Spellburn Game Thread

Forum for Spellburn developers.
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Post by MWallace »

Detect Magic: Faint traces of magic are fading away around you, taking vaguely humanoid shapes in the loft. The shapes move slowly as though they are living things, but they don't seem to react to your presence. Strong magic was happening here, perhaps no more than half an hour ago...

Detect Undead: Nothing in this room suggests the undead have been present.

Getting impatient, Ox starts to pace nervously. "Why we waitin' around here for? The innkeepers in the inn, you say you saw him?"
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Do I see anything, standing guard outside?
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Post by MWallace »

The town seems eeriely deserted, Kazi. Lights flicker in a few windows, but you see nothing around you and no sign of anyone from the windows of the inn. You can't shake the feeling that you're being watched, however.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath ended the spell with a shake of his head and cursed once again. He was getting sick of being tricked by whatever was playing these games with him and his companions. He called down to Ox.

"Alright then. Catch me, will ya?"

He waited a moment for the vaquero to get ready before leaping down.

Jump Check: 1d20 (16) + 1 = 17

"Let's head to that Inn." He nodded a quick thanks to the vaquero, shouldered his rifle, and went to gather the others before they headed out to the inn.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Ox's Strength Check: 12 + 4 = 16

With a grunt, Ox catches Almarath, but just barely. He mutters something under his teeth about elves, but follows as the others step out of the barn, watching the inn warily.

The town seems as dead as ever, but there is a chill in the air that seems to be growing deeper by the moment.
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath nodded his thanks to the vaquero and started to follow Duran towards the inn.

Aristrina called out to her senses and as they came upon the inn, started to detect for the vile presence of undead.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi slides off Shinki, and leads the horse, hushing the mount's steps but unsure why.
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Post by MWallace »

Ox dropped to all fours and rushed as quietly as he could to the inn ahead of the others, his eyes on the windows of the first floor. When he reached the door, he leaned back in a squat against the wall, staring at the doorhandle, then waved the others over.

Extending your supernatural sense towards the inn, you detect no touch of undeath. It's almost frustrating, the way the unholy filth seems to surround you one moment, then confound all means of tracking them the next.

The rickety inn door looks like it's ready to fall from its hinges, provided it doesn't rot away, first. A good kick should knock it in, but it might be bolted from the other side.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

As they came upon the inn door, Almarath turned to the vaquero.

"You wanna do the honors and kick that door in with them hooves of yours?"
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Ox grunted down a laugh. Vaquero didn't have hooves, but males liked to joke about "having the hooves" for something, the same way the bald races seemed to need the "balls" for something.

Instead, Ox nodded to Almarath. The promise of breaking something was the best thing he'd heard all night.

"You'll wanna secure your horse 'fore we go in." Ox said to Kazi.

Ox pushed up to his feet, turned in a full circle and swung his heavy boot at the door.

Attack Roll: 16 + 6 = 22
Damage Roll: 6 + 4 - 2 = 8

The door resists, but it's a mild gesture. It's been too rotted and hangs too loose from its hinges. It folds in half from the impact of Ox's boot and falls into the room, rotten splinters scattering into the dusty room. Taking a deep breath and holding it, Ox leaps nimble into the room, landing on all fours, and runs across a dusty, faded carpet to leap and land on a lobby desk. His hand stamps the service bell, making an audible ring.

Ox looked about quickly, then waved the others forward.

Ox Listen Check: 18 + 1 = 19

Sniffing the stale air and holding his ears up, Ox hears faint noises from nearby. The floorboards of the second floor directly above creak ever so slightly, indicating shifting weight. Behind the lobby desk is a door, and he hears a faint whisper -

"E-st-ge-sta-ba, let's go..."

Ox frowned and gestured to the others - pointing toward the door, and then towards the roof.[/i]
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi nods his head and whispers to Shinki, "Guard this door."

Kazi watches Ox kick down the door and then move into the inn. He catches sight of the Vaquero's gestures and indicates to the others that he'll attempt to ascend upstairs from the outside.

Stepping back outside, he glances at the outside of the building, he quickly searches for a way up - possibly a balcony that he can reach by standing on Shinki's back....
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Post by MWallace »

There is a narrow ledge above the inn patio, with a pair of second floor windows looking out over the forest south of the town. You might be able to pull yourself up with a DC 13 Climb check.
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Climb check: 1d20 (5) +1 = 6 (groan)
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Post by MWallace »

You leap up easily enough, but your claws dig into only rotting, crumbling shingles and wood and you drop from the roof, landing nimbly on your feet beside your horse. Shinki turns its head towards you and nickers softly.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Aristrina moved into the room, her gnasher mace held high and ready to bash in the face of the innkeeper or any foe who got in her way.

