Playtest Comment Thread

Forum for Spellburn developers.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Playtest Comment Thread

Post by MWallace »

Mr. Goodman was kind enough to grant us a private forum to use for our play-by-post gaming. This gives us a private, clean, reliable space for us to playtest Spellburn.

This thread is our Out of Character comment space; leave any questions, OOC discussions, playtesting observations, and non-roleplaying comments here. This means that the Gaming thread should be as in-character as you can make it.

To get started, simply write out your character sheet on this Comment Thread, using the standard method that you'll see with my character below. Then hope into the game thread and follow along. I'll be posting every day I can, but I'll never allow any of us to fall behind unless something drastic comes up. Try to post every day as well, because I won't proceed further until everyone's had a chance to post.

House Rules

- Standard Roleplaying Text should be Normal font.

- (OOC actions such as attack rolls and Skill checks should be in brackets)Make sure to write out the full equation for the check. Example - d20 14 plus Dex +2 plus Pick Lock 5 = 21

- Roll results should be in Bold for easy reference.

- Private DM-to-Player explainations will be color-coded. Green for Ox, Red for Almarath, and Blue for Arisitrina.

- At the end of every post, display your Current HP, Equipped Weapon, Base Attack Bonus, ArmorClass/Touch/Flatfooted, your current Ability Scores, Saving throws, and spells-per-day you have left, and any miscellaneous effects, as shown below.

HP: 20
WPN: Unarmed Strike (1d6+2 /x2)
BAB: +2
AC: 15 / T 13 / FF 12
STR 14 (+2)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 10
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 13 (+1)
Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +0
Spells: 2/1
MISC: Aid Spell (+1 on attack rolls and saves against Fear plus 7 temporary hp). Duration: 30 sec. left (5 rounds left)
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
Posts: 228
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:26 pm
Location: Alberta

Post by MWallace »

Ox of the Blue Bison herd Male vaquero brawler 3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (vaquero); HD 3d10+12; hp 40; Init +6; Spd 30ft.; AC 16 (+1 natural, +3 Dex, +2 leather duster), touch 13, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +3; Grp +11; Atk +7 melee (Improved unarmed strike 1d6+4 /x2) or +7 melee (headbutt 1d4+4 /x2); SA Constriction; SQ Evasion, howl, gallop, Uncanny Dodge; AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 18 (+4), Dex 17 (+3), Con 18 (+4), Int 11 (+0), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 16 (+3). Age 24, height 5ft. 10in., weight 198 lb.; Patron Deity: Ror.[/b]

Skills and Feats: Balance +3*, Bluff +3, Climb +5*, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +3, Gather Information +3, Heal +1, Hide +3, Intimidate +8, Jump +5*, Listen +1, Move Silently +3, Perform (Oratory) +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +1, Survival +1, Swim +4, Tumble +7 and Use Rope +3; Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
*+2 while Galloping[/b]
Languages Known: Common and Vaquero

Armor: Leather Duster
Clothing: Brown cotton britches, tan riding boots with spurs, tan button-up shirt, blue bandanna (around neck), tan wide-brimmed hat, smoked glasses.
Sack: Bedroll, Flint and Steel, 2 days firewood, hemp rope (50 ft.), 2 sunrods
Foodstuffs: 5 days trail rations, 3 waterskins w/water, 6gp, 2sp
Magic Items: None
Money: 6 gp, 1 sp, 7 cp
Total Carried Weight: 34 ½ lbs.

Ox has dark gray hair covering his body, making him stand out even amongst other vaquero. He prefers to let his body hair grow long like a goat's. He decorates his bearded jaw with small beads, but otherwise doesn't decorate himself. His boots are specially made to fit a vaquero's broad foot, which are bigger than a human's. He sports a fair amount of scarring around his arms, hands, and the right side of his face; the scars of his early days amongst humans who have a tendency to birng knives or blades to fist-fights. He loves his wide-brim banrai-hide hat more than anything, and rarely takes it off, and he's often chewing Stormwind thistle, a tough shrub plant that gives his breath a hint of wet leather.

