The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

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The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by GnomeBoy »

This topic has come up in other threads that weren't specifically about the covers... If this topic is hot enough to keep cropping up, it's hot enough for its own new thread.

Here's my two cents, even if no one asked...

My eye was certainly caught by the original homage cover designs. But I kept buying because I thought the content was good. Does the new design diminish the line? To me, I'm now expecting a certain level of content, and that's what keeps me interested, even when financials make purchases few.

My guess on how it will impact the line? Evidently, some that have been on board over the first 52 will leave, but the potential in 'new blood' is likely to make up for that. There's no real way to gauge how many have been 'turned off' by the first generation DCC's thinking they were something for an earlier edition. I've heard of 'kids' thinking they were actual 1st Edition modules. I'll bet the line will do at least as well, if not better with it's new design.

And the occasional 'retro' designs are sure to come along annually or so... if history teaches us anything. :mrgreen:
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by TheMilford »

It would also seem to me that any FUTURE popularity in the line will owe a quite bit to the fact that the original batch was so popular and praised so highly by us old-timers.

If the first 52+ never existed in there original format would these new products even stand a chance? Would anybody care about Fugazi if there was never a Minor Threat? I like Fugazi more than I like Minor Threat... We always go back to what we cut out teeth on.

It's all so very subjective... and I don't mean any harshness... I just wish it wasn't coming to an end, or changing in a way I'm not partial rather.

If WotC were more flexible and would treat the license a little differently maybe it would be possible to allow the line to stay intact. Or better yet relegate them to 1st edition conversions. :D
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JZavoda »

Why not just come out with 4e adventures and not bother calling them Dungeon Crawl Classics. If the goal is to use the new cover art to attract new blood, then something has definitely changed. Changing the covers says something dramatic. It is a change in the basic thinking of what the DCC line is about, because if it were all about the content then why change the covers?

What drew me to the DCC line were the covers. What makes me pass them over now are the covers. For me to use the content I have to change it anyway but I might as well start sampling all the 3.0, 3.5, D20 stuff that is to be had for a song and see what can be altered for my campaign use.

I'm also a collector. The DCC line was fun to collect, but that ended with #52

So the goal is to use a well known line to attract new customers while hoping to hold onto the old customers. I think this is a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too. This the end of an era for Dungeon Crawl Classics. It just seems strange to me to change the classic cover, look for new blood, and still call it classic.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by TheMilford »

JZ is totally right on, and I think I tried to make some points along those same lines in the other thread.

I think part of it is that we held the DCCs in such high regard and now part of the legacy is being cheapened or dissed in favor of the new flavor.

Again, subjective but this is what I and some of your core fans, fans that helps to make the DCC line what it is, feel.

If you had ended the DCC line and started a new line with a similar yet different name you might not be catching such flak over this. It's one thing to have say goodbye to an old friend, It's another to see a good friend turn into some kind of jerk.

Sorry to come off so harsh.

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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by Treebore »

There are two big reasons I am not going to be buying much of the future DCC's. Reason 1: Economics. My finances suck, rising cost of gas, food, etc... is not helping. Reason 2: I am not going to 4E as my system. Its not a big deal in and of itself, because C&C allows me to easily convert 4E to a useful format. However, combine it with economics, it becomes a big factor in my buying decisions.

When I do buy the biggest reason will be the content attracts me. However I do not like the look of the new covers. I like the art, I don't like the "look".
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by TheMilford »

Treebore wrote:When I do buy the biggest reason will be the content attracts me. However I do not like the look of the new covers. I like the art, I don't like the "look".
Exactly...Art = great. Design/look = Bad.

I feels the same to me now as when TSR made the big face-lift in around 1983. :( Or even worse... like when 2nd edition came out :shock:

In all honesty, I want to see GG succeed, I'm just not so into this turn of events and I'm just trying to explain how I feel. I mean no ill-will to Joseph and the crew... just trying to vent my woes.

Hey treebore... I'm selling a guitar I don't use to try to buy up the DCCs I don't yet have. :P

Maybe you have some crap you can sell off...
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by welland_warrior »

Here's my two cents:

I think that the pre-52 DCCs found the balance between outstanding covers with, for the most part, outstanding content.

