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Prestor's Maps for Saga of the Dragon Cult

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:52 pm
by catsclaw227
Does anyone know if Ben will be posting maps for the modules in the Saga of the Dragon Cult mini AP?

I know we already have Legacy of the Savage Kings (DCC17), but it would be great to have Tsathazar Rho (DCC2), The Sunless Garden (DCC10), and Temple of the Dragon Cult (DCC6) as well.

Are there some rogue Dundjinni or other battle maps out there?


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:59 pm
by superfan
Hi Catsclaw,

Hope you are well. I'd love to get to mapping those modules, but first I have to do the tourney modules for this year, and do DCC #0 for a good friend. I'll try to get to these next!!!

Another suggestion....head over to the Dundjinni site and sign up for the forums. Post a request and some of the TREMENDOUSLY cool guys and gals on site may take up your request....

I'm only one guy, and by no means the best mapper out there. Kepli, and a whole host of super mappers might be persuaded to help. Maybe you can "entice" them by sending them some free swag?

Ben "superfan" Waxman

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:05 am
by Ogrepuppy
superfan wrote:Maybe you can "entice" them by sending them some free swag?
No joke.

None the Wiser has hooked my butt up with some beautiful work, and I PayPal him some cash to buy PDFs / print adventures with. It's a nice deal.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:57 am
by catsclaw227
This is a great idea, guys. I am also using Battlegrounds as well, and I know that Kepli is an active user on those forums as well.

Thanks for the advice!


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:50 pm
by Angulimala
RE: "...Tsathazar Rho (DCC2)..."

I would absolutely treasure these maps! This is my favorite DCC. I've prepped it to the extreme (tons of visual aids, purchased proper miniatures for the encounters, added my own NPC dialog) and having your maps would really be the ultimate final touch.

I did a DCC L1 map, working on a L2 map

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:02 pm
by stripes
I'm not sure what format you need. I did a PhotoShop map at about 21DPI and 1 inch:5 foot scale. I have the grid on a layer, the map on a layer, a rock texture & water texture on a layer, a layer to cover the secret doors, and some other layers for things like the room numbers. I also have a all-black layer of "inky darkness" that I erase as the players travel.

(the 21DPI is because I'm using a projector on the ceiling to project the map onto the table)

I'm working on L2, I have the basic part done (the map, a grid, the rock and water), but still have a lot to do (removing the old grid, moving the room numbers to a layer, checking for "secret" things an making layers to cover them). I have the water where it needs to be, and rock elsewhere. I haven't made a texture for the brambles in the garden yet, nor have I decided if the carved passageways will get a texture different from the natural caves.

In other words, I've got you a first level, but the second is far from done :-) The good news for ya'll (and bad for me) is my players will probably reach the second level by next week, so I'll have to have _something_ :-)

What is Goodman Games' stance on DCC derived maps? Can I distribute them myself, or do I have to send them to GG to be sent to other people?

Re: I did a DCC L1 map, working on a L2 map

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:27 pm
by goodmangames
stripes wrote:What is Goodman Games' stance on DCC derived maps? Can I distribute them myself, or do I have to send them to GG to be sent to other people?
It's great that you're doing this! When it comes to posting work derived from DCC modules, I ask that you do it through our Presters site:

If for some reason that doesn't work, drop me a line and we can talk about other options, but I'm hoping that will do.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:30 am
by superfan
Man I would love to help on this! I'm getting pulled in so many directions though. I really would like to help support Castle Whiterock with mapping as I love DUNGEONS. Darker and nastier the better. However, email me at and I'll see what I can do to help now that I'm done mapping out the tournament maps for the 2007 GenCon.

See everyone at GenCon. If you see a shirt that says "supefan" on the back, say hello!!!

Ben "superfan" Waxman