New presentation in dungeon design

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
Posts: 96
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:19 am

New presentation in dungeon design

Post by Tavis »

This is a slightly different issue from the DCC RPG rules itself, but I'd love to see the associated adventures try to present things in a new & improved means of communicating information visually (while at the same time going back to the classics for the content of that information).

Some of this is, I think, common in homebrew adventures but not in published ones. When I make a map for myself, I write information into each room. When I prep a published one, I go through and write notes on the map; for example in Sailors of the Starless Sea, I wrote in "bodies move, 2 vine horrors; banner; 'repent'; DC 15 crumble," etc. I did a blog post about this because it was the easiest way I know to post the images.

One example of something I'd love to see that isn't commonly done but I think would make running a dungeon much easier, especially if the party is mapping (as they should!), is to have distances encoded on the map like Telecanter talks about here.
Co-author: Forgotten Heroes: Fist, Fang, and Song and Scythe and Shroud; Heroes' Handbook: Eladrin; and two finished Goodman projects that haven't been announced yet, with others on the drawing board!
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