A forum for discussing the many DCC modules published under third edition rules, EXCEPT for Castle Whiterock, which has its own forum.

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Post by joeforan »

After starting a new game after the birth of my daughter cut down my available prep time for custom adventures in a custom world, I decided to start running a complete DCC campaign...I'm using Renshai's map (and GotKR/DCCWorld soon as it comes out!) to plot things out. The party is a 1 short of a full six, and they're playing the NPC classes from DCC0:
Bec, Commoner (player started late, not enough XP yet to get a PC level)
Bowen, Warrior-turned-Fighter
Lord Casimir, Aristocrat-turned-Paladin
Mischa, Adept-turned-Cleric (healing/plant)
Newt, Expert-turned-Rogue

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas to help make this idea work? Or for that matter, does anyone see any huge holes? Here is my rough order:

DCC #00 - Legends are Made, not Born (lvl 0)
Starts in Dundraville

DCC #02 - Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho (lvl 1)
Enter Logbragg the Psychotic Marauding Ogre, cousin of Blogg from DCC00, rampaging in Fairweather.
Local Druid in Fairweather, having heard of success in Dunraville, sends for the epxerts in "Orge remediation".
PCs track back to lair, find the lair, find the Vault. Owies ensue.

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 1, The Eye of the Night (lvl 1-3)
Probably starts in Fairweather - after PCs end DCC #02, rewarded with a bad scene to come back to. Perhaps Druid and Farmer brave the caves of LV to find PCs and beg for more help?
If they don't go there, somebody will send for them (villager and Druid)
Ends wherever, PCs approached by survivor from Fairweather, now living in Welwyn and having trouble.

DCC #11 - The Dragonfiend Pact (lvl 2)
Starts in Welwyn
Ends with letter waiting for them to go to Silverton and meet XXX in the Silver Cup Inn

DCC #01 - Idylls of the Rat King (lvl 1-3)
Starts in Silverton

DCC #03.5 - The Haunted Lighthouse (lvl 4-6)
En route wherever, the PCs are blown off track and discover the Lighthouse
A slew of grave markers (~ 100 years old) in a nearby graveyard tells of the victims of Bloody Jack's piracy

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 2, The Defiled Sanctuary (lvl 3-5)
The PCs hear of troubling events in Blessings-Be.
YAY for Paladins!!!! Plot hook for free!!!

DCC #17 - Legacy of the Savage Kings (lvl 4-6)
ArchDruid from freshly-rebuilt Fairweather tracks the PCs down and comes to them in Blessings-Be with news of the Plague.
Tracking sickness back from Fairweather leads to the Great Swamp

DCC #23 - The Sunken Ziggurat (lvl 5-7)
On the way back to civilization, the PCs find the Ziggurat in the Great Swamp.
They find their way out of the swamp at the corner of the Great Swamp and Ferahn Forest.

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 3, The Hunter of Worlds (lvl 5-7)
Once back on the road, a Drow attempts to poison them and also steals lots of their treasure.

DCC #10 - The Sunless Garden (lvl 6-8 )
Friends from the area send word to the PCs of a problem with people turning to trees in Garland's Fork.

DCC #07 - The Secret of Smuggler's Cove (lvl 5-7)
After dispatching the problems in Garland's Fork, the PCs go back to Soulgrave.
After stopping the pirates and locathah, a resident of Freeport approaches them about hauntings and killings in Freeport.

DCC #20 - Shadows in Freeport (lvl 6-8 )
Gore and horror in Freeport.
Upon completion, one of the parents tells the PCs of work in Vortigeur and offer to pay their fare there and back to Soulgrave

DCC #16 - Curse of the Emerald Cobra (lvl 6-8 )
At the end is a free trip home.
Word reaches the PCs that there is also a problem with press gangs in Dundraville, Blessings-Be, and Fairweather

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 4, The Dunerain Mines (lvl 7-9)
PCs feel a pull to the west when using Fire Magic
Fires seem to tilt and point westerly

DCC #19 - The Volcano Caves (lvl 7-9)
Lady Pendour has a message waiting for them wherever they end up, asking them to Carnelloe.

