Errors w/Pre-Gen Characters in DC#8-Drow

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Errors w/Pre-Gen Characters in DC#8-Drow

Post by highsidednb »

I'm preparing to run this adventure and I'm using the pre-gen characters. I've found several errors with them. Sarmun the wizard should have another feat, Droon the Fighter has magic items way beyon his level limit, and Shihorn the ranger should have 8000+ gp considering his equipment and class level...etc. These are minor errors and I can fix them no problem, but I'm just wondering if there's more errors in the module and will I have to check everything to make sure it's balanced...
Has anyone encountered any problems in this module?
Mighty-Thewed Reaver
Posts: 291
Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:31 pm

Post by Reese »

out of curiosity, how do you mean 'beyond his level limit'

do you mean stuff more powerful than he should have (but in line with wealth by level) or do you mean stuff that costs more than the wealth by level would indicate?

though, technically speaking, there's nothing that says you can't have more or less gear than wealth by level suggests
Namfoodle "Sparklediver" Raulnor
{Wounds -12; HP = 11/23}
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