The Blue Bison herd is notorious amongst the vaquero - centuries ago its leader, convinced that he should rule all the vaquero herds, began a campaign to violently take over the others, in a war called "the Storm of Butting Heads." His quest succeeded, to a point - the other herds banded together to be ride of the Blue Bison leader. When he was defeated by the Stormbringer herd, the Blue Bison herd was forcibly disbanded - the strongest went to the victorious herds and only a few females and runts were left to continue the herd's name.

Ox and his herd live with the stigma of "wolf herder," a term vaquero use to describe vaquero herds that try to force themselves into their herds through violence rather than choice. Rather than bearing the other herds ill will, Ox and the majority of his brothers and sisters dream of regaining the trust and respect of the tribes through some act of courage, and it was for that reason that Ox volunteered to journey into the Kahguet Badlands and learn about the human outlanders and their ways.

Having traveled from Silvergate to Crossport over the past twelve months, Ox has learned the unusual and somewhat greedy ways of humans. Despite this Ox has come to believe that humans are decent folk, if a bit hairless, and that many vaquero would benefit from befriending humans. He's put his natural toughness to work as a frontier messenger, bouncer, small-time pit-fighter, and was even deputized once by a mining town sheriff who gave him the name Ox.

After seeing the endless Spellburned Frontier beyond Silvergate and the deep blue waters of Spearhead Bay, Ox is beginning to feel a little homesick; long has he desired to feel rain, to hear thunder and see lightning. And so he has begun the slow ride home, recently signing on as an escort for a Crossport wagon convoy bound for Salvation so he can finally see Stormwind again.
Last edited by MWallace on Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
Posts: 228
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Post by MWallace »

For now, it's just yourself, Chrissy, and I. Jeremy hasn't gotten back to me since Tuesday so I'm going to move on ahead for now.
Chris McCoy wrote:Starting the 20th and until the 28th, we will be up north for Christmas and won't have internet access at the time. So, we will be out of reach and game for those days.
Don't worry about those Christmas dates, I'm going to be pretty busy around then myself, but I hope we can get plenty done (relatively) over the next week!
Chris McCoy
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Almarath's Character Sheet

Post by Chris McCoy »

Character Name : Almarath “Wraith” Foxfire
Player: Chris McCoy
Character Race : Yousei Elf
Character Class(es) : Gunslinger/Wizard
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Deity : Fortune

Gender : Male
Age : 120
Height : 5’3”
Weight : 115 lbs.
Eyes : Green (Cat Irises)
Hair : Silver

Character Level : 2/1
EXP Points Gained : 3,100
EXP Needed For Next Level : 6,000

Known Languages :
Common, Elven, Koukaidese, Draconic, Sylvan, Giant


Strength : 13 (+1)
Dexterity : 20 (+5)
Constitution : 12 (+1)
Intelligence : 16 (+3)
Wisdom :14 (+2)
Charisma : 12 (+1)


Armor Class : 18 (10 + 5 Dex + 3 Guild Mail)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 13
Touch Armor Class : 15

Special Armor Class Notes : N/A


Hit Points : 19


Save vs. Fortitude : +1
Save vs. Reflex : +10
Save vs. Will : +7

Special Save Notes :
+2 vs. Enchantment
Immune to sleep effects and spells.


Initiative Modifier : +7

Base Attack Bonus : +2

Melee Attack Bonus : +3

Ranged Attack Bonus : +7

Special Combat Notes :
+1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
-2 to gain another shot (Rapid Shot)

Weapons :

Six-Shot: To Hit: +7 Damage: 1d8+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 50 feet

Longspiker (holds 5 rounds): To Hit: +7 Damage: 1d10+5 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 120 feet

Longspiker (as a club): To Hit: +2 Damage: 1d6+2 (two handed) Critical Range: x2 Damage Type: B

Katana (treat as masterwork): To Hit: +3 Damage: 1d10+2 (two handed) Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: S

Dagger: To Hit: +2 (+6 when thrown) Damage: 1d4+1 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 10 feet

Spiked Knuckleduster: To Hit: +2 Damage: 1d4+1 Critical Range: x2 Damage Type: B+P