DCC #05 - Aerie of the Crow God (lvl 7-8 )
At the end is the exodus of crows from Seed of Evil
Following the crows, or not, the PCs run into a decimated army in the north

DCC #06 - Temple of the Dragon Cult (lvl 8-10)
Arriving too late to be in the thick of it, the PCs are still offered 1/4 of the hoard to kill the wounded dragon

DC #05.5 - Seed of Evil
Back on the trail of the Crows... by purpose or accident
Trouble in Corwyl (sub for Axebuy) and the River (sub for Cordurouy Road)

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 5, The Sinking Spire (lvl 9-11)
On the way home from Corwyl, the PCs spot the spire in the swamp
A treasure map to Bloody Jack's treasure is found during the module

DCC #04 - Bloody Jack's Gold (lvl 10-12)
Welcome back to the isles again

DCC #30 - Vault of the Dragon Kings (lvl 10 - ?)
Blown off course on the way back, the PCs wind up in the frozen north

DCC #25 - The Dread Crypt of Srihoz (lvl 9-11)
Somewhere north in the Frosteye Mountains?

DCC #12 - The Blackguard's Revenge (lvl 9-11)
Not sure how to get the PCs all the way here... Perhaps a need for the crystal somehow (Casimir went Pally... YAY FOR FREE PLOT HOOKS!!!!).

DCC #12.5 - The Iron Crypt of the Heretics (lvl 11-13)
From one to another

DCC #14 - Dungeon Interludes (lvl 1-13) - Chapter 6, The War of the Summoner (lvl 11-13)

DCC #18 - Citadel of the Demon Prince (lvl 12-13)

DCC #21 - Assault on Stormbringer Castle (lvl 12-14)
Assistance is requested again!

DCC #15 - Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen (lvl 14-15)
The Emperor (King) himself, visiting the lands from his capital overseas, hears of the players and summons them to seek out the Prophet.

DCC #22 - The Storm Juggernaut (13th-15th)
More help is requested!

DCC #13 - Crypt of the Devil Lich (lvl 15)
This one is just for fun. Kill 'em all, with no consequences after.

My big problem is the level range... obviously I'm going to have to scale up the challenges to still run a lot of the lvl 3-8 stuff, curb the XP awards heavily (not really fair to do... so that's out), or omit some modules.
Last edited by joeforan on Fri May 12, 2006 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JediOre »

Well, I cut experience in half for 3.5 adventures. That adds a lot more life to the PCs.

I like your selection. I imagine your gang will have a wonderful time.
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Post by joeforan »







Slow start this week... which I think might be good. The PCs are a little non-plussed with the beginning of the adventure.

Being intrepid, the PCs managed to ambush and range-fire Loggy to death before he could ramble enough to give them a real clue. His description put them on edge, though. They convinced Fairweather's cartwright to give them a cart. The convinced the local brewer to give them some beer. They took the poison from DCC0 and spiked the beer, assuming that Loggy was as greedy as Blogg. They then rolled the cart out on the road, broke a wheel on purpose, and set up an ambush just after dark... Loggy took the bait, and they felled him too quickly for me to get off more than the most cursory of hints about the Outer Gods.

So I did what any DM would do, I changed the hint... I put Ogre/Common scrawl on the walls ranting on about "Outer Gods..." "I Serve..." "My life for them...", etc., all written in the same bloody puss on the walls in the description (instead of a scratching post, it became a scrathing post AND palette... eww). They got another hint in the kobold medallions, but still nothing that really set the scene yet... in fact, they joked about fighing the Voice from Down Below, the Gods from Outer Wherever, and that next up they would take on the Spirits from Behind the Outhouse!

I can't wait to hit them with hallucinations and handouts... :twisted:

I've decided to hold back on the XP rewards... I'll give them the full adventure bonuses in each module, but only half the monster XP.
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Post by Angulimala »


Thanks for posting.
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Post by joeforan »

Ok, if you're this far down the post, you know it's got spoilers... nonetheless...




The river was great... A single PC went ahead to tie a rope to a stalagmite, a low hp rogue with great balance and rope use skill, and he got jumped by the two centipedes. He lived, but they've stopped sending anyone forward alone now. This is the third time they've been in a bad spot sending somebody alone - in DCC 0 they set off two of the traps by sneaking ahead for a peek without also searcing ahead... ooops.

