Suggestions for a DCC.

A forum for discussing the many DCC modules published under third edition rules, EXCEPT for Castle Whiterock, which has its own forum.

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Suggestions for a DCC.

Post by JediOre »

First off let me say these boards are slow now that Spring is here.

Okay to my question:

The week of June 11th a buddy and I will be away on business learning about a new computer system the college bookstore is installing. He and I have to share a room and we'll be there from Sunday afternoon until Thursday. We'll be working from 8 to 5 Monday through Thursday. The rest of the time is ours. We plan on gaming as much as possible.

I'm excited as we are going to try Castles and Crusades. He's going to roll up six 1st level characters to adventure through a module or two.

Suggestions? I first thought of DCC#2 - The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho but so much of the enjoyment is the "visions" which occur. In order to do it justice, more players need to be there. So that's out.

DCC#1 - Idylls of the Rat King is also out since my friend, Ragnar1965 on the boards, took several folks (including myself) through it.

I don't want to use #14 - Dungeon Interludes yet. I'm saving it for a new campaign.

Will DCC#28 - Into the Wilds start off with a bang or will there be a lot of town exploration?

What say the gang here on the Goodman boards? DCC#0? #24? #28 (when it comes out)? Something compleately different?
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Post by goodmangames »

Too bad you don't have more people for DCC #2 -- a fan (from these boards) created a C&C conversion document for that module! He asked me to post it on the Free Materials page, and it will be available there in a couple weeks. If/when you end up converting something else, let me know and I can post a link to it, as well.
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
Harley Stroh
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Post by Harley Stroh »

You're trip sounds like a good time. Wish I could play. :)

#28 starts with a bang (the patented "Roll for initiative!") but then goes into a minor town exploration (ala the Keep in Caves of Chaos/Keep on the Boderlands), giving beginning players the chance to get their feet on the ground. Exprienced players can head right into the meat of the adventure and not miss anything.

The adventure itself is three and a half dungeons worth of exploration, so it might be what you're looking for.

If you were interested in the module, my suggestion would be to alter the beginning so that PCs begin in the Wilds, in search of Wildsgate's missing heirlooms. From there, the only reason they'll need to head back to town is to heal. :twisted:

If end up looking at the module as an option, let me know and I'll help with a slightly modified beginning.
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Post by JediOre »

Harley, I forgot DCC#28 is your creation. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Based upon your previous work, this module is the front runner. I think I'll be taken THAT module with me to game with!

Joseph, as far as conversions of a DCC to Castles & Crusades go, it seems these low level modules can be done on the fly. I'll find out in June. However, I'm guessing any 3.5 module for PCs above 10th level will take some work. We'll see.
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Post by Harley Stroh »


Thanks for the vote of confidence.

If I had to pick a favorite module, it would be Into the Wilds; I'm eager to see if it stands up to your scrutiny. My only concern is that there are 1 or 2 encounters where if the PCs charge in with the "I'll hack it till it dies because it must be my encounter level" mentality, things will get a little toasty.

With just one player running the PCs, there might not be the voice of dissent to say, "Hey guys, I think it's a stupid idea to go in there without a plan."

Sorry --- that's a bit of a tangent. Suffice it to say that the module should be challenging, even to experienced players. And if you choose to use it, altering the beginning to fast track the PCs to the dungeon won't be a problem.
The lucky guy who got to write some Dungeon Crawl Classics.

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Post by JediOre »

I just had a meeting with my boss's boss and it seems my buddy and I will be at training for two weeks. I'm thinking two or perhaps three adventures (if we stay the weekend at the hotel) may be in order.

Again, I'm open and hopeful for suggestions.

What three modules would you run if you had one player rolling up six PCs to try out Troll Lord's Castles & Crusades? We'll most likely game every evening from 6pm to 9pm. If we stay the weekend, of course much of Saturday and Sunday will be game time!
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