I have a slightly different way of looking at it, the issue of the new-look DCCs isn't whether they look old school or new school, it's just that the design is poor.

They just don't work aesthetically for reasons I've mentioned already on the boards including the logo, too much white in the header/footer, and a look that appears to compact the artwork horizontally (and I like the art from what I've seen so far).

The other problem, and I have no clue why gg and other publishers are doing this, is the black text on what is (due to background graphics etc) essentially grey paper (Whiterock is really bad for this at times so is DCC 35). That is always a bad idea as it makes basic reading difficult - especially for those who have any sort of visual problems. It's like creating barriers to the reading of the product. Keep it simple - black on white.

Again just my 2 cents...
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by goodmangames »

I'll reveal something. Those of you who are collectors... grab your DCC's and look at the yellow stripe in the upper left hand corner. The text on that yellow stripe has changed over the years, though only the most attentive noticed it. Can someone list out what the various messages have been?
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JediOre »

Here ya go Joe:

In no particular order--

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign

-For Any Fantasy Campaign

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)

-All New Geomorphs For Any Fantasy Campaign

-A 15- Level Dungeon With Gazetteer and More (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by TheMilford »

JediOre wrote:Here ya go Joe:

In no particular order--

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign

-For Any Fantasy Campaign

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)

-All New Geomorphs For Any Fantasy Campaign

-A 15- Level Dungeon With Gazetteer and More (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)
That's all cool... what the point here?
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by Jengenritz »

First, let me assure everyone here that I'm not trying to be rude. If it is taken that way, I apologize in advance.
Second, when I say "you" I don't mean "you-you," I mean it in the general sense. If I refer to or address someone, I'll say their name. I'll say this again: I'm not referring to specific people unless I say so.
Lastly, I recognize that I'm hardly impartial since I wrote/am writing some of these modules. That said, I'm also not blindly shilling for Goodman Games...I'm a freelancer.

Moving on:

I've spoken with several of you on a handful of occasions through the board, and I appreciate that you have interest in the DCC line. I mean, TheMilford is selling guitars! That floors me. Unless, I suppose, he's a guitar salesman, but I assume he's not.

Some of you have stated you don't like the cover art. Although not shared by everyone surveyed, that's certainly a fair opinion. The cover is different, and "different" invariably rubs some people wrong. Look at the Edition Wars, for instance.

This board - specifically this thread - is the proper place to express any opinion of the cover art. All opinions are welcome, certainly, as long as comity is preseved.

If all you want to do is say, "I don't like the art," you can pretty much leave it at that. Message received.

I can't speak for Joseph here, but I imagine if you actually want your comments to be taken into consideration - which is not the same thing as having your comments acted on - then specific comments are more useful than broad statements.
If you don't like the art, what about it don't you like?
It helps to be dispassionate. The discussion with JZavoda in the other thread ended up getting heated and snarky. You are commenting on business decisions, so be businesslike.
It's cool that people care about gaming - and the DCC line - enough to get worked up, but ultimately doing so ends poorly.

In the interests of continuing the discussion and not just being some tool who lectures people on how to act civil on a board, I offer the following:

What if the covers had not changed at all?
Even if the module clearly stated that it was compliant with 4E, wouldn't there be a stink about Goodman Games "misleading" people with the cover art? The buying public has been led to expect 3.X content from such cover art, and they could certainly cry "shenanigans" if the content was actually 4E.
I'm only speaking as an observer, but change was necessary to not mislead the public, I'd imagine.

For the collector: why does the cover matter?
I can make suppositions as to why, but that would be ascribing motivations to the collectors, which is unfair to them. And I really hate it when people do that in an argument; I even hate it when I end up doing it.
Therefore, this is an open-ended question.

For the converter: why does the cover matter?
We're drifting back into content again, but let's face it: you don't just buy the cover, you get what's between them, too.
It's been stated time and again that the content is the same (aside from being in 4E): authors, interior art, editors, playtesters. More important, the focus is the same...still evocative of the old-school modules while bringing something new to the table. More than the rules, the feeling should be easily carried over to your OG groups.
This isn't a rhetorical question, I hope for an answer.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JediOre »

TheMilford wrote:
That's all cool... what the point here?
TheMilford, I have no idea what the point is. I was posting to Mr. Goodman's query. I'm curious what he had in mind myself.

