Firefly/Horizons Comment Thread

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Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Firefly/Horizons Comment Thread

Post by MWallace »

This thread is for out-of-character discussion for the Firefly dE game.

dE is a new simplistic role-playing system we're testing out. It uses evolving dice and a skill-based system for combat and interaction.

A crew has already been assembled so playing Firefly dE with us won't be possible except under special situation (guest-starring as a secondary character, for example). Chris and I are using interactive role-playing to create whole episodes, with character development being a major factor, so I have my plots set in quasi-stone.
Last edited by MWallace on Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Character Profiles

Post by MWallace »

Name: Gabriel “Gabe” Sage

"Everyone's a sinner somewhere."

Level: 1

STR: 6 (d12)
AGL: 7 (d12+1)
END: 5 (d10)
INT: 6 (d12)
PER: 7 (d12+1)
CHA: 5 (d10)

HP: 20
AP: 14
CW: 110 lbs.
SPD: 30 ft.
INI: 2d12+2
Total Weight Carried: 31 lbs.

TAG: Interaction +6, Small Guns +8, Unknown +8
COMBAT: Melee +4
CRIMINAL: Bluff +2
PHYSICAL: Catch +2
SOCIAL: Leadership +2, Sense Motive +4

FEATS: Gain Agility

CASH: $165, 20c

Compacted Hunting Rifle: To Hit: d12+9 Damage: d12+5

AMMO: 180 rounds (30 speed-loaders)

Punch-guard Knife: To Hit: d12+5 Damage: d12+2
Long Blade (Saber): To Hit: d12+5 Damage: d12+3


6 Stimpacks, wallet, fake ID (Han Solo, Freelance Cargo), credstick, custom holster, Independent Army Officer Corps saber scabbard, Buddhist and Catholic prayer beads, personal effects, and 14,000c ship loan.

Leather Brown-coat w/1 upgrade


DESCRIPTION: Short dark blond hair, dark blue eyes, and an unassuming expression. Average height and average build. Usually dresses in a sharply ironed black shirt, leather belt, and pants with black boots, wears a worn and comfortable looking brown leather coat common to Independence soldiers during the Civil War, always wears his hip holster, and usually wears sunglasses on-planet..
Age: 29
Height/Weight: 5’11”/186 lbs.
Race: Caucasian

PERSONALITY: Gabe is protective of his crew but reveals little of himself or his past. He is friendly with most folk, but cool towards men of authority and professional in his business dealings. He can be merciless when double-crossed, and in a battle he takes on the icy professionalism of a trained killer.

HISTORY: Very is known about Gabe. He has a criminal record that begins almost immediately afterward, but no official information exists on him during or before the War. Considering his brown coat and attitude towards the Alliance, it's safe to say he fought for the Independents, but will not say where or in what capacity. He carries a saber with markings of the Independence Army Officer Corps.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Character Profiles

Post by MWallace »

Name: Jesse Belle

"You keep starin' like that, and I'll pull your eyes out through your bellybutton."

Level: 1

STR: 5 (d10)
AGL: 8 (d12+2)
END: 4 (d8)
INT: 5 (d10)
PER: 5 (d10)
CHA: 8 (d12+2)

HP: 18
AP: 15
CW: 90 lbs.
SPD: 40 ft.
INI: d10 + d12 + 2
Total Weight Carried: 12 lbs.

TAG: Pilot +11, Seduction +8, Unarmed +8
SOCIAL: Companion +3, Interaction +4
TECHNICAL: Navigation +1

FEATS: Bolstered Technical Skill (Pilot)

CASH: $335, 400c



Unarmed: To Hit: d10+8 Damage: d10


2 Stimpacks, miscellaneous jewelry, modeling portfolio, wallet, ID, credstick, “Aikido for Masters” holo-instructor program, punching dummy, flower kimono, and personal effects.

Leather Bomber Jacket w/1 upgrade


DESCRIPTION: Nape-length dyed blond hair (natural brunette), green eyes, and pale skin. She dresses in a black leather bomber jacket (logo “Made in Hell” with succubus straddling a bomb), jeans, white T-shirt, and black boots. 42G bust size.
Age: 28
Height/Weight: 5’4”, 120 lbs.
Race: Caucasian

PERSONALITY: Jesse is friendly and supportive, but has little patience for violent, stupid, or lustful men. She is a natural pilot and very graceful, adding to her stunning good looks. She has an undeserved reputation as a tease, but knows her expert aikido skills will help her remain untouched. Inwardly desires emotional support from others who are otherwise focused on her appearance.
Jesse doesn't approve of crime, but since her new captain doesn't commit truly evil deeds, she is more tolerant of his actions, though still vocal about them.

