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New DCCs Anncounced

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:57 am
by Renshai
Dungeon Crawl Classics #41: Lost Arrows of Aristemis
For the last few years, caravan raiders have turned slavers, expanding into helpless farms and villages. The slavers have struck even the Holy Order - but one recovered victim speaks wild tales of holy artifacts of Aristemis! Break the slavery ring and recover the relics in this d20 Dungeon Crawl for character levels 1-3.
To Retail for: $15.99

Dungeon Crawl Classics #42: The Secret of the Stonearm
A merchant's beautiful daughter is missing, and the search leads to a band of assassin-thugs called the Stonehands! To rescue the merchant's daughter, the heroes must best teeming jungles, deadly cults, a demigod's tomb, and a wizard with ancient magic at his fingertips! A d20 Dungeon Crawl for character levels 2-3.
To Retail for: $10.99

I got this at

As usual, these sound good :)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:51 am
by Save Vs. Death Ray
Sweet! I heard that Arrows of Aristemis was written by Smaugdragon , the mortality radio guy.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:22 am
by Jet Jaguar
Waitaminute ... there was an announcement for DCCs #41 and #42?

Was there an announcement for #39 & #40? 'Cause I don't see any of these on the main Goodman Games site ... :(

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:39 am
by fathead
Jet Jaguar wrote: Was there an announcement for #39 & #40? 'Cause I don't see any of these on the main Goodman Games site ... :(
Here ya go!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #39: DM Screen & d20 Adventure
Suitable for any d20 fantasy campaign, this complete, six-panel DM screen is features the most popular art from the Dungeon Crawl Classics line on the front, while the reverse side details everything a DM needs to play. Also

included is the "Ruins of Castle Churo" 1st level d20 Dungeon Crawl.
To Retail for: $19.99

Dungeon Crawl Classics #40: Devil in the Mists
A deadly blue mist fills the streets of Fair Haven, slaying many of the small town's inhabitants and driving the rest insane. To save Fair Haven, the heroes must explore the catacombs beneath the town, solve an ancient riddle, and defeat a sahuagin menace in this d20 Dungeon Crawl for character levels 7-9.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:36 am
by Renshai
Dungeon Crawl Classics #39: DM Screen & d20 Adventure


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:14 pm
by JediOre
Renshai wrote:
Dungeon Crawl Classics #39: DM Screen & d20 Adventure

Attempts to catch, but arrives too late.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:27 pm
by Harley Stroh
:D The screen is going to be great. Saw some prototypes at GenCon. I'm dying to have this one in hand.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:34 pm
by Ogrepuppy
Renshai wrote:
Dungeon Crawl Classics #39: DM Screen & d20 Adventure

You stole my line--! I'm incredibly happy to read these words on my screen. I'm gonna hafta sign up for the DCC subscription thingie.

Yup...gonna do that tomorrow, in fact, and cancel my pr0n subscription to make up the cash. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:36 pm
by Ogrepuppy
Harley Stroh wrote:I'm dying to have this one in hand.
You're dying?!? You work for them and have seen the darn thing. We're the ones dying over here--!


Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:25 am
by Maliki
Sound cool, thanks for the info.