Appraise/x (Int) ** 0 ranks + 2 synergy = 5
Balance/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 5
Bluff/x (Cha) ** 6 ranks = 7
Climb/x (Str) ** 0 ranks = 1
Concentration/x (Con) ** 2 ranks = 3
Craft: Firearms (Int) ** 6 ranks + 2 equip.= 11
Diplomacy/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks + 2 synergy = 3
+Disable Device/x (Int) ** 6 ranks + 2 equip. = 11
Disguise/x (Cha) ** 5 ranks + 2 synergy = 8
* Escape Artist/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 5
Forgery/x (Int) ** 1 ranks = 4
Gather Information/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks + 2 class bonus = 3
Heal/x (Wis) ** 1 ranks + 2 equip. = 5
* Hide/x (Dex) ** 5 ranks = 10
Intimidate/x (Cha) ** 6 ranks + 2 synergy + 2 class bonus = 11
*Jump/x (Str) ** 0 ranks = 1
+Knowledge (religion)/x (Int) ** 2 ranks = 5
+Knowledge (arcana)/x (Int) ** 1 ranks = 4
+Knowledge (architecture and engineering)/x (Int) ** 1 ranks = 4
+Knowledge (dungeoneering)/x (Int) ** 1 ranks = 4
Listen/x (Wis) ** 1 ranks + 4 misc. = 7
*Move Silently/x (Dex) ** 3 ranks = 8
+Open Lock/x (Dex) ** 6 ranks + 2 equip. = 13
Perform/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 1
+Profession (Gambler)/x (Wis) ** 1 ranks + 2 equip. = 5
Ride/x (Dex) ** 1 rank = 6
Search/x (Int) ** 6 rank + 2 misc. = 11
Sense Motive/x (Wis) ** 2 ranks = 4
+*Sleight of Hand/x (Dex) ** 6 ranks + 2 synergy = 13
Spot/x (Wis) ** 6 rank + 7 misc. = 15
Survival/x (Wis) ** 1 ranks = 3
Swim/x (Str) ** 0 rank = 1
+*Tumble/x (Dex) ** 1 ranks = 6
Use Rope/x (Dex) ** 0 rank +2 equip.= 7

* Armor Check Penalty Applies
** Cross Class Skill
+Cannot Use Unless Trained


Marksman [General]
You’ve got an eye for a good shot, and your steady hand makes sure every shot counts.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon).
Benefit: You get to add your Dexterity modifier to all damage rolls with ranged weapons within ranges of up to 30 feet.
Special: A fighter may select Marksman as one of his fighter bonus feats

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Special: A fighter may select Point Blank Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a scroll is its spell level x its caster level x 25 gp. To scribe a scroll, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price.
Any scroll that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when scribing the scroll.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Special: The master of a familiar gains the benefit of the Alertness feat whenever the familiar is within arm’s reach.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action to use this feat.

Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :


An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.


Familiar: “Silver Wing” Hawk: Grants a +3 to Spot checks in bright light.

Quick Trigger (Ex): +2 on all Initiative rolls and a +2 on all Reflex saves.
Dead Aim (Ex): +20 to an attack roll once per day.
Infamy I (Ex): +2 to all Intimidate and Gather Information checks, Gain Reputation for violence.

Equipment & Gear:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Proficient with all martial firearms and rifles, katana, sai, daggers, punching daggers, clubs, quarterstaff, light and heavy crossbows, and knuckledusters (both blunt and spiked). Proficient with wear light armor.

Weapons: Katana (6 pounds), Dagger (1/2 pound), 2 Six-Shots (8 pounds), Longspiker (7 pounds), 2 Spiked Knuckledusters (4 pounds)
Ammunition: 100 rounds of revolver ammo, 35 rounds of longspiker ammo.
Armor: Guild Mail (10 pounds, grants +2 on Open Lock and Disable Device)
Clothing: Black Silk Shirt, Black Leather Pants, Black Leather Duster (Non-Armored Version), Gunbelt, Sky Blue Bandana, Hard Soled Boots and Spurs, Oni, Black Leather Gloves, Wide Brimmed Hat (13 pounds)
In Backpack: (Total Weight: 42 pounds) Masterwork Artisan’s Tools, Healing Kit, 2 sunrods, cold weather outfit, explorer’s outfit, 10 tindertwigs, spellbook, bedroll, bag of chalk dust, bag of caltrops, 4 candles, flint and steel, whetstone, small steel mirror, pipe and 2 bags of tobacco, crowbar, 100 ft. silk rope, empty flask, 2 torches, ink pen, 2 vials of ink (black), 20 pieces of parchment, manacles, set of dice, set of “weighted” dice, tattered deck of playing cards, 2 oil flaskes, sewing kit, iron skillet, 2 signal whistles, soap, and a spade. Misc. camping equipment.
Spell Component Pouch
Food Stuffs: 3 waterskins w/water, 10 days rations, 2 bottles of whiskey
Magic Items: Potion of Cure Minor Wounds

