Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

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Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Colin »

So, you're a fan of the DCC RPG. Tell folks a bit about yourself here. You may even find folks living in your neck of the woods. :)

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Harley Stroh »

Great thread! Welcome, all!

Also, this is a good place to mention that your first 3 posts to the forum will need to be approved by a mod. After that you are free to post and PM as you like. It will seem like a hassle, but it helps to limit our spam. Conveniently, if you tell us a little about yourself on this thread, we should hit post #4 pretty quickly.

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Crimsontree »

My name is Steve. I'm an Irishman living in the north of the Netherlands. I've been DMing WFRP and Cthulhu for many years but recently felt like a break. I'm currently running DCC adventures for 2 Dutch guys. When I'm not roleplaying I build websites, mostly in Wordpress.
Last edited by Crimsontree on Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Tush Hog »

Hello, my name is Doug. I've been gaming for right at 30 years - got my start with the purple box DnD set.

I've recently GMed a A Song of Ice and Fire game, a Dresden Files game, a Legends of Anglerre game, a 4e game and the DnDNext playtest.

I'm new to DCC. I'm reading through it now and loving it! I'm definitely going to run a DCC game soon. My hard copy and modules are on their way - I've already purchased my Zocchi dice :)

I'm a high school science teacher so I'm currently on vacation. Except that I have three children (8,8 and 6) - so not really a vacation! :D This summer I began Playing DnD with my kids and they're loving it - yay!

I live in Maryville, Tennessee (which is just outside of Knoxville).
Last edited by Tush Hog on Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Benoist »

Hi there.

My name here is my real first name. I am a Frenchman (from France, not Quebec) living in British Columbia. I am in my mid-30s, have been a gamer since my childhood years. I was introduced by my much older cousin, playing AD&D First Ed, T1-4, without training wheels - meaning it took me maybe a dozen 1st level characters dying horribly to see one reach level 2. :lol:

But that didn't discourage me. Quite the contrary, actually, given that I fell in love instantly with the hobby and that I am here today posting this. (Somehow, that anecdote seemed appropriate to relate re: the tone of the game and forum)

I have run and played many role playing games over the years. My favorites are OD&D (1974), AD&D First Edition, Call of Cthulhu (and other BRP games, Stormbringer, Hawkmoon, RuneQuest 3, Nephilim 1 and 2, etc etc), Vampire the Masquerade and Requiem (and other WoD games), In Nomine Satanis Magna Veritas (the original French version of the very different In Nomine published by Steve Jackson), amongst many others, obviously.

I have been posting on gaming communities over the internet for the past ten years or so. I was active on the (now long gone) Myth Drannor message boards, then ENWorld, Okay Your Turn (Monte Cook's message boards), was involved in the Diamond Throne (Arcana Evolved's fan site) and was one of the co-creators of the Iron League (the Iron Heroes fan site). I'm now mostly active on the Knights & Knaves Alehouse and the RPG Site, where I am a moderator.

I work on a bunch of projects currently, most of them related to various old school games, but not just. I also have an ongoing series of advice to build a mega-dungeon and a campaign around it you might find interesting, as it relates to the theme of the game here, the "Dungeon Crawl Classics."

I got strong opinions about games. I've been labelled an "AD&D Nazi," the "Old School Taliban" of the RPG Site and other not-so-funny names, but I'm not as bad as some like to believe. At least I keep telling myself that. ;)

In any case. I've written way too much already. Thanks for the forum and the games, Goodman Games. :D
Visit The RPG Site, that "wretched hive of scum and villainy" gamers keep talking about!
Advice to build a mega-dungeon and the campaign around it.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by TheNobleDrake »

Hello all,

I am named Aaron, but don't mind folks just using my screen name or some shortening thereof (please refrain, however, from calling me "the").

I've been a die-hard gamer since sometime about 15 or 16 years ago. I was in a Walden Books store with my grandmother and saw this awesome book cover with a Arnold-type shirtless warrior crashing through a door, which made me pick it up and start flipping pages... and when I saw that this marvelous thing was a game, I had to have it. I also had to come back the next day and pick up the other books in the core trio and a set of dice... but that didn't phase me in the slightest, and by that second night I was recruiting my nearby cousins and their friends to try out this game called Advanced Dungeons & Dragons instead of just playing Risk or Super Nintendo again.

