DCC World

A forum for discussing the many DCC modules published under third edition rules, EXCEPT for Castle Whiterock, which has its own forum.

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Post by goodmangames »

Still in customs; until it clears customs I can't predict an exact date. it's normal for an international delivery to spend a couple days in customs. Unfortunately it's impossible to predict how long it will take. It's like going to the DMV for your driver's license: some days they're slow, other days they're really slow...
Joseph Goodman
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Post by Maliki »

goodmangames wrote:Still in customs; until it clears customs I can't predict an exact date. it's normal for an international delivery to spend a couple days in customs. Unfortunately it's impossible to predict how long it will take. It's like going to the DMV for your driver's license: some days they're slow, other days they're really slow...
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Harley Stroh
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Previews from the Gaz.

Post by Harley Stroh »

Fallen empires are fine, but much of Áereth remains unclaimed by any nation, or is held by the less savory elements of society. A favorite of mine:

Freeholds, the (the Outlaw Territories)

A loose collection of brigand enclaves ruled by brutal warlords, the Freehold badlands are in a constant state of lawlessness and unrest. The fall of Leherti swelled the ranks of the bandit lords, but thus far the Freeholds have limited themselves to raiding caravans and outlying settlements of nearby lands. Though strong enough in number to form a fearsome army, without a charismatic ruler the brigands are nothing more than bands of disorganized raiders and poorly armed militias.

What passes for a city or town in the Freeholds is often nothing more than filthy stronghold at the back of box canyon, atop a ridge, or some other place with natural defensibility. Most strongholds sport wooden walls atop earthen ramparts, while the rare fort might be found within the decaying stone walls of a previous fortress. Invariably each stronghold has one (or more) mead halls and taverns, a smithy and armorer, corral, and a well-defended tower or keep.

The quality of arms and armor carried by Freehold ruffians depends entirely upon the success of their raids. The lowliest of bands wear piecemeal bits of scavenged armor and fight with improvised polearms. The more successful bands field mounted raiders wearing ringmail or boiled leather, and fight with bows and well-forged spears. Bandit leaders are unique, armed as fortune and chance permits.

With little in the way of agriculture, the brigands rely on raids into civilized lands to swell their grainaries. In times of dire need the outlaws may turn to hunting and foraging, but more often a season of hardship only presages a deadlier season of raids.

While little can be written about the Freeholds that won’t have changed in a fortnight, following is a list of established towns and bandit holds:

Ashaven: (Hamlet, pop. 381) Shortened from its original name Ashe’s Haven, Ashaven is a staging ground for many of the raids into Leherti and the Theocracy. The hamlet has been razed by armies of Leherti on several occasions (known locally as “the shaving of Ashaven”) but the rogues have become masters of escaping into hidden cellars and secret bolt holes. The collapse of Leherti has granted Ashaven a reprieve, and the community is stronger than ever with new brigands arriving each day. Presently the fortified hamlet is ruled by Hadrun the Shadowhand, a swarthy skinned warrior-mage hailing from the Uru’Nuk Highlands.

....and so on.
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Post by Renshai »

A loose collection of brigand enclaves ruled by brutal warlords....
Nice... I like this area alot.
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Post by gmdave »

Just a couple of questions to anyone who might know.

I am just starting a DCC campaign, everyone is currently in DCC 1. I intend to use DCC 14 - Interludes, as well. In the campaign set, are the interludes and the DCC1 or Silverton in the same area or close? DCC 14 - #1, takes place at a farming community. I was just wondering, or will I have to fudge it?

I know that the scenarios do not run sequentially, but some do seem to kind of flow into the next. Is this taken into account ? Fore example, the next scenario I intend to run is DCC 3. Is this in the general area of DCC 1? I would like to stay within the confines of the gazetteer. Otherwise I could have just created my own maps and campaign setting.

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Post by goodmangames »

The three poster maps in DCC #35 have the module locations marked on them. Here's an excerpt of the area around DCC #1, which does indeed include The Mysterious Tower (note the "3" icon in the upper left):

Joseph Goodman
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Post by Renshai »

Thanks Joeseph. That is a great look at the map and relative positions of the modules. Is that lake at the northern edge near Dundraville by chance? :)
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Post by Jeff LaSala »

Renshai, it sure is. Hard to read from that image, but on the actual map it's much clearer.
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Post by gmdave »

goodmangames wrote:The three poster maps in DCC #35 have the module locations marked on them. Here's an excerpt of the area around DCC #1, which does indeed include The Mysterious Tower (note the "3" icon in the upper left):

Thanks, just the answer I was looking for. :D I can't wait to get. I pre-ordered mine from Amazon. Hope it does not take to long.
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Post by Renshai »

Jeff LaSala wrote:Renshai, it sure is. Hard to read from that image, but on the actual map it's much clearer.
I figured that was it. :) Thanks Jeff. I can't wait to get mine either.
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Post by Nahat Anoj »

DCC World looks really cool, guys. I'd like to run a Lord of the Rings or Wheel of Time style epic campaign with it using True20 rules.

