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Cage of Delirium and Belly of the Beast In Stores

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:36 pm
by Renshai
Hello fellow DCC fans. I just got back from my FLGS and was able to pickup Cage of Delirium and Belly of the Beast. As I'm typing this I am listening to the chilling sounds of the Midnight Syndicate music that came with what so far looks like a delightfuly eerie adventure set in the ruins of an insane asylum.

I'll write more as I settle in to read them.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:51 pm
by Jengenritz
I'd like to hop in and say that Cage of Delirium is a lot of fun to read. I like the atmosphere it captured, and the CD is pretty boss all around.
The whole time I was pouring over it I kept thinking, "Don't want to read...want to play...but I want to read..."

Not to mix games, but it's got a serious Silent Hill 2 feel to it (which, for me, anyway, is a good thing).

I haven't devoured Belly of the Beast as much yet, but I read the intro and it looks like classic LaSalle Good TimesTM.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:48 pm
by zirzird
I'd just like to say I think it's great that Goodman Games is releasing adventures with accompanying scores. As Jengenritz can attest, I'm a big fan of using music during games to elevate the mood.

I can't wait to read Belly of the Beast. Giant spacefaring turtles? I'm in!

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:44 pm
by Renshai
Cage of Delirium is an excellent read so far. I've decided to run it this all Hallow's Eve. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:33 am
by Akrasia
How does 'Delirium' compare with 'Shadows in Freeport' as a horror-ish adventure?

It might be interesting to run them sequentially for a 'horror' series within a campaign.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:42 am
by bobrunnicles
I picked these up on Monday, both look excellent so far - love the CD in Delirium, although I have to ask: what's up with the font size? It's like reading a large-print book, it goes from the standard GMG font on the title page to one a lot larger for the rest of the book. Any particular reason why? Just curious, it's not a complaint as such.

I'm all for more CDs with modules, btw :)

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:15 am
by Renshai
Good question Akrasia. They would probably work really well together. In fact the Asylum would make an excellent addition to Freeport, right outside the city, or perhaps on a lone island nearby.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:04 pm
by goodmangames
bobrunnicles wrote:I picked these up on Monday, both look excellent so far - love the CD in Delirium, although I have to ask: what's up with the font size? It's like reading a large-print book, it goes from the standard GMG font on the title page to one a lot larger for the rest of the book. Any particular reason why? Just curious, it's not a complaint as such.

I'm all for more CDs with modules, btw :)
Ah, the pains of publishing! Printers work in 8-page increments, and all DCC's have to fit that fact. The player handouts and maps make final page count hard to predict, so the font size actually varies in every module, from 9 point up to 11 point, in order to get the final page count right. This particular one was a choice between making the font size really small, or a little large. Large is better if it means it's still legible. :)