Money : __2_PP __38_GP __13_SP _26__CP


Base Speed : 30 feet (6 squares)
Normal Speed (including penalty for armor or encumbrance load) : 30 feet (6 squares)
AC Penalty : 0
Arcane Penalty: 15%
Maximum DEX Bonus: +5

Spells Written in Spellbook (Wizards only)
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks


Seduce Person
Mage Armor
Disguise Self

Spells Memorized And/Or Prepared:

O level: Prestidigation, Mage Hand, Detect Magic
1st level: Seduce Person, Disguise Self

Number of Spells to Cast per Day (by Level)
0 level: 3
1st level: 2

DC Modifier for Spellcasters (by Level)
DC for Wizard Spells: DC 10 + 3 INT + Level of spell


Character History :

For five long years, Almarath has wandered the desert wastelands of the Badlands, seeking out survival in the bleak wastes…and the answer to his past. The only memories the gunslinger carries with him of his past are of the last five years of life, the blink of an eye in the life span of an elf. The only clue to his past are a battered yet finely honed katana, a blade that has no name and offers no answer to Almarath’s past. The only thing the gunslinger remembers of those days before the Badlands are hazy and distant, fleeting and always out of reach of remembrance. He remembers awaking amiss the wreckage of a slaughtered caravan, holding his bloodied katana and standing over the remnants of a frontier family. Blood mixed with sand and all was still around him. The lone elf gathered what he could salvage and disappeared into the desert, all the while trying to remember who he was and what he was doing in this strange wasteland. He knew only that it was not his home and that something terrible had happened, whether by his own doing or that of another. The first year was the hardest, as the elf learned the way of the gun through self-study and survival. He knew the ways of wizardry but those skills were rudimentary at best, a path forgotten along with his past. He retained his basic knowledge of his skills but any personal memories were lost.

Almarath took his name from a moniker he earned during his time as a bandit of the Badlands. He would appear and disappear like a “wraith”, leaving only death in his path. He called himself “Almarath” in Elven, meaning “As the Wraith” and ended up liking the name. He then took the last name of Foxfire after the type of rifle he came to love.

After wandering for the better part of two years, Almarath came into the city of Silvergate and welcomed the sight of civilization. He soon fell in with the rougher crowds of the city and become a notorious womanizer and card shark. His favorite games deal with dice and cards…and women. The Badlands had shaped the former elven wizard into a hardened survivalist and mercenary. Now, Almarath seeks out wealth for himself and a place amongst the great gunslingers of the Frontier…and maybe, just maybe he hopes to find some answers to his past along the way.
Last edited by Chris McCoy on Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Chris McCoy
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Well, this should be fun! I look forward to playing. Anyone else joining us?
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Chris McCoy
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Oh and just a heads up.

Starting the 20th and until the 28th, we will be up north for Christmas and won't have internet access at the time. So, we will be out of reach and game for those days.