Afterward, they were too scared to take off their armor, so the balance checks put 3 of them in the water... and repeated strength check failures put them almost out of the chamber - if it weren't for some great rolls on the part of the lvl 1 commoner trying to assist them from the river bank, those 3 would have been in serious trouble.

Skipping the blow-by blow, but the PCs had a rough time with Sizzlak (I know, Slazzik, but that's what I called him by accident... damn you Simpsons, and damn you Channel 61 for having them on right before game!). They had a previous bad encounter in another game with "Quickie the Kobold" and his tribe in the sewers - it was TPK, actually, and not all that different a layout. Very tense, very well thought-out fight on both sides, and very well written to allow a DM to adjust deviousness to a delightful level. I think my naming error worked out well - they went in glib, came our SERIOUS.

I did get the chance to have Sizzlak (grrr) ramble on about the Outer Gods. That and the changes to the kobold bodies and the spiders has put them on edge. The spiders went over great - the PCs really have the feel of a traditional crawl, yet are a little amped up now about what awaits them later.

Still no hallucinations... I can't wait.
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Post by Grasshoff »

Halving experience awards is usually a good idea. In 3.5 characters can advance too quickly to get to know themselves.

I recommend fitting DCC #26 The Scaly God in for levels 4-6.
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Post by Renshai »

In that case you'd need to halve the rewarded treasure as well, unless you want your party to have twice the amount of treasure they should. I don't have a problem with that really, I think the standard gives out too little anyway...
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Post by joeforan »

Not checked for grammar... Here are the cards I've used. Some are from the mod, most are my own...

As always, if you are a player, and are interested in actually ENJOYING Lost Vault... READ NO FURTHER, FOR EAGLES WILL EAT YOUR HEART IF YOU DO.

Well, not really. But it will make the module suck for you, since you'll know what's coming and Lost Vault's most awesome feature is that while it's a kickin' crawl, it is also ALL about the creepiness.


You turn around to see a kobold sneaking up behind the party, twin daggers drawn, each glistening with a greenish, viscous venom.

A voice whispers to you “fall to your knees, knave, or be beheaded by the scything trap ahead as I was”.

The floor in front of you seems to shift in color, becoming almost translucent. A spiked pit is hidden but inches from the front of the party.

A female elven spirit appears in front of you, menacing you with a baleful glare before fading out.

Two glowing eyes upon the ceiling look down at the party.

You hear the sound of a mournful dirge being played on a lonely horn, ever so faintly, from up ahead.

A rat runs out from the shadows, crawls up your leg, and then seems to merge INTO your body.

A small cluster of spiders drops from the ceiling above, resting on your head, face, and shoulders for a second before melding into your skin.

You can hear two of your companions secretly whispering to each other. You distinctly overhear the words “Outer Gods” and “sacrifice”.

You notice that your companions have all started to change. Their skin has all started to become like leather, and their hair is becoming long and stringy.

Footsteps are coming from behind the party.

You briefly catch a reflection of yourself in a piece of metal carried by another party member – your eyes have begun to glow a bright, eerie green!

You can smell the sickly-sweet stench of fresh death coming from the person behind you.

Your skin begins to itch and crawl, as if it we moving of it’s own accord across your body.

The world erupts into an explosion of red and purple light, while funeral bells chime, and your stomach begins to turn over in knots.

You notice a centipede on the person in front of you. It has crawled up onto their shoulder. As you look at it, it’s head rises and you see human eyes at the end of it’s antennae and a grinning smile. It immediately melds into your friends body, as if by magic.

Bats circle above you, and you can hear them whisper to each other in a strange language. They seem to be focusing the person right behind you.

A snake is following your party – when you notice it, it hisses once at you and then vanishes in a puff of acrid-smelling smoke.

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Post by JediOre »

How has the module gone?
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Post by Ogrepuppy »

It's these not-quite-story hour, DM blow-by-blows that make me smile.

I also enjoy knowing I'm not the only DM that has smug, mocking players going in, but sad, sullen, serious-faced, tail-between-the-legs players coming out.... :twisted:
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