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4e goodman covers.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:56 pm
by WallyTWest
I was thinking it over... will the 4e covers look like tsr 2e mods?
(That would be cool.)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:13 pm
by Nahat Anoj
Joseph Goodman has said the 4e DCCs will have a new look, and he jokes that it'll be like the move from 1e to 2e, so who knows? :)


Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:28 pm
by Ramone
Jonathan Moyer wrote:Joseph Goodman has said the 4e DCCs will have a new look, and he jokes that it'll be like the move from 1e to 2e, so who knows? :)
Well now that we've seen several covers for the new DCC modules I have to say bravo to GG for the wonderful 2nd ed look!

Dragora's Dungeon has a real Clyde Caldwell / Dragonlance look to it. Very nice!!


Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:11 am
by welland_warrior
Well, if I were to offer some constructive criticism - meaning helpful criticism, I might have suggested the following:

1. Differentiate the colour between the wordage of Dungeon Crawl Classics and the backgrounded swords so the title stands out more.

2. Avoid having the title text of the module infringe on the artwork. Esp. when such excellent art graces the covers of the DCCs.

3. I realize the need to differentiate between editions and previous DCCs, but things look a little too bunched in the middle with wasted space at the top and bottom.

So, just one person's two-cents worth, but these may have helped the overall aesthetic and presentation.


Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:49 am
by Ramone
welland_warrior wrote:Well, if I were to offer some constructive criticism - meaning helpful criticism, I might have suggested the following:
1. Differentiate the colour between the wordage of Dungeon Crawl Classics and the backgrounded swords so the title stands out more.
2. Avoid having the title text of the module infringe on the artwork. Esp. when such excellent art graces the covers of the DCCs.
3. I realize the need to differentiate between editions and previous DCCs, but things look a little too buched in the middle with wasted space at the top and bottom.
These are some great suggestions. The one element that sort of detracts from the books is the layout. I tried to address some concerns in another thread: ... f=4&t=4892

I agree, the artwork (in addition to the writing) are the best parts of these books. While I'm not hoping for award-winning graphic design by any means, a little more consideration for clarity and presentation goes a long way!

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:11 pm
by guslandt
I gotta say I am very disappointed with the new look. A huge draw to the DCC line for me, and I know for sure a couple of other people over at The Acaeum, was the look of the cover. It obviously looked like a 1st Ed D&D module. These new covers do nothing for me. They certainly don't look 'Classic'.
Mr Goodman, if you do any more 1st edition adventures in this line, PLEASE go back to the original style of covers for them!

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:05 pm
by Zoinks
guslandt wrote:I gotta say I am very disappointed with the new look. A huge draw to the DCC line for me, and I know for sure a couple of other people over at The Acaeum, was the look of the cover. It obviously looked like a 1st Ed D&D module. These new covers do nothing for me. They certainly don't look 'Classic'.
Mr Goodman, if you do any more 1st edition adventures in this line, PLEASE go back to the original style of covers for them!
Me too! I really hate the new covers as well.

The point when DCC modules first came out it was suppose to make it feel like 1st edition D&D.. covers included. In essence, it brought back 1st edition nostalgia.

Now that it looks like 2nd edition which I really hate.. I prob won't be buying anymore. It's just like when 2nd edition came about and cheap covers were shown. I really lost interest and didn't bother with it. It felt that the gaming industry was losing sales and it did.

I believe consumers are attracted to good covers.. not pale ones. Content is important of course but the appeal of covers is also important.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:00 pm
by Jengenritz
Cover regardless, the content will be the same DCC you've (presumably) read and enjoyed in the past. If you're going to be playing 4E, and you like the DCC line, don't let the cover be a deal-breaker. All the stuff that makes the game fun is still inside. Harley still writes badass adventures, and the rest of us try to keep up with him.

Just my (admittedly non-impartial) 2-cents.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:43 am
by xredjasonx
I love to new look and have already preordered the first 3 DCC's. Keep up the good work guys!

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:49 pm
by xredjasonx
welland_warrior wrote:
3. I realize the need to differentiate between editions and previous DCCs, but things look a little too bunched in the middle with wasted space at the top and bottom.

I think that's kind of cool actually. It fits with the 4th Edition look, the Core Rule Books have the D&D logo at the top with the white background behind.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:29 pm
by Treebore
I much prefer a "full cover" look. I seriously dislike having it scrunched up in the middle 1/3. Could it work to stretch it out more? Maybe give the white space only an inch or so at the top and bottom?

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:49 pm
by JediOre
My personal tastes aside (I like the old school look better myself) I want the cover of DCCs to promote sales. If this newer cover does it, so be it.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:42 pm
by magehammer
I love the old feel of the old DCC covers and lament their passing...

Having said that, I think the new covers are awesome in their own rights. As one of the lucky ones who managed to snag a copy of Punjar: Tarnished Jewel for Free RPG Day, I must say the inside layout of Punjar did hearken back to the days of 2E, which for me is just as nostalgic as 1E.

I will reiterate what some have stated here: It is the adventures feeling old school that is important...even if the old school is 2E, which is indisputably old school, that is fine with me.

Punjar definitely feels old school and pleasingly gritty, almost Greyhawkian.

And one more thing...I am thoroughly enjoying 4E. In many ways, it is more nostalgic for me than 3E was. Something about discovering an all new gaming experience through something called Dungeons & Dragons has really resonated with me.