The adventure was a cliche-ridden mess. The plot was that a princess was kidnapped and her father the King wanted her saved from whatever terrible fate was in store for her... so a single halfing (named Bill Bobobagain) and a gaggle of dwarves to aid him were sent to the rescue. The perils of their adventure involved some orcs coincidentally robbing some travelers on the road, a troll refusing them passage on the only bridge for leagues, a witch in the woods that new of a secret route to speed their travels, the lone ogre barring that short-cut path, and the least threatening dragon in the book... If I recall correctly, the princess was saved by the hallfling and a pair of his dwarf contingent, sneakily rushing out of the dragon's cave, while the rest of the dwarves distracted the dragon until their quite untimely deaths.

I've been the man behind the screen ever since, but luckily I get plenty of enjoyment from that... though I do frequently long for a spot on the "pretty side" of the screen.

Dungeon Crawl Classics is my new favorite game of all time, I can't get enough of it. I am currently running two campaigns in weekly intervals with groups of 7 and 8 members and loving every minute of it - it has been so long since I had a "full table" and didn't feel bogged down by it. I also run a 1 on 1 campaign on the side for my significant other sporadically throughout our off-days.

As for my "style" of game... I can only say that I have always found the separation that occurred between the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy to have been arbitrary, unneeded and entirely illusory, and my home-brew setting's list of patrons/gods is more widely known as the list of Great Old Ones and Outer Gods with a few ascendant immortals from a former age of the world and primal/biblical concepts (Death with a capital D, embodiments of the seven deadly sins and the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) mixed in. Horror, on some level, bleeds into all of my campaigns... even when the Horror level is on par with the TV show Supernatural - where many times its the monster with a reason to be afraid.

All said, I run 5 different campaigns in various systems (DCC, AD&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, World of Darkness [mostly human and vampire types], Savage Worlds, and even Exalted sometimes) with weekly sessions - gaming is basically my life right now.

Oh... and I live in Idaho, specifically the Meridian area, in case anyone might be interested in having me at their table should I ever find myself with a less packed gaming schedule, or should they like to be considered for invitation to my table upon any player openings arising.

Edit: I am laughing at myself for it, so I'll include it down here for others that might have missed it before the edit - I am name Aaron... I might as well have started the post with "Me am Krunk. Krunk is liked da DCC games and Krunk beest spellor in vilage."

hopefully there aren't any more silly typos - and let this be a warning not to post so many words when you have been awake for 50 something hours for no reason other than a willful refusal to take your bi-polar pills because when you level out everyone says you act like a robot.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by RevTurkey »

Well, okay then. Hello my name is Steve and I am a roleplaying addict.

By day I am a musician and a bit of an artist too. I have been playing since my mother bought me the D&D Basic Box (Erol Otus cover). She sensed the geek within. I loved the game from the start although it took a while to realise that Hit Dice wasn't the same as Hit wonder that Dragon was easy to kill for my 1st level Dwarf :D

I have played many many many many games. It's a blur.
My Favourites however...

As a player:
D&D Basic/Expert (Race as Class is wonderful)
AD&D 1st & 2nd Editions (my fave game being a run through 'Round the Bend' from Imagine)
Rolemaster! 10 year campaign in Middle Earth. Completely brilliant.
Warhammer FRP 1st Edition (until the Dm killed me with a giant snotling lawnmower)

As a Dm:
Savage Worlds, Hellfrost Campaign (Wiggy Williams is a creative writing genius)
Castles & Crusades (it is so easy to Dm and a lot of fun)

Coming up?
I will be running DCC RPG and Hollow Earth Expedition next.
I will be playing Pathfinder, All For One and Stars Without Number next.