As to this discussion about the covers. I get the reasoning behind switching to make a clean break from 3.5. No one can doubt the new DCCs are different, as needed to be with the release of 4th edition.

Do I like them? If they are doing the job, i.e. selling modules, I love them!

My only concern is the cover for Harley's Master Dungeons M1:Dragora's Dungeon. (I think the artist is incredibly familiar to me but I can't put my finger on why. Early Dragon Lance modules perhaps?) The cover has a dang-near naked lady on it. I can hear the questions from my little ones if they see the cover. Especially my little girl who has graduated to panties just this month. I'm sure my wife, Jediwife, would chime in with some wry comment concerning the woman on M1. :roll:

My only request is to keep those covers PG.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by Blackdirge »

Jengenritz wrote: What if the covers had not changed at all?
Even if the module clearly stated that it was compliant with 4E, wouldn't there be a stink about Goodman Games "misleading" people with the cover art? The buying public has been led to expect 3.X content from such cover art, and they could certainly cry "shenanigans" if the content was actually 4E.
I'm only speaking as an observer, but change was necessary to not mislead the public, I'd imagine.
I think this an excellent point, and although I don't want to speak for Joseph, I can relate my own experiences working the Goodman booth at Gen Con. A number of times when people came up to the booth to peruse the 3.5 DCCs, they didn't know, or were surprised to learn, that the modules were not 1E modules. A number of times it was clear they had no interest in 1E modules, but once informed that the DCCs were 3.5, they bought some.

So, I think it was very important to clearly identify the new DCCs as 4.0 compatible material to avoid any confusion on what a customer is looking at or buying. I understand that the art and cover design is not to everyone's taste, but did any of you for a moment mistake the new DCCs for anything other than 4.0 material?

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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by gideon_thorne »

JediOre wrote:
My only concern is the cover for Harley's Master Dungeons M1:Dragora's Dungeon. (I think the artist is incredibly familiar to me but I can't put my finger on why. Early Dragon Lance modules perhaps?) The cover has a dang-near naked lady on it.
That would be Clyde Caldwell, along with the others of the big 4, Elmore, Easley, and Parkinson, who pretty much defined the 80's look of AD&D. Can't miss his art style anywhere. The big gems give it away.

I can't knock it. You'd be surprised what I'd do on a cover if I could get away with it. ^_^

More to the point of the thread. Why change a look for a new edition? The practical side of the matter is trade dress and brand identification. Subjective comments on the design non withstanding, thats the main technical reason one would do so right there.
Peter B

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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JZavoda »

Blackdirge wrote:
Jengenritz wrote: What if the covers had not changed at all?
Even if the module clearly stated that it was compliant with 4E, wouldn't there be a stink about Goodman Games "misleading" people with the cover art? The buying public has been led to expect 3.X content from such cover art, and they could certainly cry "shenanigans" if the content was actually 4E.
I'm only speaking as an observer, but change was necessary to not mislead the public, I'd imagine.
I think this an excellent point, and although I don't want to speak for Joseph, I can relate my own experiences working the Goodman booth at Gen Con. A number of times when people came up to the booth to peruse the 3.5 DCCs, they didn't know, or were surprised to learn, that the modules were not 1E modules. A number of times it was clear they had no interest in 1E modules, but once informed that the DCCs were 3.5, they bought some.

So, I think it was very important to clearly identify the new DCCs as 4.0 compatible material to avoid any confusion on what a customer is looking at or buying. I understand that the art and cover design is not to everyone's taste, but did any of you for a moment mistake the new DCCs for anything other than 4.0 material?

That's the point to this discussion. The change in the covers is also a change in the content. The entire feel and style of the module. The people who are turned off by the classic cover art or the concept of 1e aren't the people who were buying the DCC line. Now the modules look the same as anything put out by WOTC or Paizo or the other 3rd party companies.

