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Props to Jason Edwards

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:49 am
by Hedgehobbit
I just finished reading DCC #10 and 11, and I have to say that Jason Edwards is becoming one of my favorite artists.

Does he work for anyone other than Goodman? Has he done art for books other than the DCC series?


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:41 pm
by goodmangames
Yeah, he is great, isn't he? All his work for Goodman Games has been in the DCC line. I think he's done some other game work, but I couldn't quote you anything... I'll try to find out.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:39 am
by Brer Jackalope
Thanks for the props Aaron! And thank-you as well Joseph for your kind words, it's always great to work with you & Goodman Games.

To answer your questions Aaron...

1. The only work I've done for Goodman is in the Dungeon Crawl Classics series.

2. The only other illustration work that I've done in the RPG world was long, long ago in the mythical 80's. It was all spec work for several friends who were trying to start thier own companies. Never saw the light of day unfortunately. I recently did a back cover for a friend's (Brian Colin) comic book called "Jonas, Tales of an Ironstar". Had a lot of fun doing that, hope to do more in future. Here's a link to his website if you're interested:

Did a quick illustration on his guest art page for a character to appear in a projected future spinoff book. I'm also the model for the character in the hat that's featured on the guest art page. No comments please! ;-)

Thanks again for the complements, they're always greatfully received and very much appreciated!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:55 am
by Harley Stroh
I just downloaded the preview of the Blackguard module, and was awed into submission with the JE art. Wow! The soiled fountain image is fantastic.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:47 pm
by Brer Jackalope
Awed into submission!? :shock:
My head is swelling as I type. Thank-you Harley! I'm basking in the warm glow of your praise. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:21 pm
by ynnen
Here, here! I really like Jason's stylized illustrations, especially his use of line hatching for shading. When I got my copy of DCC #14: Dungeon Interludes, I was excited to see all the great illustrations inside my very first module.

The tar roper oozing up over the gnome on p. 58 is great, and handout E on page 77 – the kneeling paladin – is almost exactly how I had pictured it in my mind, and is eerily similar to my crude concept sketch.

All the artists did an outstanding job, but there's something catchy about Jason's work, and something that reminds me of the old school Eastman & Laird B&W Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comix -- the original ones where they all wore red bandanas, before they got all commercialized and kiddi-fied. Great stuff.

Hi, just thought I would ring in here and say hi to ya'll

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:01 pm
by kgeilman
Kara Here, Hi Joseph, I finally made my way over to your corner of the world. Hope all is well in the windy city. Talk to you later. Thanks for the call this afternoon, dont know what caused it.

Favorite picture

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:06 pm
by waltero
Jason, did you do the scene in DCC 11 where the adventurer is getting kissed by the randy/grateful townswoman? That's my all-time favorite piece of art in the DCC series. The beating that poor sap got in the dungeon is nothing compared to the hell he's gonna catch from his jealous girlfriend on his right. I love the ticked off look on her face and his dombfounded "but I didn't do anything" expression. Great work!

Re: Favorite picture

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:07 am
by goodmangames
waltero wrote:Jason, did you do the scene in DCC 11 where the adventurer is getting kissed by the randy/grateful townswoman? That's my all-time favorite piece of art in the DCC series. The beating that poor sap got in the dungeon is nothing compared to the hell he's gonna catch from his jealous girlfriend on his right. I love the ticked off look on her face and his dombfounded "but I didn't do anything" expression. Great work!
I know exactly the picture you're talking about. Jason did do that one. It's one of my favorites, too. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:57 pm
by Brer Jackalope
An answer two months later-massive apologies for my mega-tardiness. I did do that illustration waltero, glad you liked it. It's one of my favorites too.

I enjoy injecting a little extra "story" into my drawings when I can. Sometimes it's just not practical-I don't want my ideas to conflict with the story already in place in the module. This was an instance where I was free to explore the characters a little more than usual.

I actually feel a little sorry for doing that to the poor hard-working fighter. He thought the worst battle was over.