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Gotta .... have ....tourney....details!! Please post!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:29 pm
by superfan
If participants in the DCC touney can post their reactions, comments, etc, it would help those geographically challenged who wish to live vicariously!

Post on!!!

Ben "supefan" Waxman

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:25 pm
by brogan_a
Hey there from Team "We Flunked Flank!", we had a wonderful time at the tourney coming in second to a well deserving team "Clan Yeoman". The adventure was awesome, and I would put it above last year's contest and a hair behind Crypt of the Devil Lich.
One thing I was like to address is not adventure related but how the tourney handles replacement players. I think that the Goodman tourney would be better served if they had some type of player replacement(sub) policy. For starters it would keep competitive teams competitive when a player can't make it, and second it would give more players exposure to the product and more exposure = more sales. I am not advocating complete team substitution, but perhaps a 1 person/round slot to be used if there is no way one member can make the time for any reason. Once out that person leaves they are out for good unless the team makes the next round where they could use their round 3 sub slot.
This is just a possible solution and would lead to a bit more paper work, but it would keep teams that make it to the 2nd and 3rd rounds happier and more competitive. Just for disclosure, my team lost a member to a personal problem during the second round and we continued the round and all of the 3rd round without him, so I do have experience with the issue at hand.

-Andy Brogan

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:58 am
by fathead
Hey Superfan! I deleted your emails after you sent me the Vault of the
Dragon King maps, so email me again with your address. I'm sending you a package for all your hard work on the maps.

Speaking of maps - the Palace of the Waste maps looked GREAT. My favorite was the stomach room. The flavor text was descriptive enough without the map, and having it drawn out for you just made it more....umm....gross. :)

Alright...about the tournament this year:

As usual, the tournament was great - the module was wonderfully crafted, and the GMs were stellar.

I'll try to give some description without spoiling any of the encounters (let me know if you want descriptions of some encounters though...there were some great ones). The first round had the least amount of combat. We didn't have enough time to finish the 1st fact, I think we fell a few rooms short of that. We used a lot of knowledge skills while wandering around the 1st level, bypassed several traps, found secret doors, and figured out some puzzles. The use of knowledge skills (and taking meticulous notes) wound up being very helpful in later rounds.

We took the cleric/mage, druid, barbarian/ranger, and rogue/bard (yeah, we took all of the weaker characters). It made the 2nd round VERY difficult for us, as we had few useful ranged weapons (and in the first 2 encounters, it would have been helpful). I think we spent 2 hours in two rooms. In the remaining 2 hours, we explored one side of the map (although I believe that our section connected to another), so we might have explored almost 2 out of 3 areas. Suffice to say, there were A LOT of rooms to explore.

Round 3 was our favorite round (which also contained some great maps). We traversed a river of fire and engaged in combat in a stomach...they made for some memorable encounters. The encounter in the stomach was a close one for us, and almost finished off the barbarian (my wife's character was 1 round away from death...that's how close it was). We had all of the items needed to complete the adventure. We ALMOST made it to the final encounter (I believe the final room was 1 door away). It's probably fortunate that we ran out of time though...the creature we were supposed to fight looked to be too much for us to handle.

As a side note - If anyone had the chance, Jason Little's battle mat tasted
yummy! If anyone has him next year, I highly recommend it.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:01 am
by Mouse
The Tournament was a real good time. I hope everyone had fun, especially those who I GM'd this year.

Round 1 did have less fighting, but one of the rooms was a doozy (I'm sure everyone knows which room I am talking about). I believe it had several TPKs. Round 2 had much more fighting and the second encounter was very strenuous (I believe it also had some TPKs). Both round 2 groups that I ran just about spent themselves trying to survive that second encounter. By the way that fight took a long time no matter who you took.

Ben, the Maps were great. I just wish you had done a few more of the big rooms. Drawing rooms then erasing them, felt like a full time job this weekend. People might have gotten 15-20 minutes more of level one if I didn't have to draw so many rooms. Team "Confused" would have made it through the final gate on level one if they had 5 more minutes. In truth they actually made it, But I wasn't watching the time and they were 5 minutes over when they accomplisheed it.

I really liked this years adventure. The first round felt much more forgiving then "Vault". Vault just started off so tuff. One player I had for a round one event was totally "damaged goods". He was still emotionally scarred from the vault (1 year ago) and feared a death traps and TPKs at every corner. If you are reading this I hope you feel better after this years adventure. You did real good (great actually) and I am very surprised you didn't make the round 2 cut. I think you and "super stress" Ben Waxman could be friends/kindred spirits.

Team-Blood of Kings, you guys played an awesome round one. I am so sorry your players didn't make it for round two and you had to concede your slot. I am sure you would have done well. You were the best team I ran for this year. Team "Confused", despite a tuff start you guys recovered awesomely and played an superb round one as well (I still can't figure out how you didn't make the cut).

Clan Yeomen, this was the second year I watched you play. You folks really know your stuff... congratulations.

Thanks again everyone who helped or played

Erica (The GM) :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:58 pm
by superfan

Sounds great!!!! Did clan yeoman win? It was really exciting to hear what happened! Makes me feel like I was there.

Get chest pains just thinking about Vault of the Dragon kings......better to be the mapper than a player. And what kind of fool am I.....I bought Rappan Athuk Reloaded for our GM. I MUST be a masochist!!!! :roll:

I had a blast making the maps, and would have done more if I could have. I think we were limited by space, as printing in color gets very expensive. Who knows, maybe the budget will be higher next year.

