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DragonMech Group Assembles!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:27 pm
by gospog
So, my players made thier 2nd level characters for our upcoming DragonMech game.

We're going to be starting with the Shardsfall Quest, and I let the three players make 2nd level characters.

Lucidah Steeleaf is an orphaned elf raised by dwarven Cog Layers. She has followed in the tradition of her guardians, and is an accomplished Cog Layer herself (or so she'll tell you).

Mecha-W0ss-Zilla (don't ask) is a human Steam-Borg. His buzzaxe is built into his mechanical arm The player has already declared his goal of 99.9% mechanical parts, leaving only his brain organic, and only that if he must..

Gertrude Gubbins is a cogling who was forced to leave her gear forest home. This wandering Ranger uses the trappings of her mechanical origins to join in battle. She throws handfuls of sharpened gears like shuriken. Nuts and bolts are huled from her sling. Two broken fan blades are pressed into service as short swords.
Gertrude is the only member of the trio without any serious technical training. Every time she pulls out one of her tools with which to bludgeon a foe, the other two are quick to admonish her that "that's not a weapon!".

Just thought I'd share. Excitement for the game is building here, and I thought that these were good concepts.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:13 pm
by goodmangames
Very cool! It's great hearing about other people's games. Lucidah Steeleaf for some reason reminds me of one of the PCs in my home game. He was a regular ranger raised by a tinkerer. Because the ranger's father spent all his time tinkering with his constructs -- instead of paying attention to his kid, the ranger-to-be -- the ranger grew up with a jealous hatred of all things mechanical, and declared constructs to be his first favored enemy!