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DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:28 pm
by davidfryer73
I know you guys are busy with 4E and all, but are there any plans to produce anything for Pathfinder once it goes live? I really enjoy the work you do and would love to see some DCC adventures for Pathfinder. Thanks.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:43 pm
by xredjasonx
I sure hope not, Goodman Games has moved on to 4th Edition, thankfully. I'd hate to see time and effort wasted on Pathfinder instead of more cool things like Master Dungeons, the DCC's, Death Dealer and stuff like that. I know that some of the freelance writers are also working on Pathfinder, but I'd rather not see Goodman Games as a whole waste their time. It's cool that Paizo is helping to sell GG products but I nor my group has ever been happy with Paizo's adventures.

We played Age of Worms for over a year and a half, Shackled City wasn't very good and Antioch tried running Rise of the Runelords and it was... meh. I'm sure he can relate more on that. I'm just jealous they get all the cool Wayne Reynolds art.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:21 pm
by xredjasonx
The thing that is cool about Shackled City is that it is a hardcover adventure path, I'd love to see more of that for 4E.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:32 pm
by davidfryer73
I can understand where you are coming from, but i don't think that putting some effort into Pathfinder would be a waste. It would in fact broaden the customer base, as there are some customers who are going to go with Pathfinder instead of 4E, and some, like me, who will be playing both games. I would buy DCC products for both lines and I'm pretty sure that there are others who feel like I do. I know that several other 3pp like Necromancer are going to support both lines, but of all of the 3pp out there Goodman is the one I would most like to see Pathfinder products from. They have some of the finest products and are one of the best values, that I have seen.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:11 pm
by xredjasonx
That's definitely true regarding GG products, they are really the best written around, that's why I solely run DCC's with my group. I'm just not a fan of the writing I've seen in Pathfinder. The campaign Setting book is pretty cool though, i.e. Wayne Reynolds is awesome.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:55 am
by Hamakto
davidfryer73 wrote:I can understand where you are coming from, but i don't think that putting some effort into Pathfinder would be a waste. It would in fact broaden the customer base, as there are some customers who are going to go with Pathfinder instead of 4E, and some, like me, who will be playing both games. I would buy DCC products for both lines and I'm pretty sure that there are others who feel like I do. I know that several other 3pp like Necromancer are going to support both lines, but of all of the 3pp out there Goodman is the one I would most like to see Pathfinder products from. They have some of the finest products and are one of the best values, that I have seen.
I would love to see some stuff from GG for pathfinder. I think it would be relatively minor to update the DCC line of products to Pathfinder. That means that the DCC's could be re-released for sale for Pathfinder and get around the GSL issues.

We may or may not go with Pathfinder, but we are staying with 3.5 for the time being. Our group is even playing with going to C&C. I love the DCC's, but 4e is not a product that I want to play.

I have about 15 or so DCC's from GG and I have found them to be of great value to a campaing... in fact, we are staring Whiterock this spring! I would love to continue to see more products from GG that we could use... and doing them for Pathfinder would allow us to co-opt them into our campaings.

Just my 2 cents worth...

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:12 pm
by Treebore
I am lucky enough to use C&C for my rules, so I don't care what edition Goodman publishes in, I can use either/any edition easily.

I think Joe has enough on his plate and Paizo is more than awesome enough without his DCC's.

Re: DCC and Pathfinder

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:27 pm
by Grendel T. Troll
As a Pathfinder playtester and advocate myself, staying compatible with 3.5 is still a good way to go.

Pathfinder RPG is, mostly, D&D 3.5 with a lot of homebrew mods that are making people call it "D&D 3.75."

Since I am one of those GM's that will use the Pathfinder rules, but not the campaign setting. Having another company produce material that I can actually use - even if I have to adjust a thing or two (which I have to do anyways as a GM :D ) - would be a great thing.

I am considering GG's Aereth world for my next game. Continued support of 3.5 SRD's would help make it happen...