Ritual Spells

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Ritual Spells

Post by jmucchiello »

The book makes reference to there existing ritual spells and that the spells included here are adventuring spells.
The spells listed here are primarily oriented around an adventuring wizard. As such, they do not include the great rites and rituals of the era: those magical invocations which take days or weeks to complete and which can tap into recondite energies beyond the scope of this work. Know that there are more powerful rituals, of a longer duration and more difficult casting time, than described here. These rituals typically mandate spellburn and sacrifices of various kinds and can summon forth unearthly creatures from beyond space and time, whose powers are not limited by the physics we know. Such works of magic are reserved for future volumes.
So why are Find Familiar and Patron Bond not considered among these ritualized spells? They take a week to cast and cannot be cast again for a month. They are totally unlike all the other spells as successful castings result in a Judge fiat result. Why would I want these spells cluttering my adventuring spell book!? I understand they are important for the game but shouldn't they use this Ritualized Magic system rather than the Adventuring Magic system?
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Re: Ritual Spells

Post by Ducaster »

Totally agree here. The two spells mentioned are but the tip of an iceberg if you go and look at Appendix N.

Now Wizards in DCC seem pretty powerful already but if only for NPC arch villain wizards we need to know a bit about Ritual magic I feel. I suggest that Wizards can know ONE ritual spell per level maximum AND it takes up a spell slot same as any other. So Elves at 1st level can't get find familiar as they auto get Patron bond.

Now here's a ritual spell I think needs to be in the game:- Magical Focus.

Be it the ONE RING or a magic wand/staff its a staple of Ap N and similar writings that a wizard (esp an NPC wiz) has an item that helps them cast spells. The downside is if you lose it you... Lose power/stats mebbie even a level or so? Naturelly you can only make ONE permanent one in your lifetime... I have prototype spell charted out but don't know if there is an appropriate forum to post it on here yet. (Hint)
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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Re: Ritual Spells

Post by Ducaster »

So here is a Proto Ritual I was playing with just in case folks are still reading this thread ;)

Spell Name Magic Focus
Level 1 Ritual Arcane
Range Touched item
Duration Varies
Casting Time 1 turn per point of spellburn used
Save Not appliacble
Manifestation Any item of 1" physical size or more becomes infused with a portion of the creators power. If the item is involuntarily destroyed the wizard suffers 2d6 damage to INT and Per (10% of the damage is permanent) And rolls on the corruption table. The wizard can only have one permanent Spell focus at any one time in their lifetime. Though they may make temporary ones still.
General The Wizard pours a Little (Or a lot) of his own life energy into an item that will help him cast spells in the future. This spell requires at least one point each of INT & PER to be spellburned when cast as well as spell burn from the usual st/ag/st attributes; so a 3pt spellburn minimum to cast.

1-11 Fail,Lost
12-13 The item becomes a temporary focus for spell casting. It adds the Spell burned points to a wizards casting roll for ONE spell cast then its power fades
14-17 The item becomes a temporary focus for spell casting. It Grants a +1 Bonus to all spell checks for as many spells as equal to the points of spell burn used in its creation
18-19 The item becomes a Temporary spell focus. It grants a +1 to spell checks for as long as the wizard holds it. The points of spellburn become extra one use charges that can be added to a spell casting roll. Once they are all gone the item depowers.
20-23 The Item becomes a Permanent Spell focus. It adds a Base +1 to all spell checks. Once per day it can add the full spell burn used in its creation to ONE spell casting.
24-27 The item becomes a Permanent spell focus. It adds a +3 to all spell checks of ONE spell chosen by the caster a +1 to all others. It will try to return to its maker if lost. Moving as would a small familur like a rat or cat.
28-29 As above but the focus can also defend itself by making a 1d3 magic attack once per round if it finds itself in unfriendly hands.
30-31 The Item becomes a Permanent Spell focus. It adds a +2 to all spell checks and can add the spell burned points to any amount of spells but only one point can be used on any given spell per day
32 plus The item becomes a Permanent spell focus. It grants a +3 to ALL spell checks. Each day the amount of spell burn used in its creation can be added as the weilder chooses to any combination of their spells
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
My DCC games work site is here http://www.dcc.aweninspired.com/?page_id=1869 Use my forum name here as the Password
Mutatis Mundi Game Cha sheet here http://www.dcc.aweninspired.com/wp-cont ... 3.4.18.pdf

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