Currently listening to: BA Robertson and Prince.
Currently watching on TV: i don't bother since 'Lost' had such a bad ending.
Currently looking at: Art by Robert Williams
Last film I saw: Prometheus. I liked it.
Sports: I watch Football (not egg chasing), Tennis and I do a bit of Karate (a tiny bit)

That'll do. Hello everyone :D
Playing since about 1980
Latest games: DCC RPG of course!
Quote I like: "I am on a computer therfore I am" (Alan Plater)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by IronWolf »

I tend to go by IronWolf (@ir0nwolf on twitter) on most RPG places on the Internet. I am a newcomer to the DCC forums, but not Goodman Games products in general. Just the first time I felt like I needed an account on the forums. I am pretty much a regular over at EN World.

I started playing D&D with the Moldvay set a long, long time ago. Played that and moved into Advanced D&D and then even second edition for awhile. I took a break from the game for awhile in the post-college years. I came back to RPGing at the tail end of 3.0 as it moved into 3.5. Played 3.5 for the duration, didn't like the looks of 4e, so stuck with 3.5 and then moved to Pathfinder.

Along the way I played some Star Wars, Mutants and Masterminds, Call of Cthulhu, and others.

Over the past year I have been looking for something a little different to dabble in still in the fantasy genre. I was drawn to The One Ring last fall by the art alone. While I liked the ruleset and the feel it generated it didn't quite gel with me.

More recently I took a good look at Dragon Age from Green Ronin. It struck a little closer to home. I enjoyed the reading, the stunts system looked awesome. *Almost* had an online game going, but as is typical it fell apart before it really got rolling.

Then the DCC buzz seemed to start. I kept hearing good things about it on Twitter, Google+ and such. I started reading various posts and such online and I still had an interest in the game. I has hoping to pick it up at Origins, but alas, no one had a copy at their booth. So I picked up the PDF after Origins.

I really enjoyed my read through. Found someone running an online game soon on Google+. That hasn't started yet, but we've had our first logistics meeting, hoping that game takes off. In the meantime my son and I rolled up some 0-levels and tackled the adventure in the book. We had a blast. TPK by room 4, but it was quite refreshing to let the randomness of the dice determine our character and be fine with that. The last round of combat that killed the last 3 characters had us on the edge of our seats as they held on longer than we thought they would.

Since then I have ordered the hardback book and a set of dice. Really anxious to get some more time in with this game.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by jodown »


I'm Steve. When I was a boy, my mother came back from shopping one day and tossed a book at me. She said, "Read." The book was titled, Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes, a Dragonlance book of short stories. Never before had I read fantasy adventure tales. My mother had not the slightest idea what the book was; she just grabbed a random book off the shelf. It was summertime, and she wanted me to read so my brain did not turn to mush.
I fell in love with fantasy adventure. I got many more books. I got the TSR Gold Box games. I even bought pen and paper supplements, even though I did not own a rulebook for any pen and paper game. I just bought them because I liked the cover art, and I knew fantasy adventure awaited me inside. I had no friends that played D&D, so I had to make do having fantasy adventures mainly in my own head.
All that changed about 6 years ago, when I happened to have a coworker who DM'ed 3.5 edition. I rolled up a fighter, because I was new to the rules. The game started with all of our characters locked in a prison wagon, having all been grabbed for suspicion of being bandits. There was an unconscious grimlock on the floor of the wagon. Naturally, my character took his pants off to tie up the creature, in case it woke up grumpy. Look here! This is something that I never had in fantasy video games: freedom!
A bunch of us gamed a lot together, and we picked up Pathfinder when it came out. But then I moved away, and I never did find a group to game with in my new area. So, I went back to filling the void with books. When I stumbled into DCC RPG, it was like I was transported to that summer back in eighties. This was the fantasy adventure game that puts me in that multiverse I grew so fond of as a boy. These were the wizards like One Eye and Goblin!
Anyway, I guess you can tell by my testimonial that I really like the game. I'm actually moving back to my old stomping grounds in Massachusetts in a couple of months. I'm going to be building a campaign called Save Steven!. I'm going to make up an eighties high school characters "occupation" list. The premise being that Steven got his hands on some terrible, black tome and started spending less and less time with his friends and family. During prom, while everyone else is happily cavorting, Steven is in a supply closet doing strange things by candlelight. His spell transports the players' characters into a world of fantasy adventure. They start off in a room with a giant pentagram on the floor, and Steven is being carried off by (insert Random Esoteric Creatures). They have to save Steven!
I'm glad to meet you all, and I am so very glad for these forums!