I know whoever made this gawdawful decision wants to get both the old customers and the new customers, but if your old customers bought because they liked the cover art, and the 1e style and feel, and the new customers do not, then they are not going to be able to make both types buy the DCC line. What would be more upfront would be to start a new line for the people who don't like the classic 1e look.

I didn't for a moment mistake the new 4e releases as anything having to do with the old DCC line. I don't think any of the old customers do either. So much for supporting the customer base that made the DCC line successful enough to have 52+ releases.

Enjoy the new coke.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JZavoda »

Jengenritz wrote:First, let me assure everyone here that I'm not trying to be rude. If it is taken that way, I apologize in advance.
Second, when I say "you" I don't mean "you-you," I mean it in the general sense. If I refer to or address someone, I'll say their name. I'll say this again: I'm not referring to specific people unless I say so.
Lastly, I recognize that I'm hardly impartial since I wrote/am writing some of these modules. That said, I'm also not blindly shilling for Goodman Games...I'm a freelancer.

Moving on:

I've spoken with several of you on a handful of occasions through the board, and I appreciate that you have interest in the DCC line. I mean, TheMilford is selling guitars! That floors me. Unless, I suppose, he's a guitar salesman, but I assume he's not.

Some of you have stated you don't like the cover art. Although not shared by everyone surveyed, that's certainly a fair opinion. The cover is different, and "different" invariably rubs some people wrong. Look at the Edition Wars, for instance.

This board - specifically this thread - is the proper place to express any opinion of the cover art. All opinions are welcome, certainly, as long as comity is preseved.

If all you want to do is say, "I don't like the art," you can pretty much leave it at that. Message received.

I can't speak for Joseph here, but I imagine if you actually want your comments to be taken into consideration - which is not the same thing as having your comments acted on - then specific comments are more useful than broad statements.
If you don't like the art, what about it don't you like?
It helps to be dispassionate. The discussion with JZavoda in the other thread ended up getting heated and snarky. You are commenting on business decisions, so be businesslike.
It's cool that people care about gaming - and the DCC line - enough to get worked up, but ultimately doing so ends poorly.

In the interests of continuing the discussion and not just being some tool who lectures people on how to act civil on a board, I offer the following:

What if the covers had not changed at all?
Even if the module clearly stated that it was compliant with 4E, wouldn't there be a stink about Goodman Games "misleading" people with the cover art? The buying public has been led to expect 3.X content from such cover art, and they could certainly cry "shenanigans" if the content was actually 4E.
I'm only speaking as an observer, but change was necessary to not mislead the public, I'd imagine.

For the collector: why does the cover matter?
I can make suppositions as to why, but that would be ascribing motivations to the collectors, which is unfair to them. And I really hate it when people do that in an argument; I even hate it when I end up doing it.
Therefore, this is an open-ended question.

For the converter: why does the cover matter?
We're drifting back into content again, but let's face it: you don't just buy the cover, you get what's between them, too.
It's been stated time and again that the content is the same (aside from being in 4E): authors, interior art, editors, playtesters. More important, the focus is the same...still evocative of the old-school modules while bringing something new to the table. More than the rules, the feeling should be easily carried over to your OG groups.
This isn't a rhetorical question, I hope for an answer.
I'd call you by name but I don't know it.

As far as business practices and snarkiness goes, much better that the guy trying to sell the goods keeps away from it. Customers can be a little snarky especially after they've been insulted. I'd point out the specifics but the last time I tried the post was deleted. Easy way to get the last word.

First, let me assure you that you are being rude. Normally when you have to lead a post by saying you aren't being rude it is a very good indication that rudeness is exactly the intention.

Your survey on who likes the new cover art and who doesn't seems to have been a very private one. I've never heard of it and on the forums I frequent the DCC line is very popular. But we are mostly old school gamers and collectors. Very likely to be turned off by modern covers on a classic line.

But as far as just saying "I don't like the cover" and shutting up lets talk about why the art is bad, why the change in style is even worse, and what it promises for the future. One of the reasons why the old style art is important is the link to the excellent 1e material, that with the change to a different style also became a change or low quality content. The change is distrubing because as old school gamers we have seen and heard the same rhetoric from a game company before.

