DCC 14 part 1

A forum for discussing the many DCC modules published under third edition rules, EXCEPT for Castle Whiterock, which has its own forum.

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DCC 14 part 1

Post by catsclaw227 »

We ran DCC 14 (DUngeon Interludes), part 1 at the first session of my new campaign this past Saturday, it was a blast!

I am running the Wilderlands, using NecG's Lost City of Barakus and using Endhome as the city of Warwik. Placing Fairweather just outside of Warwik, worked out great, and the party is very concerned about keeping the Eye of Night safe. :)

And Skullshank's minions are cultists of Orcus (as is he), which will tie nicely into the rest of my campaign machinations.

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Post by ynnen »

Awesome! Glad to hear someone else diving into Interludes... Keep us posted on how it goes. I always love hearing stories of how folks use the module... Make it part of an overarching campaign? Run them as individual adventures in the down-time of other stuff? Etc.
Crypt of the Devil Lich, Dungeon Interludes, The Mask of Death, Adventure Begins, Vault of the Dragon Kings, the Power Gamers Wizard Strategy Guide, The Adventure Continues, Palace in the Wastes and PhoenixCrawl Open
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Post by gmdave »

I am thinking about getting this, but my characters are slightly higher level (3rd and 4th) Is that to high to start them in this? Is it scalable to higher levels?
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Post by ynnen »

Each module in the DCC line includes scaling information to adjust the challenge up or down to tailor the adventure to different parties. Each chapter of Interludes includes this sort of scaling information, as well.

For a party of characters level 3-4, adding just a few more critters to a few of the encounters, or adjusting the DCs up on traps and spell saves here and there should do the trick. And based on their experience, they may be perfectly matched for going straight from the first chapter into the second chapter w/o an intervening scenario or two.
Crypt of the Devil Lich, Dungeon Interludes, The Mask of Death, Adventure Begins, Vault of the Dragon Kings, the Power Gamers Wizard Strategy Guide, The Adventure Continues, Palace in the Wastes and PhoenixCrawl Open
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Post by catsclaw227 »

Well, the party is going off to tackle a few of the mini-adventures in the Penprie forest outside of Warwik (Endhome), and then I'll add in the 2nd interludes adventure.

I'll keep you all posted.
Hand of Mystra
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Post by Hand of Mystra »

I ran part one recently. It ended up being rather easy for my second level party except for the wererat encounter. They found the badger before they fougt the wererat. THe badger led them past the ooze (everyone missed their spots and made thier balance checks - so the ooze had no effect). Becasue of this the party was still only second level when they met the wererat. We had to split that battel over two sessions, so I took off two rog levels from the wererat between the session to avoid PC death (these are new and very young players). And I had the badger pull teh druid out of the hole so that he could shout instructions ("use silver weapons!")

I would like to come up with critical parts in Skullshank's plans for both the Eye of Night and the Sword of Conviction. I think the Eye will give pluses to summon evil creature as well as be a gem of brightness, give it a dual, conflicted nature. The Sword will be turned into some kind of weapon of Balance (since they will be directed to find it by a cleric of Brahlm - a neutral diety or ). I think that it represses summoning at large distances and that Skullshank wll want it destroyed. OR maybe I will leave teh Sword as Good...
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Post by Treebore »

The only thing I didn't like about Interludes was:


the mines. The DM was relatively new and inexperienced and I was playing an Earth Elemental Savant and found a stone of earth elementals that I suspected right away so did Identify. With that stone I could have walked out of those mines filthy rich with no one the wiser.

I told the DM what I would like to do. You should have seen the growing look of horror, and delighted glee on my fellow players faces as I described what i would do. The relief on the DM's face was immense when I said I wouldn't ruin their game like that. Then the DM and I got to laugh at the faces of my co-players! Talk about deflation!

Anyways, be very careful about the wealth that smart players can walk out of that mine with. There were other things we could have done other than that stone.
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Post by Hand of Mystra »


[quote="Treebore"]The only thing I didn't like about Interludes was:

the mines. The DM was relatively new and inexperienced and I was playing an Earth Elemental Savant and found a stone of earth elementals that I suspected right away so did Identify. With that stone I could have walked out of those mines filthy rich with no one the wiser.
Since I am a relatively new and inexperienced DM, can you please tell me what you told your DM? I looked up the abilities of the item. You can summon a Huge Earth Elemental at will (just one at a time). Your and others like this on ENworld imply that you can use the elemetal for mining. I don't see how :? Using its Earth Glide ability the elemental could get to anything in the earth, but since Gliding leaves no tunnel or hole, it could not extract it. A fish swimming through water could easily get to a concentration of inky water but it could not remove the ink. Am I missing something?
Sir Clarence
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Post by Sir Clarence »

First post here - hello forum! :D

I'm too running a Barakus/Dungeon Interludes combination right now, although not in the Wilderlands but in good old Greyhawk (pre-war Flanaess), with Barakus taking the place of Atirr on the coast of North Province.

Up to now everything runs smoothly. The party has successfully managed the first adventure and has acquired the Eye of Night. Right now they're battling through the upper caves of Barakus and were just pondering whether to take on the black dragon there or not.... :shock:

Having all reached 3rd level by now, it won't be long before the next Interlude adventure awaits them. :)

Being an oldschooler, I'm playing everything under AD&D 1st edition rules btw, for those who are interested.
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Post by JediOre »

Welcome aboard Sir Clarence!

Enjoy your stay and poke about. This forum has lots of neat threads. "Old School" (in all the editions) is thick around here.

Keep us posted as to how your group fares in DCC #14.
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Post by Treebore »

Fish can swallow. Presumably, so can elementals.
Hand of Mystra wrote:***SPOILERS****

Treebore wrote:The only thing I didn't like about Interludes was:

the mines. The DM was relatively new and inexperienced and I was playing an Earth Elemental Savant and found a stone of earth elementals that I suspected right away so did Identify. With that stone I could have walked out of those mines filthy rich with no one the wiser.
Since I am a relatively new and inexperienced DM, can you please tell me what you told your DM? I looked up the abilities of the item. You can summon a Huge Earth Elemental at will (just one at a time). Your and others like this on ENworld imply that you can use the elemetal for mining. I don't see how :? Using its Earth Glide ability the elemental could get to anything in the earth, but since Gliding leaves no tunnel or hole, it could not extract it. A fish swimming through water could easily get to a concentration of inky water but it could not remove the ink. Am I missing something?
Castles and Crusades is my game of choice!
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