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Dagger of Returning (citation help)

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:15 pm
by welland_warrior
Hi there,

I have looked and looked for a citation that explains the "Dagger of Distance" found in the DC29 Fate of the Vigilant. Can someone please throw me a bone as to where I can find the information for that magic item? I've exhausted my options. Thanks!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:21 pm
by Jengenritz
No problem...I wrote that one.

Distance is in your DMG, in the section on magic weapons, under magic weapon special ability descriptions.

"Distance" is a special ability that can be applied to any magic ranged weapon. It doubles the range increment of a weapon.

In the case of a dagger, it doubles its thrown range increment from 10 feet to 20 feet.

Basically, it just makes it a better throwing dagger.

Any other questions, let 'em rip!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:13 am
by welland_warrior
Ok, I checked there but must have totally read over it. Thank you!

We are playing the old 0-level module Treasure Hunt (converted 3.5, we like the idea of a true zero level rather than first level npc suggested in some DCCs) and I was looking for a naval encounter/brief adventure prior to reaching land and continuing with a first level DCC of some sort.


Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:34 am
by Jengenritz
Sweet! I hope Fate fits the bill for your party, and your group enjoys it!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:29 am
by Papa-DRB
welland_warrior wrote: We are playing the old 0-level module Treasure Hunt (converted 3.5, we like the idea of a true zero level rather than first level npc suggested in some DCCs)[snip]
Oooohh. I have that module, 1 of the few that I saved along with Under Ilefarn from my old DnD stuff. Is the conversion posted online somewhere? I have been thinking about starting up an online group to play and I really like that one

-- david

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:41 am
by welland_warrior
Not that I have seen.

The encounters are pretty easy to convert as the majority are orcs and goblins.

We did tweak the rules in Treasure Hunt for starting at zero level. Not much, but just slightly. I gave the players one option from the profession or crafting skills to represent the life they had before they were enslaved at least one has to take sailor). Other than that we wanted painfully, painfully, disadvantaged commoners - there's something really fun about that idea!

I also entended the time they were on the slave ship to several years, all chained to their oars in a galley-style ship. At this point they have no idea whatsoever where they are, and at least one of the PCs will have lost their memory. While two others will likely be related and were captured together. This should make for a more interesting party dynamic and we can unfold story-lines as we go along. We also tweaked the weapon usage slightly and the god figure.

I've been reading the excellent posting on the Whiterock Campaign and thought that perhaps the connection to slavers might work into that senario well. Just one idea among many at this point.