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Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:20 am
by guslandt
Just posting to celebrate!
I have finally completed my collection of DCCs. :D
Unless I've missed something, a truly complete collection consists of 76 DCC modules:

xa (KODT #117 Deep Ruin)
xb (KODT #126 Blackston's Maze)
0 (1st print - Dundracon version)
0 (2nd print - mass market version)
1 (1st print)
1 (2nd print)
1 (3rd print)
2 (1st print)
2 (2nd print)
2 (3rd print)
3 (1st print)
3 (2nd print)
4 (1st print)
4 (2nd print)
4.5 (EN World Player's Journal #4)
5 (1st print)
5 (2nd print)
6 (2nd print)
7 (2nd print)
8 (2nd print)
9 (2nd print)
10 (2nd print)
11 (2nd print)
12 (2nd print)
12.5 (GenCon 2006 Special Edition)
12.5 (GenCon 2006 Special Edition reprint)
13 (2nd print)
14 (2nd print)
15 (2nd print)
17 (2nd print)
27 (cover A)
27 (cover B)
51.5 (Free RPG Day)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:42 am
by Ogrepuppy
I'm not sure if I should cheer for your diligence, or weep for your...rolling-eyed, sweaty-palmed, hovering-on-the-brink-of-madness obsession.

(And hell, after a few drinks I'll likely do both.)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:33 pm
by lukash
I was just going to get one of each module, but you got one of each printing, too. You craaazy, man. Congrats.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:45 pm
by JediOre
You got me beaten hands down.

Your title should be changed to DCC Freak!


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:13 pm
by Harley Stroh

Wow. I think Joseph sold ALL of his copies of 20.5, which means that the even owner of the company doesn't have a collection as complete as yours...

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:21 am
by goodmangames
Very nice! I didn't even realize there were 43 "print editions" in total.

I'm also missing a copy of #8... I had one copy left and was in the process of taking it off the web store when an order came in (mere seconds before I marked it "Sold Out"), so I filled that order with my last copy. I figure sooner or later I'll buy it back off of Ebay. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:45 am
by Ogrepuppy
goodmangames wrote:I'm also missing a copy of #8... I had one copy left and was in the process of taking it off the web store when an order came in (mere seconds before I marked it "Sold Out"), so I filled that order with my last copy. I figure sooner or later I'll buy it back off of Ebay. :)
...Was probably guslandt you sold it to.... :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:00 am
by guslandt
Ogrepuppy wrote:
goodmangames wrote:I'm also missing a copy of #8... I had one copy left and was in the process of taking it off the web store when an order came in (mere seconds before I marked it "Sold Out"), so I filled that order with my last copy. I figure sooner or later I'll buy it back off of Ebay. :)
...Was probably guslandt you sold it to.... :lol:
it is good to know my collection is even more complete than the owner's. 8)
Getting the Dundracon version of DCC#0 would have been the toughest, since I didn't go, and that specific version (as far as I know), wasn't in the online store. So how did I get it? Complete luck. I purchased a group of DCCs on ebay, and the DCC#0 just happened to be the lime green one! :shock: :D

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:25 am
by bobrunnicles
I must admit I'm not looking to get multiple copies of the same module, but my collection is otherwise ALMOST complete except for DCC 10 (Sunless Garden - nobody selling this anywhere I can see!) and the ultra-extremely-rare DCCs 3.5 and 20.5.

But I shall complete it some day....oh yes, someday I shall.


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:45 am
by bobrunnicles
This is encouraging though:

"DCC #10: The Sunless Garden: Only one printing, which sold out. We’re planning a second printing in late 2006 or early 2007. "

Cool :)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:40 am
by bighara
I'm such an UN-collector. I fully plan to eventually own them all, but most of my purchases have been the low level DCCs (with the idea I'd use them to kick off an upcoming campaign). Plus, I'm prefectly happy with a PDF, though I've bought several hard copies as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:03 am
by bobrunnicles
I started off collecting the pdfs (1-19) because no-one in my area was carrying the hardcopies. Then one day I found a store that had some and was immediately sucked in by the familiar old-school format (two 6' bookcases at home are LINED with TSR Basic, 1st Ed and 2nd D&D/AD&D modules, books and boxes) and since then I've been primarily buying the hardcopies.

However (and this is where I get kind of carried away) if I intend to run one I will either print out the pdf (if I already have it) or buy it and then print it out - that way I can just roll up the adventure and take it to lunch with me, write all over it, etc without 'damaging' my original. For Idylls I wanted to use some of the e-Adventure Tiles I own but they didn't generally 'fit' the format of the Idylls map - so I changed things around in the module so I could use some of the more specialist tiles (like the barracks). In that case the pdf was invaluable as I was writing ALL OVER the maps, module room description, monster stats etc, and I would have had a hard time doing that in my hardcopy original :)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:50 am
by bighara
The other nice thing about pdfs is printing a page with a cool illo and cutting out just the pic, so you can show it to your players without revealing any text, etc.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:49 pm
by Zoinks
bighara wrote:The other nice thing about pdfs is printing a page with a cool illo and cutting out just the pic, so you can show it to your players without revealing any text, etc.
Actually if you have a scanner or a photocopier.. you can also print a page from any hardcopy DCC module.