HISTORY: Jesse was a pin-up girl six years ago, Ms. Sihnon 2510, whose picture spread across the frontlines of the Civil War, making her popular on both sides of the fighting. After the war, Jesse felt modeling was too shallow a career and tried to get her pilot's license, but her agent Edwood Green kept her reined in with a fraudulent contract for years. With no legal recourse, Jesse took what money she had and skipped planet to Regina, where she met Gabe Sage at a civilian flight school. He had the ship loan and needed a pilot, and Jesse was the best in the class.
Her name, Jesse Belle, is a play on words of "Jezebel," and is actually her modeling name; she doesn’t like to use her real name.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

Name: Lincoln Lathan

"I say we call it the Skywalker."

Level: 1

STR: 4 (d8)
AGL: 5 (d10)
END: 5 (d10)
INT: 8 (d12+2)
PER: 8 (d12+2)
CHA: 5 (d10)

HP: 20
AP: 10
CW: 90 lbs.
SPD: 30 ft.
INI: d10 + d12 +2
Total Weight Carried: 11 lbs.

TAG: Forgery +6, Hacking +9, Sense Motive +6
COMBAT: Small Guns +4
CRIMINAL: Bluff +4, Lockpick +4, Traps +4
PHYSICAL: Listen +2, Search +4, Spot +4
SOCIAL: Sense Motive +4
TECHNICAL: Drive +4, Repair +4

FEATS: Educated

CASH: $160, 34c

Six-gun: To Hit: 1d12+6 Damage: d10+3

AMMO: 18 bullets (3 speed-loaders)

Brass Knucks: To Hit: d12+2 Damage: d8+2


ITEMS: Hacking kit, 3 Stimpacks, wallet, fake ID (Thomas Anderson, computer technician), credstick, personal laptop computer, misc. computer parts, Mr. Universe’s Signal Book (quasi-religious collection of Mr. Universe forum posts), 5 years of nudity magazines, personal effects



DESCRIPTION: Unkempt curly brown hair, brown eyes, baby-face, overweight. Usually dresses in khakis and college sweater jackets. Has a “utility belt” to hold the tools for his hacking kit, often wears a sidearm.
Age: 22
Height/Weight: 5’8”, 249 lbs.
Race: Caucasian

PERSONALITY: Cocky and self-assured, Lincoln’s natural intellect is marred by his social inadequacy, immature nature, poor mannerisms in dealing with the opposite sex, and his general cowardice.

HISTORY: Lincoln fancies himself a renegade, spreading “the signal” in homage to his idol, Mr. Universe. The reality is Lincoln is a college dropout with a minor criminal record for hacking violations involving petty data-theft and data-vandalism. Believing that his minor acts of protest will make him a target of the Alliance, he fled to Regina and met Gabe Sage and Jesse Belle. In exchange for making him a crewmember, Lincoln put his skills to use as an ID forger and hacker to skim a little extra cash for Gabe’s ship loan.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Name: Valiant
“These eyes have seen a lot. This gun has seen even more. Which one do you care to stare into?”
Level: 1

STR: 7 (d12+1)
AGL: 7 (d12+1)
END: 6 (d12)
INT: 5 (d10)
PER: 6 (d12)
CHA: 4 (d8)
HP: 22
AP: 24
CW: 130 lbs.
SPD: 30 ft.
INI: d12+d12+1
Total Weight Carried: 35 lbs.

Tag Skills: Small Guns, Melee/Unarmed, Pilot
Combat: Small Guns: +8, Melee/Unarmed +7, Starship Guns +1, Big Guns +4
Criminal: Torture +1
Physical: Balance +1, Climb +1, Survival +2, Hide +1, Search +1
Social: Leadership +1
Technical: Pilot +8, Demolitions +2
Feats: Quick Load

Cash: $100, c250

Magnums w/ Hypervelocity (2): To Hit: d12 + 8 Damage: d12 + 1 + 5
Submachine Gun: To Hit: d12 + 8 Damage: d12 + 1 + 3
Hunting Rifle: To Hit: d12 + 4 Damage: d12 + 1 + 4

Ammo: - 300 bullets (100 carried on person with ammo satchel)

Long Blade w/ Laser Etching: To Hit: d12 + 7 Damage: d12 + 1 + 4
Brass Knuckles: To Hit: d12 + 7 Damage: d12 + 1 + 2

Thrown: None

Items: Space Suit, weapons, armor, credstick, weapon harness, ammo satchel, gun modification kit, wallet, old war journals, expired Alliance Army ID card, personal effects, 3 Regenpacks, Alliance Officer’s beret.

