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New Found Fan

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:53 pm
by DangerDwarf
While aware of the DCC line, the only GG products I had previously picke dup had been the modules offered for C&C and a couple of the AD&D modules. I liked what I had, but that was about it.

After the release of 4e I picked up the Punjar book as well as the first three 4e DCC's. Thought the stuff was cool but never fully delved into them.

Here recently I took the time to sit down and truly digest Punjar and the DCC's I picked up.

Holy crap this stuff is good!

Isle of the Sea Drake was particularly "wow" for me.

I'm always glad to discover a company that I can really get into their works, and I think my recent reading has finally turned me in to a believer.

I'm getting ready to start up a new campaign and after the initial set up delve I'll be running, it looks as if M1 will be kicking off my campaign proper. Looking forward to checking out further works.

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:01 pm
by xredjasonx
Awesome, I totally understand what you are talking about. Be sure to post up you session if you run Dragora's Dungeon. The Master Dungeons series has been superb so far!

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:47 pm
by Jengenritz
Danger Dwarf wrote:Isle of the Sea Drake was particularly "wow" for me.
That's very cool! I've been contributing to Goodman projects since DCC #13, but Isle of the Sea-Drake was my first solo adventure.

I'm glad you liked it! It was a lot of fun to write.

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:46 am
by Treebore

You and I both like Paizo, we both like C&C, we both like Necromancer, and I have been saying for YEARS how much I like Goodman DCC's, and your just now getting into them?

Better late than never! :lol:

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:49 pm
by Burchard
I'm running Isle of the Sea Drake tomorrow for a new gaming group. Honestly, this is the most excited I've been in a long time. We run a 4E group every now and then with the WotC modules and they have all fallen fairly flat. I've done some homebrew stuff and it was better...but this...well, let's just say I'm excited!

After they get off the island (or IF they get off the island), they will be blown off course towards Punjar. Then things will get really exciting!

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:41 pm
by Jengenritz
Awesome! Let us know how the game goes!

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:01 pm
by Burchard
Here's a brief AAR of the first session in Isle of the Sea Drake.


The party was seriously challened by the tiefling boatswain and his Comiqui cohorts. The Brave went straight for the barbarian and they had a great slug-fest going while the hunter pinned down the thief with very accurate fire. Golo and the Devout teamed up to challenge the rest of the party. By the time the dust settled, most of the party was bloodied, battered and wondering how in the world they were going to get back home! They found Zochi and chased her until the paladin caught up with her. He and a female sorcerer struggled to communicate with her while the rest of the party discovered the Xulmec-to-Common dictionary scroll on Golo's steaming corpse. At first they didn't know what it was. They suspected it was a list of people on the island, some identified as friend, enemy, etc. By the time they found the rest of the party with Zochi, they were baffled as to what it meant. They showed it to the sorcerer who read it and (after a sucessful Int check) figured out it was a translation guide! With Zochi to lead them, they went to the Coyomi village and met Snake Sister. They also met Kravl! That fight wasn't as tense as I thought, other that the party seemed to really struggle wiping out the last of the minions. He must have dealt a good 30hp in damage before they got him. Kravl got in his licks as well, but ultimately the party prevailed. They camped for the night and left in the morning to find the missing men. They made quick work of the goblin guards and returned Jaguar Paw to the village. They were offered the catamaran, but they were so terrified of the sea-drake that they opted for the landbridge. The resulting battle with the zombies was memorable in that one party member went down (but not out) after three consecutive critical hits by the zombies! They reached the Isle of the Dead and discovered the gruesome totem, but failed to notice the parcel (they rolled a 19 and needed a 20!). They camped for the night on the beach and we ended the session.
I figure there's 2-3 session remaining to finish it up. The party mildly interrogated one of the goblin rat riggers and learned for the first time about Ulars Bhet, although not by name. They threatened to drown him in the waste trench (oh my goodness! What an intimidation bonus!) and he divulged that a sea-devil was captured. Before they could interrogate him further, he made a break for freedom and made it, much to the barbarian's chagrin who was tasked with "questioning".
I think we're all looking forward to the next installment!


Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:54 pm
by Jengenritz
They threatened to drown him in the waste trench (oh my goodness! What an intimidation bonus!)
That's like a +4 sewage bonus to Intimidate checks. Sewage bonuses stack nicely.
They were offered the catamaran, but they were so terrified of the sea-drake that they opted for the landbridge.
[cue the evil laughter]
They camped for the night on the beach and we ended the session.
Impressive, you guys tore through the Island of the Living in one session! That's strong work.

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:05 pm
by Burchard
Our next session of Isle of the Sea Drake is this weekend (we're gluttons for punishment...we're planning a 3-4 hour session AFTER a 3-4 hour session earlier in the day of WWD&DGD or whatever the acronym is for the Game Day adventure) and I have a question that has given me a small amount of grief. I think I'd like to run The Forgotten Portal after this adventure. One of the hooks involves the "clue" in area 1-4 of Isle of the Sea Drake. I've read through the entry for 1-4 forwards and backwards and find no mention of anything that qualifies as a clue. At the end of Isle where it suggests further adventures, it talks about 4 copper sheets that constitute a map in area 1-4...yet, there's no mention of the copper sheets. I think you see where this is going.

I was wondering if I have missed something or if the copper sheets were erroneously left out?

I would take me all of 2 seconds to use some DM license and add it to area 1-4, but I thought I should check with the source.

My hope for this session is to get to and through the Dead City and to end just as the party emerges from some thick foliage and catches a glimpse of the shattered ziggurat...


Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:03 pm
by Jengenritz

Checking my final draft with the published module, it looks like the copper sheets (which were in a nifty room with animated skulls and some magical treasure) were excised along with the "old" area 1-4 from the module during final editing. That made the "old" area 1-5 the "new" area 1-4.
Unfortunately, they didn't catch all those references, hence the confusion.

Must be time for a Director's Cut!

In such a situation, I'd make the copper plates part of Ulars Bhet's stash in his lockbox, part of the treasure he's looted from the Comiqui.

Hope that helps!

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:16 pm
by Burchard
Isle of the Sea Drake Session 2 After Action Report!

