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Re: Birth Augur and Lucky Roll

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:39 pm
by bholmes4
Atlatl Jones wrote: I do too, and I definitely think that non-Rogues/Halflings should be able to recover Luck as well. Recovering it based on actions in accordance with their alignment, doing particularly heroic actions, and/or deeds helping the cosmic powers.
They do. If you look there is a post here by "Goodman" stating that he typically awards 1-2 luck after an adventure to all players (for their heroic actions and deeds essentially).

Re: Birth Augur and Lucky Roll

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:16 am
by abk108
finarvyn wrote:
tovokas wrote:I'll probably run it that your Birth Augur gives you an automatic +1 bonus in your lucky roll, unaffected by your actual luck score. (Since the luck mod already effects criticals, I don't consider this a big balance loss) Eliminating the 'sliding scale' eliminates the bookkeeping. It could also provide a nice story promoter, as a character might pursue a career that they're otherwise wholly unsuited for, since they're 'just a bit lucky' in that area.
This is a neat idea. I've had quite a few characters end up with negative luck modifiers from the start, so their lucky Birth Augur is almost always a bummer. This is a step in the right direction, since it means that every character has something special (and positive) going for him. 8)
I don't like a Lucky Roll to be always positive. It should be "a roll influenced by bad or good luck", even if you don't want it fluctuating up or down. Maybe making it a -1 if Luck is equal or less than 10, a +1 if Luck is more than 10. I think that getting a +0 to your lucky roll is kind of dull.

PS: in playtest, my absolute favourite 0-level character was a gravedigger with stats :
Str 5
Dex 7
Sta 8
Per 8
Int 9
Luc 3
Believe it not, he survived the funnel. He was a dodgy bastard, letting others die to save his old ass, i admit. But he had as a Lucky Roll "Fumbles" ... and he fumbled... with a -6 total to his roll! I had been waiting all the time for him to score a 1, just to see what happened!

Re: Birth Augur and Lucky Roll

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:28 am
by Ogrepuppy
bholmes4 wrote:a post here by "Goodman"
You write that as if he's mythical or something... :lol:

It's the real Joseph Goodman, owner of Goodman Games. The Big Kahuna. The Head Honcho. The Boss (sorry, Springsteen, your title's been nabbed).

Re: Birth Augur and Lucky Roll

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:36 am
by bholmes4
Ogrepuppy wrote: You write that as if he's mythical or something... :lol:

It's the real Joseph Goodman, owner of Goodman Games. The Big Kahuna. The Head Honcho. The Boss (sorry, Springsteen, your title's been nabbed).
Lol I just couldn't think of his real name and was too lazy to look it up :)