Just letting you know ahead of time.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Chrissy McCoy
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Post by Chrissy McCoy »

Character Name : Arisitrina Vanazel
Player: Chrissy McCoy
Character Race : Wood Elf
Character Class(es) : Elven Ranger/Slayer
Alignment : Neutral Good
Deity : Dawn

Gender : Female
Age : 128
Height : 5’1”
Weight : 115 lbs.
Eyes : Green
Hair : Blonde

Character Level : 2/1
EXP Points Gained : 3,100
EXP Needed For Next Level : 6,000

Known Languages :
Common, Elven, Sylvan


Strength : 18 (+4)
Dexterity : 14 (+2)
Constitution : 14 (+2)
Intelligence : 12 (+1)
Wisdom : 18 (+4)
Charisma : 13 (+1)


Armor Class : 16 (10 + 2 Dex + 4 armor)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 14
Touch Armor Class : 12

Special Armor Class Notes : N/A


Hit Points : 30

Save vs. Fortitude : +7
Save vs. Reflex : +5
Save vs. Will : +4

Special Save Notes :
+2 vs. Enchantment
Immune to sleep effects and spells.
+5 vs. Ex and Su abilities of undead


Initiative Modifier : +2

Base Attack Bonus : + 3

Melee Attack Bonus : +7

Ranged Attack Bonus : +5

Special Combat Notes : none


Weapons :

Gasher Mace: To Hit: +8 (TWF: +6/+6) Damage: 1d10+4 / 1d8+2 Critical Range: x2/x2 Damage Type: S/B
Dagger: To Hit: +7 (+5 when thrown) Damage: 1d4+4 Critical Range: 19-20/x2 Damage Type: P Range: 10 feet
Composite Longbow (Str +4): To Hit: +5 Damage: 1d8+4 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: P Range: 110 feet


Appraise (Int) 1 rank + 1 Int = 2
Balance (Dex) 1 rank + 2 Dex = 3
Bluff (Cha) ** 0 ranks + 1 Cha = 1
Climb (Str) 1 rank + 4 Str = 5
Concentration (Con) 0 ranks + 2 Con= 2
Diplomacy (Cha) ** 0 ranks + 1 Cha = 1
+Disable Device (Int) 1 rank + 1 Int= 2
Disguise (Cha) ** 0 ranks + 1 Cha = 1
* Escape Artist (Dex) ** 0 ranks + 2 Dex = 2
Handle Animal (Cha) 6 ranks + 1 Cha = 7
Heal (Wis) 6 ranks + 4 Wis + 2 equip. = 12
* Hide (Dex) 0 ranks + 2 Dex = 2
*Jump (Str) 0 ranks + 4 Str = 4
+Knowledge (religion) (Int) ** 2 ranks + 1 Int = 3
+Knowledge (nature) (Int) 6 ranks + 1 Int + 2 synergy = 9
Listen (Wis) 6 ranks + 2 racial + 4 Wis = 12
*Move Silently (Dex) 0 ranks + 2 Dex = 2
Ride (Dex) 0 ranks + 2 Dex + 2 synergy = 4
Search (Int) 6 ranks + 2 racial + 1 Int = 9
Sense Motive (Wis) ** 0 ranks + 4 Wis = 4
Spot (Wis) 5 rank + 2 racial = 11
Survival (Wis) 6 ranks + 4 Wis = 10 (+2 synergy above ground) (+2 synergy when tracking)
Swim (Str) 0 rank + 4 Str = 4
+*Tumble (Dex) 2 ranks + 2 Dex = 4
Use Magic Device (Cha) 1 rank + 1 Cha = 2
Use Rope (Dex) 0 rank +2 Dex = 2

* Armor Check Penalty Applies (-2)
** Cross Class Skill
+Cannot Use Unless Trained

Unquenchable Flame of Life (Libris Mortis): +2 bonus on all saves against Ex and Su abilities of undead, or bonus equal to favored enemy bonus.

Weapon Focus: Gasher Mace

Two Weapon Fighting: Take –2 on each attack to gain extra attack at highest bonus.

Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :


An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.


Detect Foe: At will, the slayer can use detect foe as a spell-like ability. This ability functions like the detect undead spell, but instead detects all creatures that belong to the Slayer’s chosen enemy category.

Favored Enemy: Arisitrina gains a +5 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against undead. Likewise, she gets a +5 bonus on weapon damage rolls against undead.

Wild Empathy: 1 class + 1 Cha + 2 synergy = 4

Equipment & Gear:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with all types of armor (light, medium and heavy) and with shields (including tower shields).