As a collector the old style cover art was better, it was graphicly sound, pleasing and contiguous with all the DCC material that had gone before. It linked the DCC material to the days of old which collectors venerate. So the change is not only one in favor of a common and inferior style but a slap in the face to the honored past.

For those of us who convert the art matters. While words are valuable a picture is worth more than a thousand, and having that old fashioned cover positioned between the DM and the Players recreated a heady atmosphere that modern school gamers cannot imagine, nor obviously can those in favor of this sad change.

An era has ended. How appropriate for this year of loss to the gaming world.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JediOre »

JZavoda, have you read one of the new 4th edition DCCs?

I haven't yet so I can't vouch one way or the other. However, since the editor and others in the team that make up the creation of the DCC line are still in place I wonder really if the meat of the product has changed even if the presentation has changed.

Companies over time feel the need to update packaging even if the product being sold has remained the same.

I do completely understand personal preferences for one form of packaging over another, but the real question is, from a gamer's perspective, is has the adventures produced for the DCC line been altered? Does it have a different feeling, taking into account some changes that must come to comply with the new rules?

In essence, are the new DCC's New Coke with a different taste, or are they the old Coca-Cola with a new label, i.e. Coca-Cola Classic?
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by TheMilford »

For those of us who convert the art matters. While words are valuable a picture is worth more than a thousand, and having that old fashioned cover positioned between the DM and the Players recreated a heady atmosphere that modern school gamers cannot imagine, nor obviously can those in favor of this sad change.

An era has ended. How appropriate for this year of loss to the gaming world.
I could not have said this better myself.

I think there are few things at play here that is rubbing the DCC fans the wrong way... and it's hard to qualify all of it into one simple point. This is all so very subjective anyway. All Can say is I don't like the new covers, enough that I won't even bother to even check them out let alone have them on the same shelf as the other DCCs. It's beyond just simple dislike it RUINS the mood, which is really the point here.

I think if you had just retired the line and DCC name you wouldn't be getting the same flak. Also the cavalier attitude about our opinions is also a slap in the face.

It is what it is... but I won't be buying it.

Good luck.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by JediOre »

gideon_thorne wrote:
That would be Clyde Caldwell, along with the others of the big 4, Elmore, Easley, and Parkinson, who pretty much defined the 80's look of AD&D. Can't miss his art style anywhere. The big gems give it away.

I can't knock it. You'd be surprised what I'd do on a cover if I could get away with it. ^_^

Thanks gideon_thorne for the name. Yes, he did several works for I6-Ravenloft. I could not remember his name.

As to what you'd do if you could get away with it, I'll have to keep my eye on you! :lol:

I do hope your paintings/drawings make it into the C&C Monsters & Treasure II! You do very good work as I've said before.
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by gideon_thorne »

JediOre wrote:
gideon_thorne wrote:
That would be Clyde Caldwell, along with the others of the big 4, Elmore, Easley, and Parkinson, who pretty much defined the 80's look of AD&D. Can't miss his art style anywhere. The big gems give it away.

I can't knock it. You'd be surprised what I'd do on a cover if I could get away with it. ^_^

Thanks gideon_thorne for the name. Yes, he did several works for I6-Ravenloft. I could not remember his name.

As to what you'd do if you could get away with it, I'll have to keep my eye on you! :lol:

I do hope your paintings/drawings make it into the C&C Monsters & Treasure II! You do very good work as I've said before.

Oh ya, I'll do some of it, other artists will do some of it. And to bring it back to the discussion at hand, since not everyone likes the same style, the book can appeal to a wider array of tastes than just mine.
Peter B

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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by Harley Stroh »

I think this our first official hot topic. :)

A couple things. I'm absolutely certain that Joseph takes your opinions very seriously. These posts are not lost on him. Whether or not they will convince him and the rest of the team to make a different decision, I can't say, but there has been discussion about options.

Also, we all know that it is much easier to keep an old fan than to find a new one. The loss of any DCC fan is not something we take lightly. Ever.

Finally, on a personal note, I respect a buyer's decision making process. It's your $12 and if cover art is the deciding factor, then by all means that's your deciding factor --- don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But the content, apart from the rules set, is not a lick different from what you saw under the first 52 DCCs. For me, Jedi's post hit it on the head. It's a change of label, not a change of product.