Thank you so much, Goodman Games!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by reverenddak »


My name is Dak and I'm addicted to Role Playing Games. Old-school, rules-lite games are my preference. I can handle games where the character sheets look like financial statements, but I prefer my systems light. I live in Northeast Los Angeles, about 4 miles north of City Hall, and about a mile Northeast of Dodgers Stadium. I have long hair, and like to ride bicycles, drink beer, go to indie rock shows and listen to heavy metal. I wear black t-shirts & shorts year-round, and beat-up Vans slip-ons. I like to read non-fiction books about people & places, and Fantasy pulp Appendix N sh*t. I like to watch wacky Science Fiction. My favorite movies are Brazil, Blade Runner, Alien, Buckaroo Bonzai & Big Trouble in Little China.

I started playing D&D around 1979 or 1980 with the Holmes Edition my best-friend in Elementary school showed me. I immediately made-up & invented my own Fantasy Adventure Game with home-made maps, push-pins & cardboard boxes. It wasn't until I got the original Red-Box basic set that I started playing the actual game of D&D, and it wasn't until this new kid, who played AD&D with his older brother, came to our school and actually DM'd us our first honest-goodness game of Dungeons & Dragons. It was such a defining moment, I never ever looked back. The version of D&D I played the most was AD&D (1e). We played lots of other games throughout the 80's. Paranoia, Top Secret SI, Champions, Twilight 2000 & Sandman have the best memories. But we almost always defaulted back to AD&D. I bought 2e, and played it only a couple times. But I was also a newly adult and the military, college, girls & booze took up most of my time & money through the 90s.

Several years later 3.0 came out, and I've been playing RPGs consistently ever since. Playing 3x religiously and jumping on, and quickly off, the 4e bandwagon left a bad taste in my mouth. The popularity of Indie RPG & Storygames change my thoughts on what kind of gaming I wanted to play. Then I found the OSR, adopted Swords & Wizardy as my game of choice, but stole things from other OSR games, particularily Lamentation of the Flame Princess. Then DCC RPG Beta showed up a few months later that really hit the sweet spot when it came to inspiration, art & rules-crunch.

Publishing for an RPG has always been a dream. Goodman Games, DCC RPG and the DIY mentality of the OSR really kicked my motivation into high-gear. Loviatar, Zogorion & all the OSR blogs in general were also a huge source of inspiration.

DCC RPG really suited my GM style, and it is reflected in how fun our weekly gaming sessions have become.
Reverend Dakota Jesus Ultimak, S.S.M.o.t.S.M.S., D.M.

(Dungeon) Master In Chief of Crawl! fanzine. -

"[...] there is no doubt that Dungeons and Dragons and its imitators are right out of the pit of hell." - William Schnoebelen, Straight talk on Dungeons & Dragons
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by TheNobleDrake »

Can I just take a post to ask... did I seriously end up being the "youngster" around here at a couple years shy of 30? It sort of seems like I did... and it would make sense, I've always been a lot older than I am - if that makes sense to ya.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by IronWolf »

TheNobleDrake wrote:Can I just take a post to ask... did I seriously end up being the "youngster" around here at a couple years shy of 30? It sort of seems like I did... and it would make sense, I've always been a lot older than I am - if that makes sense to ya.
You just might be the whippersnapper here!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by tovokas »

Shhhhh... it's supposed to be a secret that most of us are geezers. We're cool! We're hip! We're into all the latest folderol... wait I think I just gave myself away...

Since I'm out now, I'll give my gaming background: The first time I played was out of the White Box at a friend's house. I soon purchased the Blue Box and proceeded to run a campaign with absolutely no idea what I was doing. (2d6 + 1d8 adds up to 20 right? That's as good as a d20, right? And don't ask about my 156th level Paladin.)