I have a couple of questions. First, regarding cosmology, is it very "unified" (like, LotR) or is it more "hodgepodge" (like Greyhawk of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy)? Basically, regardless of what it looks like to the outside observer, is there an underlying consistent cosmology or is it more "we like this god, so let's put him in." I'm not saying one is better than the other, I just want to know what you guys decided on.

Are there any traditional demihuman kingdoms? You gave an example of a wild elf society a few pages back, but I'm thinking something like an active Moria for the dwarves or Alfheim for the elves (from the Mystara setting).

That's about it for now, I guess :)
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Post by jason.richardson »

Any chance of a PDF preview of a couple random pages from the box-set?
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Post by Jeff LaSala »

First, regarding cosmology, is it very "unified" (like, LotR) or is it more "hodgepodge" (like Greyhawk of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy)? Basically, regardless of what it looks like to the outside observer, is there an underlying consistent cosmology or is it more "we like this god, so let's put him in."
Hmmm... There is a pattern to the gods and most of them were designed to fit this overarching scheme, if that's what you're asking. There is an established pantheon (and many of the gods were taken from pre-existing DCCs to fill it), but there are also numerous demigods who don't fit into the scheme as neatly because demigods are, by definition, not true gods in the standard sense.
Are there any traditional demihuman kingdoms? You gave an example of a wild elf society a few pages back, but I'm thinking something like an active Moria for the dwarves or Alfheim for the elves (from the Mystara setting).
Demihumans? Now there's an oldschool term. :) Yes, there are. There is an entry for the Elven Nations of the Northlands, and then there are a couple of dwarf kingdoms. In the Lostlands there is a halfling "nation" (wandering tribes, as I recall), though I don't think there are any unified gnome nations since gnomes tend to insinuate themselves into many societies.
Goodman Games: DCCs: #29, #31, #35, #48, #49, #51; Hero's Handbooks: Dragonborn, Tieflings; Level Up
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Post by Renshai »

since gnomes tend to insinuate themselves into many societies.
I had to move out of a neighborhood because of them. They kept lounging around on my lawn all day. It was a nightmare.
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Post by Jeff LaSala »

Poderon, the Delver, earth god of levity and the god favored by gnomes, would actually appreciate the humor, Renshai. It's hard to be sacriligious to a god like him.
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Post by Maliki »

Renshai wrote:
since gnomes tend to insinuate themselves into many societies.
I had to move out of a neighborhood because of them. They kept lounging around on my lawn all day. It was a nightmare.
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Post by Renshai »

Any more news on the status of DCC? My Local Game Store hasn't heard anything about DCC 35 yet, but said if they were in customs it should be fairly quick now...

I'm getting anxious, I'm ready to devour this boxed set :)

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Post by Treebore »

The only thing I have heard is that Joe believes it will get through customs fast enough to be in stores by the end of this month, or at the latest, the second week of October.
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Post by Renshai »

Hopefully sooner rather than later. Would someone with the Boxed Set care to point out where Into the Wilds is located on the Known Realms World Maps.
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Post by Rick Maffei »

Renshai wrote:I'm getting anxious, I'm ready to devour this boxed set :)
I dare say you'll find this boxed set will satisfy your appetite (i.e., it's well worth the wait)!
It's a top-notch product.
DCC #26 The Scaly God
DCC #60 Thrones of Punjar
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Post by PeelSeel2 »

Alright, Alright!! I placed my order for it. Maybe it will ship out fast then when it arrives!!
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Post by Treebore »

I bought it at GenCon. If it dissappoints anyone I will be shocked. Unless your expecting it to be the best setting of all time. It might be that to some, but not all. It is a very good product. I would say it is one of the top 5 settings published in the 3E era. Probably one of the top 3.
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Post by PeelSeel2 »

Treebore wrote:I bought it at GenCon.
Bragger!! :wink:
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Post by Harley Stroh »

Preview up on the Goodman Games front page!


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Post by jason.richardson »

Harley Stroh wrote:Preview up on the Goodman Games front page!


So I make a pot of coffee and print this out. I read it. I read it again.

This has to be the coolest world history I've ever read. It has to be the only fantasy/D&D world history that keeps the game in mind.

Freakin' awesome. I can't get my hands on this boxed set fast enough.
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