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Morningstar Forum?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:42 pm
by Merova
Hi all!

I've recently picked up Morningstar. It's an excellent setting. I'm looking forward to running some games in this setting, and eagerly anticipate the future supplements.

Anyhow, is this the proper place to discuss this book? Or is there a separate forum for it?

In any case, thanks for reading.


Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:28 pm
by RSKennan
Thank you for the kind words, I'm really glad you like it.

As far as I know the Goodman Games site is fine for discussion, but we Also have a Yahoo Group:

If you join, Make sure to check the Files section for some downloads (including some new ideas and a revision for the Artificer class)!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:23 pm
by RSKennan
I'd also be interested in what angle you were planning to take for the games you wanted to run in the setting. Do you have any adventure ideas yet?

Brendir & Signatures

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:22 am
by Merova
Hi all!

I'm still in the appraising stage of game prep. My usual style of playtest is to run a couple of "one shots" with pre-gen PCs, followed by a mini-adventure that is planned for about four game sessions, with PCs generated by the players under tight delineation of premise (ie: everyone is an elf.)

The core book offers plenty of info for running games in Brendir and for dealing with signatures, so my first few games will revolve around the exploration of these elements. I'm especially fond of the "resource" allocation nature of signature promotion, especially in terms of "game-related" goals (ie: victory conditions.) It looks like a solid mesh between the diverse player incentives of story vs. game.

In actual game play, I use a bunch of "setting" prep mixed with the "no myth" style of improv play. The book gives me plenty of help in doing this with Brendir and the signatures. Unfortunately, I'm not yet ready to do either with the Canticle. I'll wait until the next setting supplement arrives before I start bringing the Canticle into greater focus. :)

I don't have any specific adventures planned yet, having just finished reading the book a few days ago. I'll probably just flip through my module selections, find one with a Morningstar relevant premise, and tailor it to the setting and situation. For instance, Death in Freeport could be reworked so as to be an attempt to promote a "profane" signature within a Brendirian town, or In the Belly of the Beast could be reset within a high "aberrant" signature, replacing the core conflict of the scenario.

My key goal in the initial games is to get my players familiar with the signature concept, so that they may later incorporate it into their own character goals.

Well, those are my primary thoughts. Thanks for the quick reply.


Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:09 pm
by RSKennan
Sounds great. I'm getting that the next book should have a lot of good info on the Canticle, and I'll make sure it does. In my own campaign the players had to spend some time getting used to and exploring the world before they latched onto a plotline. Luckily, it's one that has been in te works since the first adventure. I just ran a really fun game tonight (fun for me) involving the sunken city of Tartantheus, and a threat to the city of Brend.

As for "no myth" style; I have a mix of that detatchment from what "needs to happen" and a slight element of procative GMing.

I like to lay out events that are occuring around the players, but hook them at times with a personal stake they have in the event... I.E. a Threat to Brend for an Eidolon from Brend... It's not so much that I actively try to grab the players, as much as it's a factor of the setting being alive around them. *Something* is bound to catch their attention.

Basically, I just try to keep thjings moving, and make sure that every nook has something interesting in it. Sometimes I do this better than others.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:15 pm
by RSKennan
Oh yeah, I lurk at the Forge (hence my understanding of the No Mytrh style). A lot of good ideas there.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:38 pm
by Golem2176
I am considering buying the Morningstar setting. Where can I find reviews onit?

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:56 am
by goodmangames
The EN World staff review gave Morningstar 4 stars, here: ... oduct=Morn

(If that link doesn't work, visit and follow the links to the reviews index.)

And the d20 Magazine Rack gave it an A-, here: ... =0&order=0

Hope that helps!