We tried everything in the early days (Traveler, Runequest, Gamma Word, Metamorphosis Alpha, Aftermath, Chivalry and Sorcery, Bushido, Arduin Grimoire, Champions, etc) I eventually got into Rolemaster big time for the next 10 years. (Actually I ordered Arms Law after seeing an ad in Dragon magazine when it was the only "Law" available: getting Character Law in the mail was a big moment in my teen years. That's just so sad to read. :) )

Eventually I ran some old first edition adventures using the 2nd edition rules on a lark for some friends, and something about the uncomplicated joy of it all brought me back to D&D. Did 3.0 (I think the Age of Worms Adventure Path is a high point in the genre... but things got pretty unwieldy for me after the 8th level or so.)

I purchased and enjoyed playing 4.0, I think it made a lot of things easier for the Gamemaster, but something magical and raw and unpredictable was missing... and then I heard about the DCC RPG beta. I created the 0-level Party Generator over the course of the first weekend after the beta rules came out, and the rest is history. :)
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by bill4935 »

Hi, my name is Bill and I live near Kingston, Ontario. I'm older than Drake, but I probably have less rpg experience than anyone... I've been out of practice since AD&D 2E. I've been playing a lot of euro-type boardgames (like on and also a superhero board game called HeroClix (I post a lot on the HeroClix website

Stumbling across this rpg right when I was re-reading some Howard, Fritz Leiber and Thieves World books got me in the mood to try fantasy RPGs again. I was thinking about picking up Pathfinder, but a lot of internet chatter gave me the impression that that game doesn't do Fighters justice. DCC seems like a perfect fit for my recent reading material and my favourite class!
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by TheNobleDrake »

bill4935 wrote:Hi, my name is Bill and I live near Kingston, Ontario. I'm older than Drake, but I probably have less rpg experience than anyone... I've been out of practice since AD&D 2E. I've been playing a lot of euro-type boardgames (like on and also a superhero board game called HeroClix (I post a lot on the HeroClix website

Stumbling across this rpg right when I was re-reading some Howard, Fritz Leiber and Thieves World books got me in the mood to try fantasy RPGs again. I was thinking about picking up Pathfinder, but a lot of internet chatter gave me the impression that that game doesn't do Fighters justice. DCC seems like a perfect fit for my recent reading material and my favourite class!
From one Fighter fan to another, I would like to inform you that almost all internet chatter regarding Pathfinder is theorycraft and nonsense - the only issue I ever found with it (I run it pretending in most ways that it's just AD&D with some house rules) is that Fighters do have a little trouble, and I mean little, keeping up to speed with the spellcaster types as they climb to higher level spells (4th and up).

A minor issue solved with a simple, minor, house-rule that I haven't implemented because it's such a minor issue that I don't think it is worth the risk of making my blaster-caster player get his grumpy face on - The house rule being: preparing spells requires 10 minutes per spell level for each spell, not a single hour regardless of number of spells being prepared.

That house rule puts things pretty much back to AD&D 2nd Edition + Combat & Tactics option book for Weapon Mastery rules levels of inter-class balance.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by IronWolf »

TheNobleDrake wrote: From one Fighter fan to another, I would like to inform you that almost all internet chatter regarding Pathfinder is theorycraft and nonsense - the only issue I ever found with it (I run it pretending in most ways that it's just AD&D with some house rules) is that Fighters do have a little trouble, and I mean little, keeping up to speed with the spellcaster types as they climb to higher level spells (4th and up).
I don't want to take the thread too far off track, but I agree with TheNobleDrake. I've run a party with a fighter, paladin, wizard and druid to around 17th level or so in Pathfinder and the fighter and paladin were quite effective. Each character had their moments to shine.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by HiroTsukasa »

Put me in the running on youngest; mid-20's here. My name is Dustin, but I'm used to being called Hiro through numerous forums so either works for me. I live in eastern Kentucky. I got introduced to tabletop RPG's as I started high school through a friend. Pretty sure AD&D 2e was the thing at the time, but I got brought in on 1st Edition. His father had a huge collection of pretty much every book and module out there and we raided that bookshelf frequently.

