Convention Packet

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Convention Packet

Post by robertsconley »

I have a convention coming up in November in Erie PA. I could run the DCC RPG then. If there is an adventure and other support materials (like pre-gen characters or general guidelines) it would help.
Cold-Hearted Immortal
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Re: Convention Packet

Post by goodmangames »

Awesome. Consider yourself signed up. My computer's in the shop but when I get it back in a couple days I will send you some sample adventures and the latest draft of the rules.

As for pregens, I always have the players roll their characters at the table. Chargen is so fast and fun that it's part of the selling points. Usually I can get a group of 4-6 people rolled up with 2 or 3 level 1 characters within 1/2 hour.

And don't forget - roll ALL DICE in front of the players!! No secret DM dice in DCC RPG. The players must learn to fear the random rolls -- characters WILL die...

BTW, is this MEPACON? (if I remember the name right) Or if that's not it, what con is it?
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Re: Convention Packet

Post by robertsconley »

The convention is Erie Days of Gaming.

Thanks Rob
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Re: Convention Packet

Post by Tavis »

When I do a higher-level game, should I do like we did in the 0 level game at Gary Con - roll 3 PCs, determine occupation randomly, and then level them? Should players run all 3 PCs at once?
Co-author: Forgotten Heroes: Fist, Fang, and Song and Scythe and Shroud; Heroes' Handbook: Eladrin; and two finished Goodman projects that haven't been announced yet, with others on the drawing board!
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Re: Convention Packet

Post by goodmangames »

Every DCC RPG game I've ever played at a con, I've had the players roll up characters on the spot. I've never used pregens. I find that the character generation process helps explain the basic rules ("What does my Strength modify? How do saving throws work? Oh, AC is ascending!" and so on). And the use of 0-level professions, lack of complex min/max math, straight-down-the-line ability score generation, and other elements help sell people on the old-school vibe. So my personal recommendation would be to roll up characters on the spot. (I need to get you guys the updated character sheet. Coming soon to an email box near you...)

Even with higher-level PCs, I do this, including random spell generation. Makes for a lot of fun. "Leveling up" characters is actually really fast...just hit dice and save modifiers and attack mods, for most classes, with some spells for the caster types. No skill points, feat selection, agonizing over spell combos...roll it, don't pick it!

As for number of PCs, I usually have guys run 2 characters at level 2 or 3. Up to 4 PCs per character at level 0, but the crowds thin out as you least in my games...

Don't forget to always roll ALL your dice in public! It scares the crap out of the players. They know that if they're dead, they're DEAD - no fudging by the judge.
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
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