So, ultimately, I am glad to see GG supporting 4E, and I am going to buy these modules no matter what they look like. I like the new covers, though, which makes it even more satisfying.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:09 am
by Hatch
I really liked the old covers, It was the 1st reason I bought one many years ago.

i'm gonna miss them, the new covers will just kinda blend in with all the other products out there.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:58 pm
by xredjasonx
magehammer wrote:I love the old feel of the old DCC covers and lament their passing...

Having said that, I think the new covers are awesome in their own rights. As one of the lucky ones who managed to snag a copy of Punjar: Tarnished Jewel for Free RPG Day, I must say the inside layout of Punjar did hearken back to the days of 2E, which for me is just as nostalgic as 1E.

I will reiterate what some have stated here: It is the adventures feeling old school that is important...even if the old school is 2E, which is indisputably old school, that is fine with me.

Punjar definitely feels old school and pleasingly gritty, almost Greyhawkian.

And one more thing...I am thoroughly enjoying 4E. In many ways, it is more nostalgic for me than 3E was. Something about discovering an all new gaming experience through something called Dungeons & Dragons has really resonated with me.

So, ultimately, I am glad to see GG supporting 4E, and I am going to buy these modules no matter what they look like. I like the new covers, though, which makes it even more satisfying.

Kudos to your post and my sentiments exactly. Punjar: Tarnished Jewel got me psyched and I cant wait to run Sellswords of Punjar to kick off my 4E campaign. I'm playing a human wizard in Keep on the Shadowfell a I'm having more fun playing D&D than I ever had before.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:45 pm
by magehammer
Thanks for the sentiments. My Keep on the Shadowfell game is in full swing and doing well. There is a huge amount of excitement from us 26+ years-playing gamers. (All of us are over 30). :shock:

Check out my website if you are interested in its progress. That site says it all on how psyched I am to be running it.


Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:35 am
by weezoh
magehammer wrote:Thanks for the sentiments. My Keep on the Shadowfell game is in full swing and doing well. There is a huge amount of excitement from us 26+ years-playing gamers. (All of us are over 30). :shock:

Check out my website if you are interested in its progress. That site says it all on how psyched I am to be running it.

Speaking as one of the aforementioned players (26+ years! Oy!) , I can second the enthusiasm that we're experiencing. (not so much me, as i'm enthusiastic about almost any game; but some of the more reserved players are really becoming rekindled.

Back on topic . . . I prefer the old covers, however the cover art is a minor consideration and would never sway me to purchase or not purchase a module (except in the bad old days when that was about all the info you got)

I can't wait for the DCC 4e modules to come out those and necromancer books are my favorites to run and play.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:47 pm
by xredjasonx
magehammer wrote:Thanks for the sentiments. My Keep on the Shadowfell game is in full swing and doing well. There is a huge amount of excitement from us 26+ years-playing gamers. (All of us are over 30). :shock:

Check out my website if you are interested in its progress. That site says it all on how psyched I am to be running it.

Great website!

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:03 am
by magehammer
Thanks, I am glad you like it.

I figured after 26 years with mostly the same people, it was time to level up our gaming experience by taking our gaming to the Internet, which I think is one of a Dungeonmaster's greatest assets.

My site in addition to our wiki has really enhanced our gaming sessions. I recommend taking your game to the Internet for all gaming groups. You won't be sorry.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:30 am
by weezoh
magehammer wrote:Thanks, I am glad you like it.

I figured after 26 years with mostly the same people, it was time to level up our gaming experience by taking our gaming to the Internet, which I think is one of a Dungeonmaster's greatest assets.

My site in addition to our wiki has really enhanced our gaming sessions. I recommend taking your game to the Internet for all gaming groups. You won't be sorry.
And speaking of our wiki -- if you tried to access it and couldn't i've removed the default password from most of it. But as far as D&D 4e there's not much there right now anyway.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:09 pm
by Istor
Not that anyone was taking a count, but my vote is for the old cover style. It's far superior and what attracted me to the GG line.

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:27 am
by Hjorimir
I love the new covers. Keep em' coming!

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:06 pm
by xredjasonx
magehammer wrote:Thanks for the sentiments. My Keep on the Shadowfell game is in full swing and doing well. There is a huge amount of excitement from us 26+ years-playing gamers. (All of us are over 30). :shock:

Check out my website if you are interested in its progress. That site says it all on how psyched I am to be running it.


I just noticed in your campaign photos that someone in your group is using that cultist mini, probably for their wizard. That's the same one I used in KotS for my human wizard. ;)

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:45 am
by weezoh
xredjasonx wrote:
magehammer wrote:Thanks for the sentiments. My Keep on the Shadowfell game is in full swing and doing well. There is a huge amount of excitement from us 26+ years-playing gamers. (All of us are over 30). :shock:

Check out my website if you are interested in its progress. That site says it all on how psyched I am to be running it.


I just noticed in your campaign photos that someone in your group is using that cultist mini, probably for their wizard. That's the same one I used in KotS for my human wizard. ;)
That's my Warlock. Not terribly accurate to character concept since he's a half-elf gypsy with a red silk shirt but it'll do for now :)

Re: 4e goodman covers.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:17 am
by magehammer
I think he is an excellent choice for a Star warlock. He is glittery.