Weapons: dagger, composite longbow (Str +4), Gasher Mace
Ammunition: 120 arrows
Armor: Chainshirt
Clothing: Simple leather attire, wooden holy symbol
In Backpack: 3 sunrods, explorer’s outfit, healer’s kit, 10 tindertwigs, bedroll, bag of chalk dust, 4 candles, flint and steel, whetstone, small steel mirror, 100 ft. silk rope, 3 empty flasks, 2 torches, manacles, sewing kit, iron skillet, 2 signal whistles, soap, tent, light horse w/ saddle and bit.
Food Stuffs: 4 waterskins w/water, 20 days rations
Magic Items: Cure of Minor Wounds

Money : __1_PP __30_GP __14_SP _38__CP


Base Speed : 30 feet (6 squares)
Normal Speed (including penalty for armor or encumbrance load) : 30 feet (6 squares)
AC Penalty : -2
Arcane Penalty: n/a
Maximum DEX Bonus: +4

Last edited by Chrissy McCoy on Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

No background, Chrissy?
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

She really hasn't had time to really think of anything, with class and teaching. So, she says she will make it up as we go along!
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Big Skill results. I should've read your Skills closer! *Chuckles*
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Also, message about 'Trina's history as per Chrissy:

Her tribe were transformed into undead by some mysterious force and Trina is now hunting undead, and her own tribe in the same breath. She keeps to herself and is very quiet about her past.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Awesome. I can totally see something like that happening in Spellburn.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

Here are the HP values I'm seeing right now.

Mercenary 1 - Dead (MountedGoblin3)
Mercenary 2 - 8/8 Hp
Mercenary 3 - 8/8 Hp (reloading)
Mercenary 4 - Dead (Hyena3)
Merceanry 5 - 8/8 Hp
Merceanry 6 - 8/8 Hp
Mercenary 7 - 8/8 Hp
Mercenary 8 - 8/8 Hp

Greth - 8/17 Hp
Jeren - 8/16 Hp

Almarath - 12/12 Hp (2 Rifle Round used)
Arisitrina - 20/20 Hp (Broke her bow string)
Ox - 23/26 Hp (Took a tomahawk to the head, lost his sunglasses)
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Okay, question here: Where is the house rule that allows us to "double roll" to confirm criticals? Just wonderin'. Can we get a more of an explaination?
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

If you get a Natural 20, then a second Natural 20 during your Confirm Critical, you have a chance for a double critical. If you beat the second Confirm Critical Roll, you dead double critical damage.

But that's as high as I'll go. No higher. Heh.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Hmm, I like that rule. Make sure we add it to the setting.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by MWallace »

And a feat that allows for Triple Criticals. *Chuckle*

"My greataxe just did 1d12+4 x9 damage."

Ox is now a 3rd Level Brawler!
+10 hp
+3 BAB
+1 Jump
+1 Tumble
Uncanny Dodge gained!
Power Attack feat gained!

*Spaghetti Western RPG Level-gaining music plays*
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Post by MWallace »

Did anyone click my Victory! music? Heh heh.

I can see Al take his rifle and flip it around in the air like Cloud.

* * * * *

Okay. Now comes the tricky part. Both Peterson and Chris have two new characters to introduce. 5 characters! Bwah ha ha!
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Hehehe, victory music brought back memories of when you win a mission in Gun.

Anywho, I've posted our updated character sheets in this thread under their previous place and will post my new character as soon as I am done with him. I'll letcha know.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Gotcha. Anywhere know where I can get a copy of Gun's soundtrack?
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Character Name : Duran Forgesplitter
Player: Chris McCoy
Character Race : Common Dwarf
Character Class(es) : Cleric
Alignment : Lawful Good
Deity : The Soulforge

Gender : Male
Age : 50
Height : 4’10”
Weight : 145 lbs.
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Red

Character Level : 3
EXP Points Gained : 3,100
EXP Needed For Next Level : 6,000

Known Languages :
Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Terran


Strength : 18 (+4)
Dexterity : 16 (+3)
Constitution : 18 (+4)
Intelligence : 14 (+2)
Wisdom :18 (+4)
Charisma : 11 (+0)


Armor Class : 18 (10 + 3 Dex + 5 Breastplate)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 15
Touch Armor Class : 13

Special Armor Class Notes : +4 dodge bonus vs. giants.


