civilised areas. Your life is often a lonely one but you can guide adventuring parties across dangerous regions. You are trained to survive in wilderness environment.

Hit Die: d10

Alignment: Rangers adhere to different moral codes by are often fighting to protect the Balance of the Nature; so they are usually neutral. Chaotic rangers are fearless raiders, Nature defender extremist, obsessive trophy hunter and sometimes human hunter . Lawful rangers acts as army scouts, skirmishers, frontiersmen patrolling the marches or bounty hunters tracking down criminals for the rewards offered. Neutral rangers are often lone wanderers following their own way.

Weapons and Armor: Rangers are trained with these weapons : club, crossbow, dagger, dart, handaxe, javelin, longbow, longsword, mace, shortbow, shortsword, sling, spear, staff. Rangers do not use shields or armors with a Physical Penalty of -6 or higher.

Wilderness Skills: A long life in the wilderness area trains Rangers to survive in natural hostile environment. Ranger receive a bonus to skills checks equal to his class level plus Ability Modifier.

Survival (Personality) : This skills allows the Ranger to find shelter and sustenance (food, water), to start fire, to find direction and give some local knowledge (geography, animal, plants). The Ranger can follow tracks of any creature, identify them and tell the number. He can also conceal his own tracks. DC 10 is for famliar terrain, 15 if the ranger is not alone and 20 if not familiar with the terrain or environment.

Sneak and Hide (Agilty) : Rangers are very good at stealth in natural environment, sneaking silently and hiding in natural cover. This can be used in the same manner as a thief’s abilities

Climb natural slopes (Agilty) : DC 20 is a very steep cliff. A tall tree with few low branches low is DC 10.

Find and neutralize natural trap (Agility) : A large, bulky trap is DC 10. This would include traps like a pit in the floor covered by brush, or snares. More subtle traps are DC 15, 20, or even higher. A natural 1 on these checks triggers the trap.

Healing Herbs. Gather DC 12. It takes one turn for a ranger to attempt to provide herbal healing to a character. Each subsequent use of healing herbs on a subject in a given day reduces the herb use check by -1d. It requires one turn to use healing herbs. A roll of a natural '1' always incurs the '<=1' roll on the chart below.

Healing Herb Use
<=1 -1 temporary Stamina
< 12 No effect
12-13 1 dice of healing
14-19 2 dice
20-21 3 dice
22-25 4 dice
26+ 5 dice

In lieu of providing hit point healing, the ranger can attempt to cure certain conditions:
• Broken limbs: 2 dice
• Organ damage: 3 dice
• Disease: 3 dice
• Paralysis: 4 dice
• Poison: 4 dice
• Blindness or deafness: 5 dice

A character slain by poison can be healed via herbalism provided that the ranger can attend to him within one turn of the poison's application, and that the ranger can cure at least 4 dice, as specified by the table above.
Luck: if the ranger rolls under his luck score, he is not surprised..

Languages : A ranger knows two additional languages for every point of Int modifier. These languages must be one of his favored enemies (bugbear, goblin, gnoll, hobgoblin, kobold, ogre, orc, giant) or animal one (bear, eagle, ferret, horse, wolf).

Action dice: A Ranger always uses his action dice for attacks. At 5th level a ranger gains a second attack for each round with his second attack die.
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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by Hoplitenomad »

Forgot this:
ranger10.jpg (62.55 KiB) Viewed 26881 times
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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by reverenddak »

Please make sure I have the right links:

Ranger by raskal ... r21X3hkCro
Ranger by beermotor ... 019#p90019
Ranger by oncelor ... 279#p91279
Ranger by Hoplitenomad ... 318#p91318

I have some concerns about Hoplitenomad's submission, which he cherry-picks from other submissions. I think if Oncelor & Raskal are OK with it, I'll allow it. But only if they're OK with it.

Please let me know what you think!
Reverend Dakota Jesus Ultimak, S.S.M.o.t.S.M.S., D.M.

(Dungeon) Master In Chief of Crawl! fanzine. -

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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by raskal »

reverenddak wrote:Please make sure I have the right links:

Ranger by raskal ... r21X3hkCro
Ranger by beermotor ... 019#p90019
Ranger by oncelor ... 279#p91279
Ranger by Hoplitenomad ... 318#p91318

I have some concerns about Hoplitenomad's submission, which he cherry-picks from other submissions. I think if Oncelor & Raskal are OK with it, I'll allow it. But only if they're OK with it.

Please let me know what you think!
The link is ok. I have added a special thanks to Gansk.
For Hoplitenomad version i am ok if the reference to "my" ranger persists (and to Oncelor version too of course, and i Oncelor is agree)
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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by ragboy »

AKA Paul Wolfe
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In the Prison of the Squid Sorcerer (PDF) and softcover: 12 Short Adventures for DCC!
The God-Seed Awakens: 3rd Level Adventure for DCC. New patron, new spells, lots of new monsters and the living weapons of the Empire of Thal!
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Re: Crawl! New Class Challenge: RANGER!

Post by reverenddak »

Well well, those that cared, voted. I'm going to leave it at that. We have a tie for the Ranger, and I have to reserve the right to break ties. I would have to go with raskal's. Any objections?

Now for the art...

Who was that that had art lined up?...
Reverend Dakota Jesus Ultimak, S.S.M.o.t.S.M.S., D.M.

(Dungeon) Master In Chief of Crawl! fanzine. -

"[...] there is no doubt that Dungeons and Dragons and its imitators are right out of the pit of hell." - William Schnoebelen, Straight talk on Dungeons & Dragons
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