The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by goodmangames »

JediOre wrote:Here ya go Joe:

In no particular order--

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign

-For Any Fantasy Campaign

-All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)

-All New Geomorphs For Any Fantasy Campaign

-A 15- Level Dungeon With Gazetteer and More (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)
Thanks Jedi. Disregarding DCC #9 and #51, which were exceptions, there actually was an order to the "yellow corner blurbs." It was as follows:

This came first: "For Any Fantasy Campaign"
This came second: "All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign"
This came third: "All New Module For Any Fantasy Campaign (3.5 compatible like all DCC modules!)"

If you happen to have the first three printings of DCC #1, you can see it change over time.

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why the yellow blurb changed?
Joseph Goodman
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by goodmangames »

JZavoda wrote:As far as business practices and snarkiness goes, much better that the guy trying to sell the goods keeps away from it. Customers can be a little snarky especially after they've been insulted. I'd point out the specifics but the last time I tried the post was deleted. Easy way to get the last word.
I will continue to delete any other posts which make accusations, are insulting, or make derogatory comments aimed at individual people. Feel free to phrase your opinions politely, like everyone else here, and your posts will remain intact.
JZavoda wrote:Your survey on who likes the new cover art and who doesn't seems to have been a very private one. I've never heard of it and on the forums I frequent the DCC line is very popular. But we are mostly old school gamers and collectors. Very likely to be turned off by modern covers on a classic line.
I read the Acaeum forums daily, and have been doing so for years, so I think I'm familiar with the opinions there.

Ascribing intentions is dangerous. It is a fact that the DCC cover design changed. No one on these boards has correctly guessed the intent behind it. Based on incorrect interpretations of intent, some readers are drawing conclusions about Goodman Games that are incorrect. At this point JZavoda will probably be igniting 4E modules in effigy (after all, they're "appalling"), so I'll consider that bridge burned beyond repair for now. But for the rest of you, stick with the "yellow corner" example. You may start to see what the actual thought process has been. Once that clicks, I'll give you an idea of where things are going.

You know how sometimes there's a plot twist in a movie, and everybody's like, "Oh, THAT'S why they did it! Now it all makes sense!" For those of you planning to watch the movie past the trailer, that revelation point may come soon.
Joseph Goodman
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by goodmangames »

TheMilford wrote:I think if you had just retired the line and DCC name you wouldn't be getting the same flak. Also the cavalier attitude about our opinions is also a slap in the face.
Hey... everybody calm down. Calm... calm...

Trust me, I have considered these opinions, as well as many others. (Yes, there are some people who strongly support changing the art, but they don't post at the Acaeum). But there is more to this than you guys know, much more, and you are seeing "slaps in the face" where they simply don't exist. So stick with me here, and start thinking about yellow corner text... tell me what you think about why it changed...
Joseph Goodman
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Re: The DCC Cover Discussion Thread

Post by Jengenritz »

JZavoda, if you took me as insulting, I again apologize. I care very much about civility on the board, even if sometimes my foot is in my mouth.

Thank you for answering some of my questions. I honestly didn't understand the emotion this topic has generated. Now I think I do.

I also think it's safe to say your concerns have the attention of Goodman Games...I mean, it's Labor Day and we're all here talking about cover art.
Harley wrote:Finally, on a personal note, I respect a buyer's decision making process. It's your $12 and if cover art is the deciding factor, then by all means that's your deciding factor --- don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But the content, apart from the rules set, is not a lick different from what you saw under the first 52 DCCs. For me, Jedi's post hit it on the head. It's a change of label, not a change of product.
As always, Harley says it better than I could.
We write and playtest the adventures before the cover art is even has no effect on what we do.

Regardless of your (entirely valid) concerns for the covers, and whereever that discussion leads, I hope that one fact has been made clear.
Co-Author: The Almanac of the Endless Traders, DCC #13, DCC #29, DCC #49, DCC #51, DCC #52, DCC #63

Author: DCC #55: Isle of the Sea Drake, DCC #61: Citadel of the Corruptor, more to come....
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