Hit Points : 36


Save vs. Fortitude : +7
Save vs. Reflex : +3
Save vs. Will : +7

Special Save Notes :
+2 on saves versus poison.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
Permanent Endure Elements effect.


Initiative Modifier : +3

Base Attack Bonus : +2

Melee Attack Bonus : +6

Ranged Attack Bonus : +5

Special Combat Notes :
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.


Weapons :

Dwarven Urgrosh: To Hit: +7 (+5/+5 w/TWF) Damage: 1d8+4/1d6+2 Critical Range: x3 Damage Type: S/P Range: 0 feet (Can be readied against charging opponent/x2 dmg)
Heavy Mace: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d8+6 (Two Handed) Critical Range: x2
Damage Type: B Range: 0 feet
Sickle x 2: To Hit: +6 (+4/+4 w/ TWF) Damage: 1d6+4 Critical Range: x2
Damage Type: S Range: 0 feet
Dagger: To Hit: +6 (+5 ranged) Damage: 1d4+4 Critical Range: 19-20/x2
Damage Type: P Range: 10 feet
Javelins (4): To Hit: +5 Damage: 1d6+4 Critical Range: x2
Damage Type: P Range: 30 feet


Appraise/x (Int) ** 2 ranks + 2 racial +2 synergy = 9
Balance/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 3
Bluff/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 0
Climb/x (Str) ** 0 ranks = 4
Concentration/x (Con) 6 ranks = 10 (+4 when casting defensively or grappled, pinned)
Craft: Weaponsmithing (Int) 6 ranks + 2 racial + 2 equip.= 13
Diplomacy/x (Cha) 0 ranks = 0
Disguise/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 0
* Escape Artist/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 3
Forgery/x (Int) ** 0 ranks = 3
Gather Information/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 0
Heal/x (Wis) 6 ranks +2 equip. = 12
* Hide/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 3
Intimidate/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 3
*Jump/x (Str) ** 0 ranks = 4
+Knowledge (architecture and engineering)/x (Int) 4 ranks = 7
+Knowledge (religion)/x (Int) 6 ranks = 9
Listen/x (Wis) ** 0 ranks = 4
*Move Silently/x (Dex) ** 0 ranks = 3
Perform/x (Cha) ** 0 ranks = 0
+Profession (Blacksmith)/x (Wis) 6 ranks + 2 equip. = 12
Ride/x (Dex) ** 1 rank = 4
Search/x (Int) ** 0 rank = 3 (+2 with unusual stonework)
Sense Motive/x (Wis) ** 0 ranks = 4
Spellcraft/x (Int) 6 rank. = 9
Spot/x (Wis) ** 2 rank = 6
Survival/x (Wis) ** 0 ranks = 4
*Swim/x (Str) ** 0 rank = 4
Use Rope/x (Dex) ** 0 rank = 3

* Armor Check Penalty Applies
** Cross Class Skill
+Cannot Use Unless Trained


Weapon Focus: Dwarven Urgrosh

Two Weapon Fighting: -2 to each attack to gain off hand attack at highest attack.

Combat Casting: +4 to Concentration when casting defensively or in a grapple or pinned.


Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :


- Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
- Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
- Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
- Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Class Abilities:

Turn and Destroy Undead: 3 + CHA/day, +2 synergy bonus to turning checks due to Know: Religion.
Spontaneous Casting: Can drop prepared spells for “cure” spells of appropriate level.
Aura of Law: Aura of law is equal to character’s class level.

Equipment & Gear:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Proficient with all simple weapons and dwarven urgrosh. Proficient with all types of armor and shields (except tower shields).