Armor: +5 : Kelvar Vest w/ armor upgrade 2

Position/Job: Ex-Soldier/Pilot

Description: Short cropped black hair, tired looking blue eyes, and a grim yet determined expression. He is shorter than most men but has a wiry build. He usually dresses in black trousers, a dark blue silk shirt with his Kevlar vest worn underneath, black combat boots (Standard Alliance issue), and a long, black duster. He is always wearing his twin Siam Magnums in a pair of quick draw holsters, worn low on his hips.

Age: 39 years old
Height/Weight: 5’5”/145 lbs.
Race: Half Chinese, Half Caucasian

Personality: Valiant is a very quiet man who speaks only when he needs to or when he is drunk. When he is drunk, Valiant tends to be a “happy drunk” and joyously tells war stories and starts hugging people like they have been his best friend his whole life. He tends to keep to himself and values his private time immensely. Valiant is a natural warrior and moves with the grace of a trained fighter. When asked about his past, Valiant usually just ignores them and goes about his business. He has a hatred for the Alliance for what they have done during the War and also due to the Pax Transmissions. It is only in battle that he shows any sort of emotion: a cold, calculating rage.

History: Born and raised on Osiris, Valiant was the eldest son of two career Alliance soldiers. He was born into the Alliance military and it is the only life he has ever known. He went into OCS and came out as a second lieutenant, just as the Independence War was erupting. He fought in the war, as a gunship pilot and commander of the “Flying Valiants”, ironically the unit he had been named after. Valiant was at Serenity Valley when the Alliance crushed the Independence. But, that day, that day of “victory”, still haunts him to this day. All that death, the way the Independence (who he secretly respected as opponents) were treated, and the hollow virtues of the Alliance made Valiant end his career in the military early and drink himself into oblivion. He was later diagnosed with post-tramautic stress disorder and it only got worse as the years wore on and he ended up spending most of his time down in the bottom of a bottle of whiskey on Regina. Recently, he unintentionally saved the life of Minerva, a young engineering student and fellow pilot, during a bar fight and the act of living up to his name brought back the spark of life in his eyes. Now, he is looking to sign up with a crew and get back into the swing of things…and pay the Alliance back for the horrors they have caused the ‘Verse.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Name: Minerva Callahan
“Will you please stop being so illogical? It is quite obvious that this hypervelocity thrusters input would be increased by 30% if you angled it by three degrees!”
Level: 1

STR: 5 (d10)
AGL: 6 (d12)
END: 5 (d10)
INT: 9 (d12+3)
PER: 5 (d10)
CHA: 5 (d10)
HP: 20
AP: 17
CW: 100 lbs.
SPD: 30 ft.
INI: d10+d12
Total Weight Carried: 22 lbs.

Tag Skills: Drive, Repair, Pilot
Combat: Small Guns +3, Starship Guns +2
Criminal: Hacking +3 (+6 w/ Hacking Kit), Forgery +4, Smuggle +3
Physical: Survival +2
Technical: Appraise +2, Drive +10, Navigation +4, Pilot +10, Repair +10 (+15 w/ Ship Toolkit)
Feats: Tag Focus

Cash: $0, c700

Automatic w/Hypervelocity & Extended Magazine (16 rounds):
To Hit: d10 + 3 Damage: d12 + 4

Ammo: - 32 bullets (2 spare clips)

Melee: None

Thrown: None

Items: Space Suit, Automatic Pistol, armor, Hacking Kit, Ship Toolkit, personal effects, 2 Regenpacks.

Armor: +2: Leather Mechanic’s Outfit

Position/Job: Engineer/Ship’s Mechanic/Auxiliary Pilot

Description: Long Red Hair, bright, expressive green eyes, and an expression that could best be described as “logical”. She dresses in a leather mechanic’s outfit that has a multitude of pockets, a white T-shirt, black boots, and her well worn tool belt. When she is planetside, she likes to dress professionally as she only goes planetside to get work. She tends to wear a business suit, with a black and gray striped skirt, a white silk blouse, a black business jacket, black leather pumps, gray silk hosiery, and carries a portfolio of her resume. She also hides her automatic pistol, once a possession of her father’s, on her person most of the time.

Age: 23 years old
Height/Weight: 5’2”/105 lbs.
Race: Caucasian

Personality: Logical and completely involved in her work, Minerva is a woman of many technical terms and very few social graces. While she is extremely well spoken, she tends to be more empathetic towards her machines than towards her own species. People usually see her as a “cold fish”, someone who has more in common with technology than with the human race. She does, however, get very excited when confronted with a new piece of machinery or a difficult challenge. To those that she does befriend (usually those who share her love of machines and those who save her life), she opens up amazingly and is actually very personable, despite being something of a private person. She also does not drink or smoke, finding it to be “moronic”.

