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Aereth Repritnt? PLEASE?!?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:41 pm
by fanditch
Do the Good Folks at Goodman Games have any plans for reprinting a guide to Aereth? I Don't have enough bones to bid on a used copy of DCC 35, and a nice setting book or box would be great. (Sorry if this has already been covered.) New to DCC RPG....and loving it!

Re: Aereth Repritnt? PLEASE?!?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:32 am
by Colin
Joseph has said such a thing might be done down the road, but a straight reprint wouldn't be appropriate in my opinion, as DCC is very different in background, feel, and approach to standard D&D. A DCCified Aereth would be cool though, one more in-keeping with the weird fantasy vibe DCC has.


Re: Aereth Repritnt? PLEASE?!?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:41 am
by finarvyn
Yeah, it's a little awkward having all this great product out there which isn't compatible with the current DCC RPG product line. And it's not just a matter of re-printing everything with new stat blocks, because the DCC RPG has gone out of its way to bring in a new style of atmosphere, artwork, etc, which isn't present in the older products. To redo everything the right way would actually require quite a lot of work. :(