The party awoke on the beach and had some big decisions to make. A clever PC decided to try the Hand of Fate ritual which got them moving in a direction, albeit not the right one. They ended up hearing the airy horn blasts of the Shell-Blower and went to investigate. They thought to parlay (huh?!) and the Shell-Blower obliged them by hurling a javelin at the first PC to attempt to climb the ladder. The entire party decided to 'scale the ramparts' en masse and with 6 PC's, including the barbarian that thought he could scale the rickety western scaffold because he is "as agile as a mountain goat". Now the party had strolled fairly easily through Coyomi in the last session (they started at 3rd level and I tried to ramp up the challenge a bit). So I decided to deviate from the suggested tactics a tad...So the tower started to collapse. But not before reinforcements arrived...quickly! So quickly, in fact, that the party found themselves in a meat grinder. The griffons tried to grab and drag PC's off the tower to drop them on the rocks below. I've seen birds do this in real life to crack turtle shells and that armor looked a lot like turtle shells...One PC fought back and managed, through incredible feats of skill and two consecutive natural 20's, to break free while 50 feet in the air and swing around so he was mounted atop the griffon! The griffon made an aerial maneuver and the PC fell to his doom, but it was an exciting moment nonetheless! The Comiqui villagers arrived and saw what was happening. All the PC's were on top of the tower or being hoisted away by griffons, so they did what they do best: they set fire to the tower, trusting that the griffons would carry the shell-blower to safety while the hunter rained arrows upon PC's standing too close to the edge. Anyway, PC's were dropping like flies, or armored bags of blood and bones, and some landing in a burning mess of logs. Once the smoke cleared, we had a Total Party Kill! I was shocked and I could tell they were not amused. While they made Death Saving Throws, one rolled a 20 and we decided he was able to aid the rest of the party...after the Comiquins left to attend to the Shell-Blower. The party licked their wounds and eventually headed off in search of the mysterious Pool of Life, which couldn't come a moment sooner! They made camp and were ready to go in the morning. They headed north and got lost. Here I ran into another problem with the module as written. I rolled a modified '12' for the random encounter and it should have been "Feeding". There is NO entry for the Feeding encounter! So we re-rolled and I wrote a note to bring this up here in the write up. So far I've found a few anomalies with this adventure. Nothing major at all, but I'd like to know what the Feeding encounter entailed! We're still really enjoying it...anyway, the party encountered the drake which promptly stole the rogues' hand crossbow. It also got away from the party and the thief was without his trusty weapon! What can I say, I was in rare form tonight. They got lost again and stumbled across Traps I before finding the Plantation. They had a great ambush planned which was foiled by the dim-witted thief. He somehow "missed the memo" and charged instead of hiding, thus tipping off the fact that there were people lying in wait. Anyway, the thief paid for his sins by being savaged brutally by the Charnel Hound. He was unconscious before the fight really got going! The party paladin forced the Overseer to surrender and they "extracted" some information from him, although the interrogation was nothing like the poor goblin at the waste trench. We still laugh about the "attempted waterboarding incident". Yikes.
After the encounter, they found Owl Brother and couldn't remember what they were supposed to do (Snake Sister was explicit in her instructions and someone didn't take notes), so they missed out on that minor quest. They headed through the woods and the session ended just as the party emerged on the outskirts of The Dead City!

I think we can finish in one more session. I also think I overdid myself with the flaming tower. Of course, that's going to be remembered for a LONG time!

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:11 am
by Burchard
Our last session of Isle of the Sea Drake is now set for this weekend. Everyone is geared up to explore the Dead City and beyond! I'll be sure to post a session report.

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:13 am
by Jengenritz
Cool, please do! Session reports are always fun to read.

Re: New Found Fan

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:35 pm
by Burchard
Being the third and final session of Isle of the Sea Drake:

We left off with the intrepid heroes entering the Dead City. Tonight they passed through the city, defeated the skeletal creatures (the Ape was pretty cool!) and challenged Imocotli to the death. That was a strange battle and we had a bit of a tough time figuring out the traps. In the end, we just had fun with them and all went well. The party found the temple, destroyed the guardians and rescued the captives. They then headed down the tunnel and nearly got creamed by the baboons! They were serious foes! The fact that they kept rolling 19's and 20's didn't help. Seriously, they rolled a natural 20 four times in the span of 6 rounds. In contrast, the final battle was a tad anticlimactic. The party was on edge as the battle started, but they went straight for the kapoacinth and clobbered him. The highlight of the evening was the shrewd negotiations with the pirate crew afterward. In the end, it was agreed that the party would have passage to the mainland and could keep all their belongings and treasure. The pirates would keep the boat and immediately leave with assurances (yeah, pirate assurances are worth their weight in dung) that they would not be prosecuted. Ulars Bhet fled and was never seen from again...although I suspect he will become a somewhat recurrent NPC to harry the PC's down the road.
I asked the group to rate this adventure and compare it to a few others that we've done. In general, the party really liked the change of pace from the usual grind. They also liked the immersion in the Xulmec culture and thought it was cool to have exposure to that sort of thing (they're going to LOVE the Forgotten Portal!).
They really liked the handouts. That was a real boon! They also have cherished memories of some of the battles and encounters.
From a DM standpoint, this was a lot of fun and was a nice change from the typical dungeon crawl. There were a few minor errors in the adventure as written, but no deal breakers by any stretch. Mostly just a few things that were lost in translation or left on the cutting room floor and not properly patched up.
I'd give this 4.5/5. Well done!!!