Eventually, I got my own books for 2nd Revised and played that for a long time. When 3rd came out I remember jumping ship from D&D. I imagine others already in the hobby were used to something like that, but at the time (to me) it seemed silly to re-buy books for "the same game" I already had. After that I bounced around among a lot of games.

I have always been a fan of Japanese anime so I really loved GOO's Big Eyes, Small Mouth. Found an old copy of WEG's Star Wars RPG and enjoyed that a lot as well. Discovered White Wolf's World of Darkness and got to enjoy the very end of it transitioning into the "New" line of games. I suppose that didn't bother me so much because I didn't have time to get invested in it all. Ended up voraciously into White-Wolf and their Storyteller system. However, during my undergrad years at college I just kind of tapered off with RPG's. Most of the people who I regularly gamed with had moved away and I didn't know any local groups or stores to try and meet up with people.

Then, around last year or so, a friend online began talking to me about how he played D&D 4e when I remarked about missing the hobby. Discovered there was a local store now running all the organized play stuff and he encouraged me to check it out. Had a blast, made some great new friends and still play 4e currently. Reading around more with the re-sparked interest, I discovered the OSR and fell in love with a lot of those games; Labyrinth Lord is probably my #1. If it's not already obvious, I am pretty laid back. I don't get edition wars and I'll just as happily play 4e and then sit down to play AD&D.

At last year's Free RPG Day, I picked up the DCC preview just on a whim because I thought the cover looked really retro and cool; plus a quick paging through gave me that OSR-vibe. Started lurking here, looked at the Beta Rules and was blown away. This is my #1 RPG now and I can't begin to imagine what it would take to dethrone it. Currently, I play in various 4e organized events (also run some as well), a game of Call of Cthulhu and a game of (believe it or not) Star Frontiers. Currently, I've been making it my own pet project to run DCC at the local store and introduce people to the game.

Also, everyone should toss in a post here. It's really great to read all these stories about how people got into the hobby.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by TheNobleDrake »

HiroTsukasa wrote:I've been making it my own pet project to run DCC at the local store and introduce people to the game.

Also, everyone should toss in a post here. It's really great to read all these stories about how people got into the hobby.
How very Good of you, man :wink:

Also, yes... we should all toss in posts here to share our "origin story" - they are amazing to see with all the different, and yet strangely similar, ways that we all got into this whole hobby thing.

...and I am so very glad to not be the youngest around. I know my group (save one guy, our newbie actually) are all younger than me, I was just hoping beyond hope that DCC managed to snag more of the "younger sorts" than just those that get to personally see how excited I am to be playing this game.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by finarvyn »

I'm Marv, another old timer. I estimate that roughly 75% of my lifetime has occured after I discovered OD&D back in the 1970's. My friends and I had been wargamers and had played CHAINMAIL, but Christmas of '75 changed things entirely when my friend got an OD&D boxed set from his Aunt who lived in Sheboygan.

Before "Appendix N" we were reading the same sorts of books that Gary read. Conan (the deCamp version, however, not pure Howard :oops:), Elric, Dune, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser, John Carter, Tolkien, and these continue to be my favorite books of all time. They also were instrumental in defining in my mind how a RPG campaign should be run.

I was an early subscriber to JUDGES GUILD and the CITY STATE OF THE INVINCIBLE OVERLORD became my go-to city. It could be Gondor, Lankhmar, or wherever the players happened to travel. My first SciFi RPG was METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA, although we also played some black-book TRAVELLER back in the day as well as making up our own Star Wars/OD&D blend we cleverly called "Space Wars". We were all pretty excited when AD&D came out, but as my friends switched over I continued to run OD&D and OD&D is still my true love RPG all these years later.

High school led to college, then graduate school, then a job. New friends and new games, as we tried Amber Diceless and other more innovative systems in additon to OD&D. I'm a physics teacher and a husband and a father now and my current gaming group is with friends and family, including my wife, children, and sister. Together we playtested C&C, DCC, and several other game systems. I get to be DM roughly 98% of the time.

