More Talking,please.

General talk about Goodman Games. If it doesn't go anywhere else, post it here. Includes news, announcements, questions, gossip, and so on.

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Far-Sighted Wanderer
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More Talking,please.

Post by zephyrmev »

More talking,please.More posts.Mr.Goodman tell use about what games you play.If I do not get more posts I will send my Gnoll armies to destroy you all,I will take over the world,whah,whah. :D zephyrmev.
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Post by RSKennan »

Uh oh. We can't have that can we? I'll do my best, but I don't post toforums much when I'm working on a project. Anyway... I'll second what he said.
Proud Graduate of Parallel University.
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Post by goodmangames »

zephyrmev wrote:More talking,please.More posts.Mr.Goodman tell use about what games you play.If I do not get more posts I will send my Gnoll armies to destroy you all,I will take over the world,whah,whah. :D zephyrmev.
Anything to avoid the gnoll armies. =) OK, here are the games I play... D&D, obviously. Lately (since last January) I've been playing in my homebrewed DragonMech world, which will be published later this year. (Look for the announcement around March.) Outside of D&D, my other favorite game for about a year has been Risk 2210 AD. I just joined a league at a local game store in the hopes of winning the cool new Mars board Wizards is playtesting. I also love Settlers of Catan and the occasional card game. With my wife (who isn't a gamer) I play a lot of "normal" card games -- Gold Digger for a while, but the current favorite is Uno, and I just got her Kuduuk for Christmas. Get this: we had a debate as to whether Uno is a game of skill or luck, so we've been recording a running score for almost three years now. We've played almost 400 games now, and I'm ahead 202 to 186. I claim that means it's a game of skill, but she attributes that to statistical variation. :)

So that's what I'm playing. What have you been playing lately?
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
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Post by zephyrmev »

Nothing lately,real life and working sort of on my first d20 book for Khan's Press take a lot time.Writing is hard work.zephyrmev. :D
Black Knight
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Post by Black Knight »

Let me second that! I've been writing games for a little more than 3 years now (has it been that long?) and sometimes it can get very hard.

As for what I play: I usually run most of the RPGs around these parts. At the moment I am running a 3.5 DnD game that has spanned from Blackmoor (coming out in 2004!!!) to my own campaign world (I filled in the edges of the Blackmoor map with my own stuff). That campaign has been going on for a little more that a year (2 sessions/week at 6 hours per session for more than a year makes for over 600 hours of gaming, and the PCs are only 15th level). I play in a bi-weekly epic level game (I play a half-ogre barbarian, a nice break from my typical duelist). I have recently begun playing a great deal of minis again (Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar and Space Wolves, and lately I have been playing a modified version of the D&D Minis skirmish rules that I made myself).

Other than that I play Clue, card games, video games (I am addicted to Final Fantasy Tactics [for the PS1] and Farscape: The Game [for the pc]), Candyland (I have two young children, so don't ask), any kind of trivia game, and watch more reality shows than I really should.

I'm looking at playing some other games, but writing a comic book series for Shards of the Stone, writing Blackmoor support material, plus all the other projects I have done recently (including the upcoming Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds sourcebook for the Star Wars d20 game by WotC and the Advanced d20 book for Swords and Sorcery Studios), I have little time to sit and play much of anything except the "catch up on sleep game".

Here's to a bright new year for Goodman Games and the rest of the hobby games industry. Congrats to all the writers, artists, editors, and publishers (I'm sorry if I forgot anyone) for having a stellar year. I have a feeling that there are going to be some really awesome things coming down the pike from Goodman, and I can't wait to see them all.
JP Quinn
Owner, Dolmen Creative
Giving dice to your imagination!
Goodman Games Writing Credits: A few 3E DCCs, a Complete Guide, and a few books for Blackmoor.
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Post by goodmangames »

Yes, indeed -- here's to a great new year! To great fun, great work, and great games for everybody!
Joseph Goodman
Goodman Games
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