I prefer getting the original hard copy.. much better.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:56 am
by Argamae
Your title should be changed to DCC Freak!
And I think the title of "ULTIMATE DCC FREAK" would go to you if you also PLAYED them all (or at least GMed them)! :shock: :D :twisted:

So far I own only 4 (#0, #1, #2, #11) and I am in the middle of GMing "Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho"... which I enjoy very much... :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:31 am
by JediOre
I bow to his over-the-top approach. I thought I was excessive. I own everything through DCC #29 (one copy each) except 3.5 and 4.5.

I love reading them like novels. My mind's eye sees my friends PCs from over 25 years of D&D travel through the module. If I get to DM them, thats a bonus. (By then I've "seen" several partys attempt the module and have an idea what may occur.)

I'd never dreamed of getting multiple copies of the same module.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:24 pm
by guslandt
Updated original post with the following 8 new modules:

x (KODT #117 Deep Ruin)
12.5 (GenCon 2006 Special Edition)

:D 8)

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:43 pm
by superfan
Any of those signed by the author?

I think the only more complete collection would be one where Joe Goodman, Jeff Quinn, Dave Arneson or Harley signed some of your modules....

Hmmm....... :D :D :D :roll:

Well, not everyone can be a superfan!

Ben "supefan" Waxman

ok, in honesty, this wonderful fellow has me beat. Don't have the multiple covers, the 2nd and 3rd editions, and am missing the most prized of modules, 12.5. Still happy as heck about some of those autographs, especially Arneson and Clayton on 3.5! Love how Goodman Games is there for the fans!

They rock, and so do you super-collector!

Ben "still looking to share some of my extra #1 and #2 DCC first editions if someone wants to make me an offer" Waxman
(trying to save up for a 12.5 on ebay!)

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:45 am
by bobrunnicles
superfan wrote:Any of those signed by the author?

I think the only more complete collection would be one where Joe Goodman, Jeff Quinn, Dave Arneson or Harley signed some of your modules....

Hmmm....... :D :D :D :roll:

Well, not everyone can be a superfan!

Ben "supefan" Waxman

ok, in honesty, this wonderful fellow has me beat. Don't have the multiple covers, the 2nd and 3rd editions, and am missing the most prized of modules, 12.5. Still happy as heck about some of those autographs, especially Arneson and Clayton on 3.5! Love how Goodman Games is there for the fans!

They rock, and so do you super-collector!

Ben "still looking to share some of my extra #1 and #2 DCC first editions if someone wants to make me an offer" Waxman
(trying to save up for a 12.5 on ebay!)
12.5? Do you mean 3.5? The limited edition from Dave Arneson?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:45 am
by superfan
Nope, have the 3.5 signed by Arneson, but I DON'T have the 1E version of Harley's 12.5 DCC, written/modified by our own Tacojohn.

This baby looks like it might put the 3.5, #0 and 20.5 to shame in terms of exclusivity. Apparently the people on the Acaeum collecting board are up in arms.

Rock on fellow collector,

Ben "superfan" Waxman

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:49 am
by bobrunnicles
Funny how sometimes you can find some things easily and other times it's hard - I can't locate a 3.5 to save my life, and the last 20.5 on ebay I was outbid on, but I do have 12.5 and 0. Go figure :)

I wonder if GG ever thought there was be demand like this for OOP DCCs when they started the line :D

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:02 am
by guslandt
I believe the 12.5 2006 GenCon Special has the lowest print run of the whole list. As hard as it is to find a 3.5, I think the 12.5 special may prove to be much harder. :(

For those of you simply looking to play the module, be sure to pre-order the second printing asap! Those looking to collect a first printing (GenCon only), I guess just be very patient and save your $$ for when one does come up on eBay. :?

Oh and Superfan, none of my modules are signed. I've never been a fan of signatures on anything 'collectible', since they can't be authenticated. But that is just me. :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:56 pm
by Treebore
I'm far more a fan and user of my modules. As it is I have over 22 of the DCC's now, some of them even signed at GenCon, and even the C&C DCC's.

Picked up 12 of them from the Ennies auction alone. Thankfully I didn't have any of the ones in the auction, so I was willing to pay a lot to get them.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:01 pm
by guslandt
Updated with DCC 12.5 GenCon version reprint.
Boy, there haven't been any new ones since GenCon? Wasn't someone complaigning they were coming out too fast? :P

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:28 am
by Eryx
I'm still missing some of the earlier DCC's. I know theres a couple of the ones I missed in the online store so that looks like my last resort. Still, theres a couple I can't find.