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questions about May's Spring Cleaning Sale and pre-orders

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:14 pm
by Mbuvnietl
I was looking at picking up several Dungeon Crawl Classics modules, including the ones available as pre-orders. Since the total is likely to just pass the $50 mark, I was wondering: will this order qualify for free shipping and the bonus Beholder book? Will all of the books be held until they're all ready to ship? (This would be July, when DCC #9 is scheduled for release.)

Sorry for the pedestrian questions - don't mean to turn this into a sort of customer service forum.

The Dungeon Crawl Classics look awesome by the way. I love Erol Otus's cover for DCC #8, and the other art in the series looks great too.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 8:43 pm
by goodmangames
In short: Yes! Preorders count toward the $50 mark and the freebies that come with that. The books will be shipped individually as they become available.

Glad you like Erol's art. He's definitely doing some great work these days. He just recently finished the cover for DCC #10: The Sunless Garden, which is about a warped treant and his bizarre underground "grove." We'll be posting more details on that one in a few weeks!

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:21 am
by Mbuvnietl
Thanks for the reply and for the great news about more Erol Otus art. I'm looking forward to seeing the new modules :!: (a plain exclamation point just wouldn't cut it in this case)