History: Minerva was born on the space freighter, The Boros Jewel. Her mother was a freighter pilot and her father was the ship’s mechanic. Minerva was raised onboard the ship most of her life and inherited her parents’ skills of piloting and engineering. She grew up with limited engagement with other people and it is her lack of social inept that stems from her limited contact with people. Minerva also is indifferent towards the Independence Movement or the Alliance, seeing that all people “are just people, no matter what their allegiances”. Her parents knew they had a genius on their hands when she rebuilt the ship’s entire engine core with only a handful of parts and three hours of time…all at the age of 12. Minerva recently came to Regina after her parents retired on Boros and they sent her on her way with some spare credits in her pocket and determination in her eyes. She is looking to join up with another ship, since the only life she has ever known has been out there in the Black. Once she finds her ship, it will truly become her ship, as she will do whatever she can to make that bird fly. Without a ship in her care, Minerva has nothing.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Name: Dr. Darren Miller
“I’ll do my best to heal you, just please, stop hitting on me.”
Level: 1

STR: 4 (d8 )
AGL: 5 (d10)
END: 5 (d10)
INT: 8 (d12+2)
PER: 5 (d10)
CHA: 8 (d12+2)
HP: 20
AP: 16
CW: 90 lbs.
SPD: 30 ft.
INI: d10+d10
Total Weight Carried: lbs.

Tag Skills: Healing, Interaction, Etiquette
Combat: Energy Guns +2
Criminal: Bluff +2
Physical: Listen +2
Social: Interaction +10 (+13), Etiquette +10 (+13), Leadership +2 (+5), Seduction +4 (+7), Sense Motive +4 (+7) (+3 w/Companion Kit)
Technical: Healing +10 (+13 w/Healing Kit), Drive +1, Appraise +1
Feats: Tag Focus

Cash: $0, 100c

Laser Pistol: To Hit: d10 + 2 Damage: d10 + 4

Ammo: - 50 batteries

Melee: None

Thrown: None

Items: Laser Pistol, finely tailored suit, several changes of clothes, Healing Kit, Companion Kit, personal effects, antique gold watch, 6 Stimpacks, 4 Regenpacks, 3 Bonesaw Gels.

Armor: +1: Finely Tailored Suit

Position/Job: Doctor/Socialite

Description: Well combed blond hair, intelligent blue eyes, and an unconsciously seductive expression. The doctor dresses in fine suits that are the latest fashion on the Core Worlds. His doctor’s bag is never far from his side, neither is his Alliance Systems laser pistol, a graduation present from his father. He also carries an antique gold pocket watch that keeps time perfectly.

Age: 27 years old
Height/Weight: 5’9”/155 lbs.
Race: Caucasian

Personality: He is best described as the “handsome doctor”. Darren has a definite way with people and is well educated, practiced in etiquette, and subtly seductive. He is always smiling and sets about in the tasks given to him without complaints and is always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on or offer advice. He is very outgoing and friendly, yet tends to talk about himself a little bit too much. He loves his profession as a doctor and is wholly devoted to keeping his patients comfortable and alive. He is calm, cool, and professional, with a touch of seductiveness and sex appeal.

History: Darren was born on Ariel to a wealthy family of diplomats. He was trained at an early age in the art of social interaction and diplomacy yet when he was a teenager, Darren took an interest in medicine. Despite his mother’s disapproval, Darren went to the best medical school credits could buy and graduated the top of his class in internal medicine and surgery. Once Darren was out of the medical academy, he set out to establish himself as a ship’s doctor and to travel the stars, since he has never left Ariel once. He is a supporter of the Alliance but currently is disgusted with the Pax Transmissions and seeks to help repair the damage that was done.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Wow, Chris and I just started our Firefly game yesterday and we're already cruising through it. I'm enjoying it, too. And it's gonna get better.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Yup, we are doing pretty well! And I'm having a blast.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Oh, the end of episode one. This should be interesting...

Keep 'er goin', Capt'n!
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Heh heh. Gotta end on that cliffhanger. *Grins*
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

Okay. That moment, with Darren crying and Gabe convincing the captain of the Magellan that he and the dead raider were an item?

Pure. Firefly. Genius.

Kudos to Chris for bringin' in Darren. Couldn't have been funnier.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

And kudos to you for bringing in man love.

Hehehe, perfect moment. Good work.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Break Time. I need to cut on this for a week, since it really is getting to be crunch time with finding a place, work, and school starting up again tomorrow. I'll get back asap.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Back in the saddle, Wally. Let's get to dustin' this trail.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by MWallace »

That was one heckuva week, huh? lol
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