Keep those details coming for those unfortunate enough not be be there in person!

Ben "superfan" Waxman
(honorary Goodman Games map battlemap ackey)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:42 pm
by Jengenritz
FINALLY made it home! (grumble...delayed flights...)

So after spending a long, nigh-sleepless weekend in service to Goodman Games as this year's tournament organizer, you'd think the last thing I'd want to do upon getting home is hop on the GG forums, but it was in fact the first thing I did.
OK, it was the second. I checked my snail mail first.
Alright, you got me. The third thing. I checked my email. But definitely it was the third thing I did.

brogan_a wrote:
I think that the Goodman tourney would be better served if they had some type of player replacement(sub) policy.
Solid suggestions are always welcome, and as this year showed the tournament is an adapting thing (ie: the take 20 rule). I can't promise that we'll incorporate a substitution policy, but it will be discussed.

I actually meant to point out at the awards ceremony that your team not only advanced but came in second with only three members (a heck of an accomplishment, by my book!), but I got so flustered I forgot.

fathead wrote:
I'll try to give some description without spoiling any of the encounters
Feel free to start a (clearly-marked) spoiler thread, if there's enough interest. I was so busy correcting *cough* discrepancies in our intended tournament schedule and our posted tournament schedule (something achieved only through the dedication of some of our Judges) that I had almost zero time to talk to anyone who actually played in the darn thing.
That, plus I'm hideously bashful when I'm not bellowing "DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS TOURNAMENT! WHO'S HERE FOR THE TOURNAMENT?" at the top of my lungs.
Anyway, I'd love to hear what the members of our twenty-eight brave teams thought of the dungeon.

fathead wrote:
We took the cleric/mage, druid, barbarian/ranger, and rogue/bard (yeah, we took all of the weaker characters).
I believe it was originally Jason Little's idea to do the "make 6, pick 4" approach for the Vault, and we really embraced it this year.
Rella Rubyhair (as the token omnipresent rogue) aside, there was a lot of variety in the teams we saw...all according to plan!

Mouse wrote:
The first round felt much more forgiving then "Vault".
I agree. Each level (in addition to have a "theme" that I know some clever groups picked up on) was intended to test them in different ways, and the Symmetrical Halls (level 1) were not combat-heavy.

superfan wrote:
I had a blast making the maps, and would have done more if I could have.
Ben was amazing to work with, especially when that Developer guy kept changing how maps looked or sprung a few last-minute additions on him!

superfan wrote:
Did clan yeoman win?
Yup. I expect Joseph will make an official announcement in the next few days, (hopefully with pictures?) but you heard it right.
Will they, like the previous champions, pull off a repeat? Will the MDK J'ocrs reclaim their title? Or will a new team arise and seize the glory for themselves?
Tune in next year to find out...

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:25 am
by N'Haaz-aua
I ran the "Glen Eagles" in round 1 that ended up the alternate to round 3 (does that make them 4th place?). I expect to see them again the final rounds in the future.

I also ran a 3 man team "The 3 Amigos" in round 1 that would have almost certainly advanced had their 4th not slept in. He was receiving a flogging when last I saw them.

I also ran "We Flunked Flank" in round 3 who were tactically very sound (oh, the irony) and did an amazing job for running with 3 players. If I were a betting man, I woud expect to see them in the finals repeatedly and more 1st place in the future (the members have placed 1st in years past).

I'd be happy to discuss spoilers in a thread devoted to that or if you want to PM me. But don't ask me about points!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:41 am
by Rick Maffei
Jengenritz wrote: Anyway, I'd love to hear what the members of our twenty-eight brave teams thought of the dungeon.
Yes! ... let's have some detailed (and hopefully bloody) battle stories in a Spoiler thread!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:26 am
by fathead
Rick Maffei wrote:
Jengenritz wrote: Anyway, I'd love to hear what the members of our twenty-eight brave teams thought of the dungeon.
Yes! ... let's have some detailed (and hopefully bloody) battle stories in a Spoiler thread!
Done! :) I've started it. Everyone join in with their favorite stories.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm
by jfrenia
I was a member of the "Glen Eagles" team and I thought the adventure was very cool and lots of fun.

Unfortunately, we feel just a bit short to make it into the final 3, but I wanted to complement the 2 DMs we had; was one of the top highlights from my GenCon weekend! Already looking forward to next year and can't wait to get the official module and see what we missed.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:00 pm
by brogan_a
I almost had a heart attack when we completed level 2, in all three years and 6 rounds I have played that was a first. I was scared we really messed up somewhere. Also getting to the river of molten metal and past the dude that had perpetual Phantasmal Killer (with 3 chars no less) was freaking awesome. I must admit even if you go home after just 1 round you have played in some of the best thought of modules there are. I can't believe people play in stuff like the RPGA. I tried both this year and there is no comparing the two.
I played the fighter with the heavy repeater, and the room where the Key is held by the disintigrate trap was so great! I was up on a flight of stairs shooting down at them while the rogue with a 5 strength (all 3 of us failed against the Hag and had -5 to our scores) was tanking/blocking the orcs as they tried to climb up and get me. The mystic theurge wanna be (our 3rd member) was yelling at me to shout the classic Scarface line, "Say hello to my little friend!". It was that kind of moment.

-Andy Brogan of We Flunked Flank