Quick and Dirty G+ Migration

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Harley Stroh
Cold-Hearted Immortal
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Quick and Dirty G+ Migration

Post by Harley Stroh »

G+ is shutting down in August. Here is a thread for posting links to the various docs collected there. (The actual Google drive docs won't go away, but the posts cataloging the links will be toast.)

Feel free to start adding links that I am missing.


A resources collection anyone can contribute to
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... hl=1#gid=0

Smursh-cleaned up/expanded DCC stuff for the masses:

A list of modules available on Lulu https://plus.google.com/+ClaytonianJP/posts/TQUL1vUuLQt (will be toast in Aug)

A spot to find players or judges (sadly unused)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=4

A bunch of DCC-friendly Conventions
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... ring#gid=0

All the modules
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... hl=1#gid=0

Goodman Games convention stuff
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... =drive_web
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

DCC Resource thread: character sheets, judge tools, and the world's fastest 0-level party creator.
Harley Stroh
Cold-Hearted Immortal
Posts: 1805
Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:02 am
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Re: Quick and Dirty G+ Migration

Post by Harley Stroh »

DCC podcasts

Sanctum Secorum http://sanctum.media/blog/index.php/dark-acquisitions/
Each episode, the hosts read an Appendix N work, think of how to scavenge it for DCC campaign use, and provide free mini-supplements with monsters, items, and classes.

Spellburn http://spellburn.com/
The hosts analyze elements of the game, answer reader questions, and occasionally interview guests. Lots of links in the show notes.
What follows is DCC-related episodes of podcasts.

Tabletoptwats irreverent actual play

Same guys do Raveloft
https://plus.google.com/100210304723176 ... qEMNFrqmip

Tomb of Horrors funnel four episodes exist

Virtual Play's funnel episode http://virtualplay.libsyn.com/episode-6 ... l-classics

Iron Tavern's 30 part series http://irontavern.com/podcast/
more info at http://irontavern.com/tag/actual-play/

A Crawljammer funnel http://blumagik.com/steamsteelmurder/au ... -16-14.mp3

A Sailors play-through http://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradi ... rless-sea/

Dracula has too much gold http://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradi ... cula-gold/

Jim Wampler talks DCC with a lot with guests...
Harley Stroh http://designersanddiscourses.com/2015/ ... le-planet/
Michael Curtis http://designersanddiscourses.com/2015/ ... ed-coffin/
Tim Kask http://designersanddiscourses.com/2015/ ... pplements/

BS Podcast with some Jen Brinkman input
http://gamingandbs.com/dungeon-crawl-cl ... 1-gbs071/

Nights of the Shed
https://plus.google.com/107216179043491 ... q8ue9qnCfx

Blind wave video play
Part 2 (Harley Stoh mention at 17 minutes)

http://podcast.glowburn.org/e/glowburn- ... -disaster/

Hobbs and Friends of the OSR has on a guest of a show that is also often DCCrific
https://misdirectedmark.com/2017/09/03/ ... un-stroud/

We Hate Bards: Shudder Mountains:
http://www.wehatebardspodcasts.com/?nam ... a_kick.mp3
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

DCC Resource thread: character sheets, judge tools, and the world's fastest 0-level party creator.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:01 pm
FLGS: +1 Gaming

Re: Quick and Dirty G+ Migration

Post by smursh »


I've created a wiki for those interested.

You can contact me by sending a private message to me on G+ with a request for an account if you wish to contribute.

I'll only be giving access to those I recognize at first and then by way of the good word of those who already have accounts.

Hopefully, volunteers will make this thing grow.

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