I first heard about the DCC RPG through the "rumor mill" before it was annouced and started bugging Joseph about it. After denying that such a game existed, he finally admitted that he was tinkering with something and let me in on the secret a few months before the beta was released. DCC gives me the same kind of feeling as OD&D did back in 1975.
Marv / Finarvyn
DCC Minister of Propaganda; Deputized 6/8/11 (over 11 years of SPAM bustin'!)
DCC RPG playtester 2011, DCC Lankhmar trivia contest winner 2015; OD&D player since 1975

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players' PCs, He presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
-- Gary Gygax
"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
-- Dave Arneson
"Misinterpreting the rules is a shared memory for many of us"
-- Joseph Goodman
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Apisfurioso »

Hi. I just ordered DCC after hearing all the buzz on Gplus. I have played various games over the years. Our group has always like random tables and lots of dice so this will fit perfectly. We normally play arcs instead of campaigns and round robin the DMs. The one thing I would love to see is some gunpowder rules
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Ravenheart87 »

I'm Tamás, a software developer trainee and university student from Hungary. I'm going to be 25 this September and I've been playing and running rpgs for more than 12 years now. I began with a hungarian game called M.A.G.U.S. but left it quickly for D&D. My all time favourites are the various editions of D&D, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, HackMaster and DCC RPG. I also like having a beer with friends, listening to metal music, tinkering with Linux operating systems and reading fantasy novels. My favourite writers are Gene Wolfe, Roger Zelazny, R. E. Howard, H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith and Jack Vance.

My one year old Swords & Wizardry + Wilderlands of High Fantasy campaign is currently having a break thanks to exams. This summer I'm planning to start a DCC RPG sandbox campaign on my own setting, which is heavily inspired by the Wilderlands of High Fantasy and Arduin. Of course this means I'm going to house rule and expand DCC RPG a bit - I already have some notes about new races, classes, tech devices, psionics and so on.
Vorpal Mace: a humble rpg blog with some DCC-related stuff.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Raven_Crowking »

I'm Daniel. I live in Toronto, but grew up in Wisconsin. I started gaming with Holmes Basic on Christmas Day 1979, and haven't been this excited about a gaming product since I was in grade/high school.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by tburke0 »

Hi. Tom here. In the woods in Connecticut. I've been playing D&D since the Moldvay red box and Fight in the Skies before that. Played (& DM'd a bit) up through 2nd ed then took a break. Came back just as Pathfinder started taking off. Got the old band back together plus our kids to get the dice rolling again. DM'ing mostly now. Ran a couple of the GG 3.5 modules but went w/Paizo when y'all went to 4e. Heard the buzz on the DCC RPG. Grim & deadly may be just what we're looking for after a steady diet of high & mighty. Looking forward to finding out how deep the rabbit-hole goes...
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Logon »

I'm Vincent, from France.
I'm a rpg player since 1988-89.
I've started with D&D but quickly switch to...a lot of other rpgs.

Favorite games : DCH (mayfair games), Torg, Earthdawn, Hero.
I thing DCCRPG may take a very special place in this list, probably as the only enjoyable retro rpg (the only concurrent would be Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2.)

Current campaigns :

As GM :
- Earthdawn
- Logon (my own generic system 100% based on logarithms)

As Player :
- Ars Magica
- Shadowrun
- Fantasy Craft
- Atomic Highway
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Re: Introductions Thread - Join the Band!

Post by Flexi »

Hi everyone!
It is great to be playing DCC. It is a real blast from the past!

I started with a copy of OD&D Greyhawk book and Holmes Basic and started playing and collecting AD&D books and the BECMI rule-set. I mostly have experience in playing these last two and still retain an awful lot of 1st ed and 2nd ed AD&D books but sadly have only my Rules Compendium and a few modules left for the BECMI.

I am also hugely enjoying Legends of Anglerre, which is competing with DCC right now for my attention.
Other games I also enjoy occasionally are Pendragon, MRQ2, Elric/Stormbringer, Earthdawn, Savage Worlds (particularly Hellfrost), Mongoose Traveller, Fantasy Craft, Dragon Warriors, Starblazer Adventures, 3:16 and Stars Without Number.

I am also known as Flexi on the boards.
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