Duran was her shadow, his urgrosh posed and a spell on his lips. They would find those children no matter what.

Almarath's finger rested on the trigger of his rifle and he moved quietly into the room, his keen eyes looking about for a way to get upstairs without having to have claws.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi glares at the mustang, ordering the faithful mount to silence with steel in his eyes. Glancing back up to the rotting shingles, Kazi decides to give it another go. With a deep breath, he bends at the knee, gathering up his strength as he launches himself into the air, claws outstretched....

Climb check: 1d20 (14) +1 = 15
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Post by MWallace »

Ox put a finger to his lips. He pointed to himself and Almarath, then pointed upstairs. Then he gestured to Arisitrina and Duran, and pointed for the door.

As quietly as he could, Ox slid down and started to crawl up the stairs, as flat against the stairs as he could so Almarath could shoot over him if necessary.

At the top of stairs, the landing turned back to the south, and five doors stood on either side of the hallway - three to the left and two to the right. It was quiet - pale moonlight drifted in, glowing in the fog and casting dancing shadows in the hall.

Kazi, you snatch the edge of the rotting rooftop and managed to catch on something hard enough to hold your weight. You pull yourself up and crouch on the rooftop, staring in through what looks like one of the inn's rooms. The glowing moonlight casts only a small amount of illumination into the room, and it's dark inside. Another window a few feet to your right looks into the hallway Ox is currently occupying, and a third sits a few more feet away.

From behind you, you hear a growl. Your preternatural senses have your hairs standing on end. That wasn't the growl of any undead creature.

Below, Shinki starts neighing, shaking his mane and stamping the ground nervously. The growl is close, and sounds like a predatory animal, like a wolf or worse...
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Post by Petersonsdc »

Kazi spins in place, quietly as possibly, but with a sense of urgency. He quickly looks about for the source of the growl...

Spot check: 1d20 (12) +3 = 15.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath nodded to Ox and headed up the stairs, moving as quietly as he could.

Move Silently: 1d20 (13) + 8 = 21

He kept his rifle up and ready for anything that would show itself. He moved towards the first door in the hallway and listened against the door.

Listen check: 1d20 (15) + 7 = 22

Aristrina and the dwarf moved closer to the door and waited.
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Your eyes scan the area, Kazi, from the skeletal forest beyond the town, to the shadows around buildings. Nothing seems to move. The silent town, if possible, becomes even more silent. Below you, Shinki paws at the earth, the whites of his eyes showing as he tries to spot the source of the growl.

Almarath, your movements are unheard as you come to the top of the stairs behind Ox's clomping steps. You tilt your head to hear the faintest noise, and you swear you hear a shuffle of cloth from the first door on your right, just past the stairwell.

No sound is coming from the door to the inn-keeper's office, but it might be worth checking out just the same.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath looked to Ox and pointed towards the door where he had heard the rustling of cloth.

"Mind kickin' her in there, big boy?"
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Ox walked in close to the hotel room door and gripped the handle. "Huh. Locked." He shrugged, and kicked.

Attack: 16
Damage: 6

The door buckles under Ox's kick. Cracks form in he wood, but it held. He looked at Almarath and shrugged.

"Knock-knock." Ox said, and stepped back to kick again.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

Almarath grabbed the vaquero's shoulder and shook his head.

"Lemme get this one, big guy."

He lowered his rifle at the lock and fired.

Attack Roll: 26
Damage: 13

The thundering roar of the firearm filled the battered hotel, dispelling the hopes of any sort of stealthy engagement.

"It's go time!"
Chris McCoy
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Post by MWallace »

Almarath's bullet sent a spray of wood flecks into the air, and the door broke off its handle. Ox didn't hesitate, he kicked open the door and leapt in head first, landing on a bare wooden floor that seemed to sag under his weight.

He kicked himself to a stop, however, when he came face-to-barrel with a sixgun aimed at his forehead. Sitting on an overstuffed, dusty bed, surrounded by half-empty bottles and bags of dried food, a discheveled old man stared at Ox, his eyes full of fright.

"Get away, fiend!" The old man bellowed, and clicked off the sixgun. Ox clenched his eyes shut, but the weapon rang empty. Ox opened one eye, growled, and stood his full height.

"What who yer pointin' that thing at, buzzard!" Ox snarled.
Chris McCoy
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Post by Chris McCoy »

With the sound of Almarath's shot, Duran and Aristrina charged up the stairs and stood behind Almarath, their weapons at ready.

They exchanged a look of uncertainity as they looked in and saw the old man.

Almarath pointed his rifle dead center on the old man's head.

"Mind explainin' a few things to us, old man?"
Chris McCoy
Freelance Game Designer and Goblin Wrangler
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