Weapons: Dwarven Urgrosh, Heavy Mace, 2 Sickles, Dagger, 4 Javelins
Ammunition: None
Armor: Breastplate
Clothing: Hardened leather clothing with Myrian wool cap and tartan, leather all-weather cloak, leather forger’s apron, hard soled boots, leather belt, warrior’s harness for urgrosh.
In Backpack: Masterwork Artisan’s Tools, Healer’s Kit, 2 sunrods, book of prayers, personal journal, book of blacksmithing techniques, explorer’s outfit, 25 tindertwigs, holy symbol of the Soulforge, bedroll, bag of scrap metal, 10 pounds of metal ore for forging, 4 candles, flint and steel, whetstone, pipe and 3 bags of tobacco, crowbar, 100 ft. hemp rope, empty flask, 3 torches, ink pen, 1 vial of ink (black), 20 pieces of parchment, manacles, idol of the Soulforge, portable forge and hammer, misc. forging equipment, 4 oil flaskes, sewing kit, iron skillet, 2 signal whistles, soap, and a spade. Misc. camping equipment.
Spell Component Pouch
Food Stuffs: 3 waterskins w/water, 15 days rations, 2 bottles of dwarven ale
Magic Items: 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+2), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (48 charges, 1d8 +3)

Money : __0_PP __3_GP __2_SP _0__CP


Base Speed : 20 feet (4 squares)
Normal Speed (including penalty for armor or encumbrance load) : 20 feet (4 squares)
AC Penalty : -4
Arcane Penalty: 25%
Maximum DEX Bonus: +3


Granted Power: Free Martial Weapon Proficiency with Dwarven Urgrosh and Weapon Focus with Dwarven Urgrosh.
War Domain Spells
1 Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2 Spiritual Weapon: Magical weapon attacks on its own.
3 Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.
4 Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
5 Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
6 Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.
7 Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
8 Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
9 Power Word Kill: Kills creature with 100 hp or less.

Granted Power: You function as if you were under a permanent endure elements effect. This is a supernatural ability that is always active.
Exploration Domain Spells
1 Mount
2 Resist Energy
3 Fly
4 Water Breathing
5 Secure Shelter
6 Secret Chest
7 Mage's Magnificient Mansion
8 Plane Shift
9 Gate

Number of Spells Memorized:

O level: 4
1st level: 3+1
2nd Level: 2+1

Spells Memorized:

O level: Mending, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink
1st level: Mount, Command, Hide from Undead, Cause Fear
2nd Level: Spiritual Weapon, Enthrall, Augury

DC Modifier for Spellcasters (by Level)
DC for Cleric Spells: DC 10 + 4 INT + Level of spell


Character History :

Born to wandering clerics of the Soulforge, Duran grew up in his family’s footsteps. He has ever been mystified by the beauty of the forge and has become quite the accomplished blacksmith and weaponforger. He traveled with his family for most of his life, watching and learning from their examples and guidance. He never did know his clan since his two parents and twin brother were all the family he ever knew. When his father passed on, due to natural causes (a rare thing in the frontier!), he told him of his family’s exile from their clan, the Stonesplitters. They were cast out because of a dishonor his grandfather had brought upon the clan and his family had been trying to regain their honor since. His grandfather had sold out their clan to a clan of duergar and when the Stonesplitters had claimed victory over their enemies and found out about the betrayal, his family was cast out in disgrace and without honor and given the surname of “Forgesplitter”, a rather vulgar term for any dwarven family of blacksmiths. But, his family and he now use the name as a reminder of their past crimes and seek to remove it and reclaim their rightful honor. With his father’s dying words echoing in his mind and the grace of the Soulforge with him, Duran left his mother side (who had settled in Carthas) and headed into the wastes to help heal those who needed him and to restore his family’s honor.

Personality: Very stern with those around save when it comes time to heal them, he grows as gentle with them as a mother cares for a newborn. He will heal any who ask for it, save those who are of evil alignment and those whose motives do not bring good to society. Loves fellow craftsmen and children. He is a true champion of good and law. He also has a love of Myrian fashions ever since he briefly adventured with a Myrian barbarian. Is very possessive of his hat.
Last edited by Chris McCoy on Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Post by MWallace »

Nice. I'm thinking up ways to include Duran(-Duran) into the campaign.

Meantime, Peterson asked me "where's the beef?" Concerning a mustang's water retention ability. I did some research and learned that there is no Water Retention feature - even camels don't have it.

So, I gave mustangs the Skill Focus (Survival) feat instead. Does this sound groovy to everyone?
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Skill Focus: Survival works perfect.

Duran Duran...? I hate you.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Also, is Jeren going to give us horses and what not? Lemme know.
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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Deft-Handed Cutpurse
Posts: 228
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Post by MWallace »

With a view to a kill...
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